Chapter 1

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Bela :

Being a business women was my dream but honestly it wasn't that easy. Not because I have lots of work, it's coz I had to wakeup early in the morning everyday, such a sleepy head I'm!!

Well! Even now I'm heading towards my office as I'm having a meeting, damm!! Who has a meeting this early? Like it's 9:30AM now.. this is the main reason I hate deals with foreign companies, there timings would never match with my sleeping times.. but what to do, it's all business after all.

I'm actually already late so being it a empty road I started driving my car a little speeder and that's the mistake I did. I don't know how but suddenly someone came infront of my car.. before I could put the break that person fell down.

Oh god! What did I do? I hope the person is fine. I got down and saw he was a guy of may be around in his late twenties. I bent down and saw he was in consious, I thanked God underneath.

He was slowly trying to get up and I, helding him by his shoulders made him stand. He turned towards me and I was awestuck looking at him. He's just a Greek god! Uff Bela! Control yourself, this is not the situation.

"I'm so sorry, it.. it wasn't intentional.. actually...", I din't know what to say but he cut in between

"You don't need to be sorry, it was my mistake.. I shouldn't have come all of a sudden like that", he said looking straight into my eyes

"Umm.. but are you fine? You aren't hurt right?", I asked looking at his hands and legs..

I wasn't checking him out but he worth it too!!

"Oh my god, your hand", I spoke being worried when I cought his hand bleeding

"That's ok, it's just a small one.. I can manage", he said rubbing on his hurt

"Hey don't do that, it hurts more.. and also it isn't a small one, I know it must be paining isn't it?", I asked him

"Yes a little, but that's totally fine miss.?", He uttered

"Oh I'm sorry.. I'm Bela, Bela Sharma", I said offering my hand

"Hi.. I'm mahir, mahir sehgal", he said shaking my hand with his

Mahir! Nice name though..

"Well mahir, please don't say no.. let's go to hospital, atleast just get your first aid done", I said

"No Bela..", I cut him before he complete

"C'mon mahir, making girls request too much isn't a good think.. it's bleeding so just come with me", I said holding his hand and made him sit in the passenger seat

"You are stubborn, isn't it?", He asked once I sat in the car

"How do you know? I mean why did you feel such!?", I asked looking at him

"Coz you seem such!", He said smirking from the corner of his lips

I smiled and started driving.. shit! I totally forgot about my meeting. Now I can't leave him also, I myself being a stubborn girl pulled him with me. Ugh! I have to cancel the meeting for today coz I know the investors can't make it today evening.

"Hello Tia! I won't be able to come to office on time today so you please cancel the meeting", I said to my PA on call

Sighing, I cut the call.

"I'm sorry, you can attend your meeting", I heard mahir saying

"That's absolutely fine mahir, can be done some other day also.. but I can't leave you like this, you are hurt on you leg too and I know you won't be able to walk", I said

"You are different", he said looking at me

"Like?", I asked

"I have seen people rushing around for themselves and here you cancelled your meeting for a stranger like me even when it wasn't your mistake", he said

I smiled at his words.. may be blushed a but lets think I just smiled.

"Business women?", He asked

"Yeah, unfortunately!", I replied and we both chuckled

Soon we reached the hospital in silence and I helped him walk till inside. I made him sit and the nurse started doing his first aid while I was busy with my phone looking after my schedule.

Once it's done I went near mahir who was sitting on the bed.

"You fine now, or its still paining", I asked with concern

"First of all it wasn't a big hurt, but I'm fine now.. don't worry", he replied smiling

"Okay then, come I'll drop you", I said moving forward

"Where?", He asked making me confuse

"Your home? Or anywhere you have to go.. I'll drop you", I said

He stayed quite.. did I say anything wrong?

"Any problem? You.. you can share with me", I asked hesitatingly

"I have no house to go", he said making me shock

"What? Then where were you coming from?", I asked

"I left my home, and I don't want to go back also", he said

"I'm sorry to question about your personal things but can I know the reason?", I asked

"I wanted to become an actor but my dad was against it.. I'm already into modelling without my dad's knowledge and after he got to know I was warned to join his company.. I know my dad would never allow me to become an actor, so...", He said being sad

"Oh okay, but where will you go now?", I asked

"I just don't know, that moment I couldn't think of anything else and I just ran away with empty hands", he said

"Well in that case you can stay with me till you want to..!", I said

"But why do you want to help me?", He asked confused

"Well! See I stay alone.. and by the time I come home I would be really tired and I wish there would be someone to prepare something and offer me", I said dramatically

He laughed looking at me and I too joined him giggling together.

"Well! Jokes apart, I'm an orphan and I actually stay alone since a few years.. in the few minutes we spoke I can say that you are really kind hearted and I also know how badly you wanna become an actor..", I said

"Also, may be I would like your company too..", I continued smiling

"Thanks for asking, but I can't be a burden to you", he said

"C'mon mahir, you ar'nt a kid that I have to take care of you.. as I said I stay alone so it surely won't be a burden.. you can stay how many days you want, you can go anytime, you can come anytime.. upon that it's your wish!", I said

He again stayed silent.. this guy seems a big introvert while I can't just stop talking.

"Ok fine then, I can't stay long and I really need to leave.. if you wanna come then think fast and if not it's your wish", I said and turned to go

"Bela", he called me

My name sounds more sweet when it comes from his mouth.

"Thanks! Shall we go?", He asked to which I smiled

We soon reached home and I took him to his room.

"So yeah! This is you room.. and this is the house keys, so that you can come and go anytime you want", I said giving him the keys

"Can I ask you something?", He asked

I hummed.

"What if I cheat you? I mean what if I take advantage of being alone at home?", He asked and I smiled

"You won't, I had come across a lot of things for being a business women.. indeed met a lot of difference people and stuff.. thought we just met today I can assure that you wouldn't do such things.. and yeah! Moreover even if you do I have my ways to reach you", I said smirking

"Impressive.. I think you need to leave now, you were already late coz of me", he said

"Oh yes! I need to go.. but wait! You don't even have your clothes right?", I asked

He nodded in no.

"Why don't to ask? Does that mean if I don't ask you, you would stay in the same clothes forever?", I asked

"I mean no, but..", he was saying but I interrupted

"Never mind leave, you seem too shy mahir.. you can be free with me, don't hesitate to ask anything you want.. ok?", I asked

"Yes mam", he said smiling

"Drama", I uttered

"Ok take this, it's my card and buy whatever you want.. there's another car outside, you can use that", I said

"Thanks a lot Bela.. you are doing more than needed to me", he said

"Don't be so formal mahir.. ar'nt we friends now?", I asked raising my eyebrow

"We are ofcourse", he said smiling

"That's good.. ok then I'll leave now, will try to come soon", I said and turned to go

I looked at him and I don't know why I just hugged him.. I quickly backed off and telling him bye I left from there.

I smiled to myself remembering our hug.. I don't know why I did that but I just hope he don't take me wrong..


  Pheww!! As said I'm back with another story but this contains only four part as it's a short story.

I hope you guys would like this and give me the same love which you did for my previous one. Felt really overwhelmed reading all your comments for 'Saathiyaa' and thank you all so much for that.

So guys tell me what's your opinion about BeHir's meet here and what do you think might happen next!?

Will post this alternate days, well! Only four parts so I guess it really doesn't matter😅.. so guys meet you all in the next part and till then bye ❤️

Your writer

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