Chapter 12

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Samantha's P.O.V. :

I remember reading somewhere that two broken people can form a whole but is it so easy to overcome the insecurities and guards they have built up in the so long time of their despair? I don't think so...

I woke up in the bed with my legs entangled with his and his face snuggling into my shoulder with an easy smile resting on his face and eyelids closed. His adorable sleeping style brought a genuine smile on my face. He looked really cute. I didn't even realize when my hands were on his cheek gently caressing him when I felt him shuffling and I removed my hand by instinct.  Then he opened his eyes and I could see his laziness as he stretched his arms. I took my eyes off him as soon as he did so and I could feel red colour rising on my face. 

Soon, we both were ready to have our tour for the day and we first decided to have a walk up to the Old Man of Storr which is a large pillar of rock known as the 'Old Man' dominates the landscape in the north east of Skye. It had a really wonderful view. Next, we visited Dunvegan Castle which was really the wealth of history offered in Skye . Dunvegan is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland and is the ancestral home to the Clan MacLeod. It was amazing with its antiquities and the information Adam gave me with each passing step. And that's when my eyes fell upon our hands interwined. I was so habitual to it that I didn't even realize it. 

Next, we made way towards waters again and I was surprised. That's when Adam told me, "I have got tickets to see the underwater life." We were going to the Seaprobe Atlantis where we could see what's going on under the surface! And the marine life fascinates me. I'm a curious bee.

We decided to end our night dancing at the clubs with the fake identity cards Adam had been carrying for the very start.

 As soon as I entered the club, alcoholic smell filled my senses. I was not a fan of it and not planning to taste it till I will be of an appropriate age. And then, my eyes fell upon the other couples who were doing some seriously cringey stuff, I might add. I took my eyes off them soon to see the dance floor and loud music blaring through the speakers, encouraging me to perform a step or two. I really love dancing. And I can say my body rejuvenates as if dance is my soul. And music creates a spark in me. I pulled Adam alongside me and both of us were dancing. I could see he wasn't letting loose  and that's when I interwined our hands during dancing and made him enjoy it. He asked me,"How can you dance so well?" I just shrugged in reply and spoke after a while,"I enjoy it and I've been practicing since I was three. My aunt was my teacher back then."

I was busy in my dancing time when suddenly my eyes were cast towards the entrance where entered the people I least expected to see here. Nonetheless, I'm not sad about it. I called Adam out and pointed towards the entrance while his mouth hung open.

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