Chapter 4

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Samantha's P.O.V. :

"So, we are in which country right now?" I curiously inquired after a considerable time we'd been enjoying the music. Yes, in my excitement of going on this trip and making a deal, I'd simply forgotten to ask this question. He glanced at me and then turned back to the road his amber eyes, shining with amusement and his sturdy hands effectively on the steering wheels while his broad shoulders shook with his amused chuckle. He simply stated,"We are in Scotland in the United Kingdom." That's how I understood how I'd seen the pictures of this place. The place was mesmerising with bluebells and machairs on bushes looking incredibly attractive. It was in my bucket list and I wanted to click its beautiful pictures. My hands were itching to capture the beauty of the landscape. Maybe Adam noticed my hesitance when he raised his thin eyebrow curiously and asked,"What happened? You want something?" He looked so affectionate, so caring that I wonder why is he in this bunch of mess along with me even if its his father behind it.

I replied in an appealing tone,"I love to click pictures of beautiful landscapes. I may not be a professional but still I love it." He gave me small, focus free, compact camera removing from his denim jeans pocket which was a bit torn. The camera looked brand new. And I gave him a bright smile really happy to have it. He gently shook his head and focused once again on driving while I was busy with clicking pictures.

After a while, I asked him meekly not wanting to seem too annoying,"Where are we going?" He replied with a small smile not at all agitated by my frequent questioning session,"We are going to the main town nearby called Stornoway. Today, we can visit Lews castle there and eat something then later find some place to stay for the night. Is it okay with you?" I gave him a big smile with an enthusiastic nod."Stornoway is the main town of Western Isles. It has the most beautiful views. I hope you like it." I liked the information he gave me a lot as I loved travelling but my parents were never happy to visit places with me. Being lonely, isn't the best feeling. Adam saw my depressed face, I think when he took his hand and covered mine slowly entwining our fingers in my lap which made my frown turn into a small, shy smile and pink colour on my cheeks. 

Hi guys, sorry if I'm not so good with the descriptions of the place. I've never visited it just relying on images and a bit of research. And if someone knows the place and finds a mistake, then definitely point it out. I would appreciate the help! And next chapter will be from Adam's point of view.

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