The new Alpha's new order ✔

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PAST - 10 Years before.

Becoming an orphan, getting manipulated by her aunt and the status of Omega turned her fairy tale life to into thin air.

Omega's are the last in the rankings of any Pack. Most of them are either Rogue who needed shelter or people from the same Pack who did something bad and was receiving punishment. Over time, they will be given their original status followed by the Rogues after years of being an Omega in that Pack. Trust is the key.

Omega's are mostly into household chores. Keeping the Pack's building clean, cooking, laundries were some of the works that they do. While all the other Pack members had her own houses or common quarters, Omega's also had their common quarters. Each had their bed, along with some shelves, a common living room, dining room, washrooms etc.,

Even though she is a child, Catlyn was giver her share of work, which she accepted and did as they asked her in a not so soft voice as her mother did. At the end of the day, she got a piece of meat and bread.

The second day of her being an Omega, they gave her two large spoons of scrambled eggs and a strip of bacon. That might be enough for her small appetite if she had been hungry for a few hours. Because of the small quantity of food she had the previous night, this portion didn't help her. When she asked for some more food, one of the female Omega's looked at her as is she had grown a horn and shooed her away warning that she would reduce her already less portion of food, of she asks for more again. Despite her grave hunger, she didn't dare to ask for more food since that day. Two glasses of water compensated her hunger many times.

Janet was given an allowance to but clothes for Zach and herself while Catlyn got the old baggy and ragged ones. The bed that she god was not in good shape. That mattress was uneven making her difficult to have a peaceful sleep. So she removed the mattress herself after a lot of effort. That happiness of peaceful sleep didn't last long as well the Rogue attacks in Pack's all-around that region, making the smaller packs to seek shelter in Crescent moon Pack, due to which the Omega quarters became completely packed, including the living room couch. With no chance sleeping on her bed again, Catlyn sleepy most of the nights on the kitchen ground with her blanket. When one of the Omega's mistakenly stepped on her sleeping form a few nights later, in the kitchen, giving her a lot of pain. She thought of asking for Janet's help in letting her sleep along with Zach. But all she got is Janet's cold shoulder along with some sentimental words to let her and her son live peacefully.

She reluctantly asked one of the Omega to help get a place to sleep. She finally got a place to sleep at nights in the old garage of the Pack, along with several other people who sought shelter in that Pack.


A few months passed by and Zach got settled with his new friends completely having no idea of his mother's deeds. He went to school along with several other kids. Catlyn was also given a chance to attend school, except she never attended regularly due to the unwanted chores she was given by some Omega's knowingly.

A year later, Janet fell in love with one of the Pack's warriors, improving her status from the Omega title. She started living a comfortable life as well as her son, by moving into the Warriors' common quarters as Jared White's wife. Within no time, she fell pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Sarah.

Catlyn caught the eyes of a mid-aged couple in the Pack. Although she never had much of the connection with the other pack members apart from the Omega's, she used to visit those places for other works. Many such times, she uttered a few words answering the questions of that couple, earning a soft spot in their heart. They thought of adopting her with the consent of their 12-year son. They put up a proposal in front of Beta Kaden who took charge as an Alpha, after their Alpha's coma.

Kaden asked them to think about it thoroughly, after explaining that she belongs to a Black witch's family and that she can be dangerous is she had gotten any chances to go to the outside world. Janet on the other hand, after getting to know about Catlyn's possible adoption, she knew what she had to do. She approached the couple's 12-year-old son and cried out a sob story of how her parents neglected her and gave all their love to her adopted sister. She told him that the same would happen to him if he is hell-bent on getting an adopted sister.

Immediately he went to his house and yelled at his parents that would never want a sister. When his parents asked him the reason, he didn't tell them, instead he kept on ranting.

Janet finally found peace when the couple stopped having thoughts of adopting her niece. And so, she successfully took away the second chance for Catlyn to be happy, with her family of her own.


Four years later, Beta Kaden O'Brien gave up his temporary Alpha position to the then 19-year-old, Magnar Sullivan Black, son of their Alpha, and the true heir of the Alpha.

Magnar is the spitting image of his father, Chase. Chase lost his wife when she gave birth to Magnar. Magnar became his life from then on. He gave all his love to his son. Magnar too followed his father's path in everything. Including his wolf. It was feral, like his father's wolf was.

When Alpha Chase went into the coma, everything went downhill to Magnar who is only 12 years old at that time. He became wild that night. Even though he is not 16 years old to shift into his wolf, the power radiated from him that night was enormous. He seemed like a wild man who would kill his prey. Kaden, as well as other pack members, were scared about his feral wolf, already. But they never thought this much of power will take away Magnar's conscious mind. He is not in the age to control his anger. So Kaden asked one of the Pack doctors to sedate Magnar and he did.

Magnar was sent far from the pack, where he could learn how to control his feral wolf, since that day. A place where he would learn how to be a perfect Alpha and how to fight.

And finally, he returned to the pack with a goal in his mind.

To punish the person who kept his father in a coma. But what he never expected is that the 13-year-old girl to be his soul mate.


Magnar knew that he had to control his feral wolf. But that doesn't mean that he would leave the person who is responsible for his father's current position. So he decided long back that he would show that girl what hell means. He wanted her to feel the pain of not being able to tell his father about his every win in the football game, how he missed his every birthday wish from his father, how he cannot ask his father for some suggestions regarding his decisions. How he was taken away even from his father's presence to another place just for the sake of letting this girl live from Logan's wrath.

Even though his mind was listening to what Beta Kaden was telling him, his heart wanted to find out the girl and then punish her. But all of a sudden smell of vanilla spice cause his attention. He excused him and followed the scent to the garage. He knew what that scent meant and who it belonged to. But before he could go any further, he was called by Kaden, informing him about the Alpha crowning ceremony.

As he was listening to the myth, some wolf of the Pack was saying, his eyes wandered among the crowd in search of his mate, desperately. And when he saw a beautiful teenage girl, looking at the stage, far away from all the crowd, the world around him stopped. Thanks to his Alpha vision, he can watch her even from such distance. But as soon as he heard someone calling her by her name, his desperateness turned to anger.

"She can't be out mate!" Logan yelled inside Magnar's head.

"We don't need her!" Logan yelled again, making Magnar remember what she had done to his father.

Just like that his newfound attraction towards his mate turned into hatred that he had been keeping at the edge, waiting for the time to push it over her.


As soon as the ritual completed, Magnar felt the power of Alpha crept into his veins. The mind link of the pack became stronger in the presence of their new Alpha. His eyes shone with the ferocity and power of a true Alpha. His wolf howled as the power surged through him.

Every Pack member enjoyed that night, by drinking and eating different sort of food. Two hours later it was time for the pack to sleep tight. But Magnar's ruckus made it tough for the pack to sleep peacefully.


Catlyn went into the pack's kitchen in search of some leftover food which went in vain. The utensils were empty like most of the days and nothing was left except some plain rice and some orange juice. She took the remains into a small plate and the juice into a glass. As she was about to take a sip of the juice, a growl made her drop the glass onto the floor, breaking it and spilling its contents. She gasped in fear and clutched onto her heart tightly. When she turned to look at the person, it was her Alpha.


She immediately bowed her head and whispered in respect and fear, "Alpha!"

His face was stoic with clenched Jaw. Fortunately, his eyes were still pitch black, indicating the absence of his feral wolf. He took threatening steps towards the weak girl as her heart hammered in fear. He finally stood in front of her, towering over her dangerously.

He caught her, by her arms and nuzzled his face in her neck, sniffing in her beautiful vanilla spice smell. His mates smell is hypnotizing him completely.

Catlyn's breathing became heavy as tears formed in her eyes at his closeness and his behaviour. No man had ever touched her like that. If pushing her on the ground, kicking her in the stomach and smacking her heard was a part of it, she had many of them, thanks to the teenagers of the pack.

In an attempt to get away from him, she caught one of his arms and tried to push him.

"Don't you dare touch me, you filth," was all she heard, as he pushed her hard onto the ground.

The look on her face then completely disturbed him. He growled dangerously and pulled his hair hard. He started throwing the utensils onto the floor and the sound woke up the entire Omega's in the Packhouse, as well as other members. His eyes went completely red when he saw Catlyn, on the floor shedding tears. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the Pack's ground and threw her on the ground. She hit her head on the wet ground. Her elbows and knees were scraped. Her already ragged clothes tore at the knees.

She sat on the ground with her head still bowing at his presence, trying to stop the tears that came out of her eyes.

Magnar who was now completely under Logan, his wolf control seething dangerously, "From this day forth, this girl here," gesturing at Catlyn's form and continued, " will be demoted the least rank of this Pack."

When the Pack members went into murmuring, wondering about the least title in their Pack, Magnar who was under Logan's control, smirked, "A Slave. But not just any slave. She will be a slave to all the members of this Pack, tending to their needs."

If only he had witnessed how hard she works for everyone's needs, every day in that pack.

"If she misbehaves or found doing something that is against the Pack's rules or orders that she was given, she will be brought to the Packs grounds and will get lashed for as many times as I say or she will be left hungry for as many days as I say."

Kaden who found Magnar to be more demanding and he tried to talk him out.


"No one will dare deny me," he uttered.

When Kaden knew that he can't be talked to now, he stood like every other Pack ember, obeying his Alpha.

"No one shall also dare to tend her. Am I clear?" he yelled and heard acceptance from the Pack members.

"This day, she tried to sneak some food. An act of disobedience," he gritted.

"5 lashes, now!"

Catlyn's face contoured in fear.

Minutes later, her screams of agony can be heard by everyone. Blood oozed out in small portions from the cuts as the whole pack witnessed it.

Some in fear of their new Alpha.

Some in content, that she is finally getting what she deserved.

Some in sympathy that she couldn't handle it longer.

But Janet was satisfied to look at her niece suffering, like how she did during her childhood. She is so much blinded by the jealousy that she didn't bother how painful that the little girl felt when the only person who could help her come out of the misery, watched her, while she was being whipped.


Authors note:

Please note the progression of time all through this chapter.

Edited: 18-04-2020

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