Chapter 6: Red vines and wing, no more

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(TW: For gore and sl!cing body part.)

(Third POV.)

The vines grew day by day, night by night, and well.. It grew large. The egg was well, and so was the eggpire, the masquerade happened, and well, the egg was satisfied as ever.. But.. It was going to be stopped. What the egg didn't know and realize, is, one person placed tnt in the room without knowing, now, we timeskip to two people walking into the room quietly, there were now two people in the room, the two walked around in the room, and well.. There was so much red that ghostbur confessed, he doesn't love the color red anymore much.

Ghostbur, obviously worried, asked wilbur.

"Wilbur.. Are you sure bad's not coming?"

Wilbur hadn't looked at the egg yet.

"I think so.. I don't know. We'll just have to wa..."

Wilbur was now stairing at the huge egg, looking terrified, Jesus christ the egg became more huge he thought, Ghostbur of course noticed someone was coming, he immediately took Wilbur and the two hid, the two went silent, and then, Wilbur accidentally make a noise, the person noticed, and looked, and then walked out of the room. The two went out of they're hiding spot. Wilbur noticed and well.. He was terrified of how big the egg was, now, wilbur gave ghostbur an axe.

"Wow.. That egg is huge."

Wilbur nodded, agreeing with what the ghost said.

"Now time to do the slicing i guess."

They start to slice off the vines, one by one, they could hear the terrible screams of the egg while they did it.

"Well. At least we're wearing armour, and gloves. We just need to get Phil no-"

And then the two get attacked out of nowhere, by that person, oh no, it's badboyhalo, Wilbur attacked the demon, the fight went on for how long the ghost watched, and then magic, Wilbur immediately threw his sword to knock bad out, but, of course, magic has its perk, and so, the two were lifted by the magic bad had.

"You dare try to stop the eggpire?"

Ghostbur of course, was worried for bad, tried to stop his magic.

"Bad! This is.. This is wrong.. Please, we're trying to help you!"

Badboyhalo chuckled and looked at the ghost, and then to wilbur.

"You tried, and you failed, now you both will pe-"

And then Wilbur threw his other sword, and threw it to the demon, and then a vine grabbed him, and then tried to infect him with the voices, more voices joined and the two hated it, the ghost became worried, and slashed almost all of the vines, then, a vine grabbed wilbur's wing, and more voices came in his head.


Wilbur immediately looked, and then, sliced the vine off of his wing, and then, with a breath, he sl!ced his wing. And the vine with it.

Bl00d splattered all over the sliced vine and the egg, the egg screamed like a demon was angry, and never he had heard of something more terrifying than this, Ghostbur was terrified and worried, Wilbur, hurt, threw the flint n'steel, Wilbur, in pain, yelled to ghostbur, who was free from the egg.




Ghostbur immediately ran to the place he lastly placed before the tnt, and then, with the flint n'steel, and with a heavy heart, he lit it, running immediately from the exploding tnt.

Ghostbur immediately ran to grab Wilbur, and the two ran out of the room, smoke and sounds of tnt exploding could be heard, demonic screaming was heard from the egg, badboyhalo yelling angerly, and then, Ghostbur does the final blow, seeing the egg, he uses his last pieces of tnt he had, and then lights the tnt, for the last time, he yelled at the egg itself, for revenge.


And then, the egg shrieked like nothing he had ever heard, and the voices he heard were no more, and then, the egg.. Silence was the only thing he heard, and.. It was no more. The egg was gone.

Ghostbur immediately went to wilbur, who was in terrible pain, and then, he heard voices, wait... That was Phil and Tommy.


"Mate. You alright?!"


The sounds of the voices were fading, and then, he blinked, and then opened his eyes.. It was over. The egg was gone.

Ghostbur couldn't- Wilbur's hurt, he looked with tears as they're were walking out of the exploded area.

"Phil, is wilbur alright?! Is he going to be okay?"

"He will be fine, and he'll be alright.."

"But he's hurt phil, I couldn't protect him I-"

"Mate. Calm down..I 'll stitch it, and then bandage it, alright?"

Ghostbur slowly nodded.. A few hours later, bad and the some of the eggpire were no longer infected, some were though, and were placed in quarantine, Ghostbur obviously upset, when bad finally came out, he yelled at bad for hurting Wilbur, Tommy calming him down, and he did.

Wilbur was fine, but he was still passed out form the bl00d loss, and Ghostbur was there.. Waiting for him to wake up, while helping bad and skeppy rebuild they're mansion.

After a few days.. While Ghostbur was helping build, and after he went home, Wilbur finally woke up, he opened his eyes, he looked and saw ghostbur.


Ghostbur was.. Surprised and very happy. He immediately hugged Wilbur.

"William! Your awake! Oh thank god!"

"Woah Woah.. Calm down.. I'm fine now. Your safe.. Thank god.."

Ghostbur produced a few tears, so did wilbur, he chuckled of joy.

"So.. The egg's gone now I assume?"

Ghostbur nodded, and gave Wilbur a glass of water, Wilbur immediately chugged the whole thing.

"Wil slow down, calm down don't drink it fast-"

He sighed, then, hugged ghostbur.

"Glad that thing is gone.. Wait.. How long I was passed out?"

Ghostbur stretched his arms, Wilbur obviously waiting for the answer.

"For a few days.. Maybe 5 or 6.. Man I thought we lost you again william.."

"I won't die Casper. I'll be fine, and.. Wait.. How's the eggpire?"

"Most of them? In quarantine, there was a newly rebuilded mansion now, and, today they're going out now. Since the infections not that contagious now.."

Wilbur lied down again.. And then realized, his other wing was no long there, he touched his back, a bandage was there.

"...So.. Phil must have bandaged me but.. Did Phil stitch my back or-?"

"He did with the help from techno, or was it tommy? Wait. Are you still in pain?"

Wilbur while he looked up, he just felt a sharp pain. Ghostbur obviously noticing.

"It's nothing much Casper.. But there still a sharp pain."

"Oh, then alright, your gonna still rest for a few days I think.."

Wilbur just chuckled.

"Of course. Glad your still here ghostbur."

Ghostbur smiled back.

"You too Wilbur."

A few days later, with Tommy and Tubbo visiting Wilbur, including introducing Michael and Ranboo, Wilbur finally got out of bed, and well.. For the first time, it was peaceful for once, wilbur and tommy finally hanging out, ghostbur even started visiting dream, dream, even though didn't appreciate it, he did secretly, and then, there was the newly rebuilded mansion in a new plane, and of course, ghostbur met the soul of sir billiam III while burning the last of the infected items, but of course, there was still problems, problems needed to be fixed, but, slowly and surely, it'll be healed.

After a few weeks. Wilbur was thinking of visiting someone.. And then.. He went to the prison, talking to sam.

"Hey Sam.. Could I visit Jschlatt?"

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