Chapter 8: First meetings, and timelines of alternate universe hopping.

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(Third POV:)

After a while, the cabin was refurnished, and well, Tommy adopts a spider, who he names shroud, and.. The spider turns into a kid, and so Tommy takes care of the kid, of course, Of course, tommy and the ghost were now helping rebuild te damage, hell, dream finally was allowed to go outside for one day, tommy and him talked it all out, with the help of ghostbur, and well, they finally got over the past.

So. What happened now?

"Oh the f$ck-?!"

Tommy yelled as he, ghostbur, and the tnt duo saw, a portal? Ghostbur looked shooked, so was the revived man and the casino man, Tommy immediately shooked more, the portal was never opened from obsidian however, it was from.. An Ink puddle?

"But wait. Don't we need obsidian to make one- And need a flint and steel to open it?"

Ghostbur said as Wilbur touched it, looking at the Ink puddle with curiousity, and.. Tommy is screaming, quackity trying to calm him down obviously. Wilbur looked interested on the ink's property.

"Interesting.. The Ink is different from any ink were wrote.."

Ghostbur of course was surprised that, Wilbur of all people knew what type of ink it was.

"Huh? You recognize the ink Wil?"

"Yep. It's different from any ink I used to write."

"Hm? Write for what?"

Wilbur turned and finally saw Tommy freaking out, and then calmed him down. And well.. Ghostbur was the one who wasn't doing anything at all.





He looked in, he looked the inside of the ink puddle, it was a huge area, papers were attached and across, and well.. He then places his leg in the Ink puddle, and then accidentally falling in it.


And then, he was in, he looked like he was flying, the three didn't even notice ghostbur was gone because Tommy hadn't calmed down yet, the ghost looked around, holy cow, so many paper he thought, and then, he looked where the Ink puddle had come from, then looked once more, he saw a paper that was attached to a string, and then sees two disc's and the l'manberg flag.

"Wait. Why is the l'manberg flag there-"

And then, he was tapped on the shoulder, and was surprised.

"I know right! That universe is so cool! The lore is very interesting!"

"AH- Oh! Hello-"

He then got a closer look, wait. Was he a skeleton, yes, he was, he had never seen a skeleton like him before, looking at him curiously.

"Woah.. Your a skeleton?"

"Of course! You must be a ghost right?"

"..A-actually- I was given a new body during a revival process so, technically I'm half human somehow-"

The skeleton looked, and then grabbed a sketchpad, and started drawing the ghost, and then after a while, the skeleton was finished.

"Tada! Here!"


The drawing. It was him technically but, it looked amazing. He bowed his head in a grateful manner.

"This drawing is amazing! How did you draw it?"

"Well.. Wait. Where are you friends?"

"Oh? You mean wilbur quackity and tomm-"

And then suddenly, Tommy fell on ghostbur, and of course the tnt duo fell onto the room just fine. Of course they didn't know, they're looking at a skeleton. And then they did.

"...WHAT THE F$CK?!"

"A.. Skeleton?! The f-"

"Oh! Right right-"

"Tommy.. Help wil-"

Tommy immediately got off ghostbur, and well, the four finally take a good look on the skeleton. The skeleton had a.. Huge brush, and outfit looks for an artist, Ghostbur noticed the skeleton has a work belt on him. And oh boy. He looks excited.

He immediately went to look at Tommy, saying he looked so cool.. The he vomited Ink, which almost got onto his clothes. Tommy freaked out, what the hell?! The skeleton explained that he was too excited.

And then, he explained they're world, is an alternate universe, Ghostbur of course asked who created them, a creator named AC, Tommy thought, they're were an aircon, the skeleton of course tells them that mean't author chesca. Wall break sorry-

Anywho, the first mission they do, was they're choice, of a what if events, Tommy's choice is to see what happened if ghostbur came with him to the prison, for quackity and wilbur, the same answer, to see what happened if they're rivalry never stopped, and for ghostbur, on what happened on doomsday, turns out, the items they wore were used to help them teleport.

Tommy had a huge sword he carried and made for himself, and well, Wilbur had a pin ghostbur gave to him during the days he would make the tnt to destroy the egg, Quackity had a duck pin, which he had gotten from wilbur while they were hanging out, and well, for Ghostbur, his was the blue necklace he made for friend, while the sheep also wore, but before going, the skeleton introduced himself, weird name, his name was Ink.

Tommy of course laughed at this name, and afterwards, he shrugged it off, ink also said after this first mission, more missions would be handed to them.

Then introduced the bad guys, Tommy realized some of them were like them, ink nodded, nightmare was like wilbur, quackity was like horror and dust, and tommy? Killer, as for ghostbur, he was like error, enemy of Ink. After Ink introduced the bad sanses, the four went they're separate ways, who came back first? Tommy did, he was just, pissed and actually calm for once, he..

Ghostbur would have been gone if he let him come with him, and then, Wilbur and Quackity came back arguing, Quackity was pissed Wilbur was going to try to explode Las Nevadas, but Wilbur said he never did it anyway, scrapping the idea, Tommy of course calmed down the two, and then, Ghostbur came back very upset. Phil. He did. He was with them during doomsday, he.. He was sad.

He was of course calmed down by wilbur, and then the four hugged. And then, the four came home. During the next day's, mission after mission, they were becoming closer friends now, Ghostbur even met Francesca, a woman capable of controlling both fire and water, separated elements never controlled properly, it was good, it was.. Peace for once.

During the next week, they even met the God, DreamXD, who has become fond of the four, and well.. Becoming they're friend in need. It was good, for once. But things don't last.

"..No. Wilbur. Stop. 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗯𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽."

(Aha- Cliffhanger. Alright. get ready for angst.)

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