Chapter 25

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I didn't expect them to be here in afternoon. But here they are standing in front of me with teasing smiles on both of their faces. I bolted into the guest room with Sargam as our hands were entwined. His eyes were holding questions and I knew that. He raised his head towards me expectantly when I decided that there was no day like today to tell him. About everything. And throw any secrets left between us because of me.

"They were my parents. Remember my mom?"

He nodded his head not uttering a word. And I added "That was my dad. Well step dad but better than the actual one."

He was in shock . I could see that. He didn't expect this at all. Yet I continued,"I ran away from my house along with my mom. He was cruel, he really was." The memories rushed back to my head.  Sargam's hand wiped one of the tears that  I didn't even realise had left my eyes. He squeezed my hands in reassurance.

"One day, he was back home late. I didn't know why but I heard screams and I easily recognised who was screaming. It was my mom. Her voice breaking showing how she was sobbing. I experienced the same voices for about a week. The next night I decided to see what was happening. Maybe it was wrong, maybe right. I don't know. I slowly looked through the gap of my bedroom door in the living room and that scene scared the little girl's dreams inside me. All those dreams of a perfect life were shattered. There stood my father whom I don't even consider as my father now with his bloodshot eyes holding immense amount of rage with my cricket bat in his hand. Besides stood my mum, her eyes absolutely lifeless, as if everything has been absorbed from her leaving her frail and weak. That's when he beat her with the bat again and my eyes closed due to fear and I could hear the screaming. The scene haunted me all night. Next day, I saw my mum. She had a smile for her children. Her scars were hidden. And that night, when the situation was same, I tried to stop him and in return, he slapped me. He locked me inside the room. I could hear my mother protesting for me, not for herself. That's when I decided to leave that place. But I couldn't take my brother with me. My so called wouldn't care about me and my mother running away but he cared about the boy who would carry his lineage." The tears that were unshed left my eyes while Sargam stood besides me rubbing soothing circles on my back. He engulfed me in a hug. His warmth helping me in calming myself down. His heartbeat's rhythm matched with mine making me soon forget my tears. I slowly pulled away and when I saw his face, all I saw was grief and regret. "I'm sorry, sorry for being with you at that time. Sorry for not hearing your pleadings to meet me. But like everybody have their share of reasons, I've got my own." His dull blue eyes were full of concern and worry. But my one smile could overcome them all. The rest of the day was gone as Sargam met my whole new family. He was happy and satisfied meeting them; I could see that on his brightly shining face. But his next words in an appealing tone came as a shock to me."I know where your little brother Ritik is." 

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