Chapter 8

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I felt fury and rage reflecting from all over my body as I watched how Tara had on purpose made blue paint cover Pari which was originally for Radhika. Luckily Radhika was saved on first day before getting ruined by Pari just in the nick of time.

I took bold steps towards them, took the paint tub lying nearby and poured it's contents on Tara's head. Not wanting to engage in another fight, Radhika and Pari tightening their hold on me pulled me away so that Tara couldn't react to my action.

From afar, I heard Sargam consoling Tara and I felt a feeling of being betrayed. He was unaware of the circumstances, still he stood in support of Tara. Letting that feeling alone, I helped Pari to clean up and gave her the extra set of clothes that I always kept with me. We heard the bell ringing and made our way towards our classes in a hurry.

As we had different lectures, I said a goodbye to Radhika and Pari when I was still hurrying and ran across the stairs only to collide with someone. I looked up and was met with the same cold blue eyes which had visibly shocked me on the first day.

"Watch where you go", Sargam warned/ growled and walked away with his threatening eyes.

I made my way towards the lecture room to find that only once place was empty, which was beside Adam. I sat there and laughed as Adam cracked a joke. He is a really funny guy and I really really enjoy his jokes. Once, I laughed so loud that the lecturer eyed us as if he was ready to eat us up like a lion. After a moment, he continued the lecture which made us break into another fit of laughter but this time we kept our voices under control. I could feel eyes burning holes in my head and when I turned behind, I saw Sargam's fingers were tied up in a fist and he was struggling to keep his anger under control. But I couldn't understand why. Suddenly my eyes connected with his and the whole world world was frozen fir me while I'd got lost in his mesmerising eyes. Adam tapped my shoulder and I was brought back to the present time. The rest of the day passed in a blur and the boring college day came to an end, at last.

I then went with Pari and Radhika directly for shopping from college with our bags of books in Pari's car.

We went into the mall and found many beautiful dresses which were cheaper in rate. We bought some of them along with the accessories and reached home. Our time went while catching up, laughing ,chatting and shopping.

Pari told me that we will find Vikram and Sujit, Pari's friend in her house.

I knocked on the door. No one opened it for the first time. I knocked again. Then someone came and opened the door.

All the air got knocked out of my lungs when I saw the person who was on the other side of the door.

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