{34} Cupid's Assistant

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It's been a week since the dinner.

Since the kiss.

Since the argument.

Nothing's changed. River still hangs out with us, but he never has that twinkle in his eye anymore, which I had grown to love. He doesn't smile at me. He doesn't even give me his infamous smirk. He just looks at me with a blank stare.

And I don't like it.

I hurt him and the fact that I did, hurts me.

Instead of hanging out in the cafeteria with everyone else like usual, I just sat in the hallway, leaning against my locker.

I'm not giving up on you, Angel. No matter how broken you may be.

Those words have been haunting me for the past week and no matter how much I try, I just can't seem to get them out of my head.

I growl in frustration as I stand up and punch the locker with all my strength, putting a noticeable dent in it.

I curse as I look down at my already bruising fist.

I let out a deep breath and lean my head against the cold locker.

"It's getting to you, isn't it?"

I spin around when I hear the deep velvet voice of River.

I spot him leaning lazily against the row of lockers across from me in all his glory, his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his hoodie.

He straightens up and slowly walks over to me.

"Those words I said to you a week ago." He starts, not showing any emotion. "They're getting to you."

"I am not broken." I grit my teeth, referring to the last bit of that haunting sentence.

He gently grips my hand and lifts it to his soft, full lips, placing a soft and gentle kiss on my bruising knuckles.

"Yes, you are."


As I'm walking to my fourth period class, I'm pulled into a janitor's closet.

"What the fuck?!" I shout before the light flicks on, revealing my kidnappers.

Jayden, Raziel and Hunter.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you putas?!" I yell, throwing sponges at them, which nail them all in the face each.

"Well, you see, we, uh," Hunter trails off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What he's trying to say is, that, um, we," Raziel runs a hand through his light brown hair.

"Well, what they're trying to say is that, um, uh, hum, we, uh," Jayden stutters, trailing off.

Yes, because it's that hard to get one sentence out.

I roll my eyes and cut them off.

"You want advice on Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla."

They all stare at me wide-eyed.

"Wha--How the bloody fuck did you know?!" Raziel exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I'm your twin sister," I point at Jayden. "Your baby cousin," I point at Hunter. "And your best friend and cousin." I point at Raziel. "I know you three better than you know yourselves."

They all mumble in agreement.

"What do we do?!" They shout in unison, looking at me expectantly.

"Here's a suggestion." I smile sweetly. "Man the fuck up and ask them out!"


As soon as I get home from school, I'm engulfed in a bone crushing group hug by Jayden, Raziel and Hunter.

"They said yes!" Raziel cheers, repeatedly kissing my cheek.

"So you guys actually manned the fuck up and asked them out?" I question, surprised and proud.

"Yup!" Jayden nods excitedly.

"It was pretty easy once we stopped stuttering and making fools out of ourselves." Hunter tells me, making Jayden and Raziel slap him on the back of his head. "Okay, seriously! What the fuck is it with you people hitting me?!

"You weren't supposed to tell her we made fools out of ourselves, you idiot!" Jayden hisses.

And Raziel hits him again, just for the fun of it.

Hunter tries to hit him back, but he ducks, making him hit Jayden instead.

Jayden goes to hit Hunter, but he moves out of the way, making him hit Raziel.

Raziel makes a move to hit Jayden, but he side steps out of the way, making him hit Hunter.

They all continue to hit eachother.

Seeing that as my cue to leave, I start walking upstairs, mumbling proudly.

"I am Cupid's Assistant."

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