A job

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      It's been many weeks since that night when I argued with dad. And guess what? She's here. She's apart of our world. I have a sister. And she still has her magic. That man hasn't come back since our fight. I'm kind of worried.
       "Can I come in?" I hear a knock on the door.
       "Yes come in" I say as I put my book down. I see Carter come in with Pearl in moms arms behind him.
       "Thanks Carter." She says.
       "No problem" he says then walks back out.
        "Hey mom." I say as I slide over so she can sit down on my bed.
        "Hey hunny. I came to you that Natsu has gone on a job with Lucy, Gray and Erza. So he'll be gone for a couple days and I'm gunna need your help around the house while I take care of Pearl." She says.
         "Ok" I say then Pearl stays to cry. Mom bounces her on her lamp but she doest stop. She tries patting her back but that didn't work either. I reach my hands out. Mom then hands Pearl over to me. As soon as I had her in my arms she stops crying. She then looks at me and closes her eyes and smiles.
Time skip (2 years)
       Two years. It's been two years and I'm now 15 and Pearl is 2. She hasn't discovered her magic yet. That man has still not come back. Maybe it was just a bluff or maybe he's waiting for the right time to strike. Like when Pearl has her magic.
      "Moon! Moon!" I heard a sweet little voice yell from down the hall way.
"What is it Pearl?"I ask her.
"Chase me!" She says.
"You sure you want me to do that?" I ask.
"Yeah yeah!" She yells.
"Ok, here I come." I yell and start to chase her around the house. Then I turn around and see Carter standing at the end of the hall way. I stop and blush.
"Ooooo. She loves him!" I could hear Pearl yell.
"Hanging out with Happy I see." I look down at her
"Yep." She was happy, and so was I.
Time skip
It's been an hour and carter and I have just finished playing with Pearl and are now headed to the guild hall.
"So are you gunna tell your parents?" He asks
"I don't know." I sigh
"You can't hide it from them forever. I mean your sister is already catching on. Don't you think they might be also?" He asks again
"Yeah I know but I'm afraid they might get mad at me for dating a boy who lives in my house at the age of 15" I stop and look up at him.
"My parents started dating at 14" he told me.
"Yeah mine didn't start dating till 17 or so" I say. He smiles then we continue to walk to the guild hall while holding each other's hands.
"So what are we gunna do today?" He asks.
"Well maybe hang with Alex?" I say like it was a question.
"Ok. Sounds good to me." He says and smiles again.
When we made it to the guild hall i let go of his hand cause Dad was here, mom was home with Pearl and Juvia think.
"Hey Alex." I say as I walk up to her. She was sitting at one of the tables with Lucy and Dad.
"Hey M." She says to me.
"What's up? We going on a job today?" She asks.
"I don't know. We can." I say back to her.
"Not today you can't." Dad says.
"What why?" I ask
"Cause your gunna need all the energy you can get for tomorrow." He says to me.
"What's tomorrow?" I ask.
"Tomorrow you me Alex and Gray are all going on a job." Dad says.
"Really?" I ask with excitement and disbelief.
"Yeah really, Natsu and I have been planning this for weeks. We would take our girls out on a job." gray says looking down at Alex.
"Sweet!" Alex yells.
"Yeah this will be so fun. How long is it?" I ask
"About a week" Gray answers.
"So we need to pack." I say. Dad nods.
"Cool, come one moon we'll pack you first." Alex says as she takes me by the wrist and pulls me behind her.
Time skip
      We just finished packing. Just Me, my dad, Alex and Gray. It will be so fun. But we still don't know what the job is. We heard the door open in Grays house cause that where we were hanging out after packing Alex.
      "Hey Gray." Alex greets him at the door.
      "Hey girly" he says back.
      "So Gray, what's this job we're going on?" I ask him.
      "Catching this guy." He says.
      "Do you know his name?" Alex asks.
      "Uhh, lance I think." He says and Alex and I look at each other.
       "Something wrong?" Gray asks us.
       "Uhh give us a sec." I say and pull Alex to her room.
       "We can't tell him or dad they won't let us go." I tell her and she nods.
       "You two alright in there?" We heard Gray ask though the door. 
       "Yeah, we just needed a girl talk. You wouldn't want to know about it." I say and Alex and I silently laugh.
That night I slept over with Alex at her place. Dad was back at the house with mom and Pearl.
"Morning Alex" I say and I see her eyes flutter open.
"Morning. What time is it." Alex asks rubbing her eyes
"5:30 but I've been up since 5. I think Gray is up also. I let you sleep cause I know how you get. You're like my dad." I say and we both laugh. We stand up and put our cloths on. I had a blue and white shirt on with a blue skirt I had on some blue boots and I also had dads scarf wrapped around my neck. Alex had a white tank and a pair of black shorts on. She pulled her long blue hair back, but I left mine down cause it's short. We walk out of the room to find Gray and Juvia in the kitchen. Oh if I haven't mentioned Juvia lives here too. Anyway, Juvia was marking us some pancakes for the road.
"Morning." I say as I sit down at the small island in there kitchen.
"Morning girls, we're just waiting on Natsu to get here then we will leave." Gray told us.
"Ok," I get cut off by a knock on the door.
"You ready man? It's gunna just like old times. But better cause we'll have our girls with us." He says. Alex and I smile but mine quickly fades away at the thought of this being the lance I fought once. I was honestly scared, but I've grown so much in appearance and power. Maybe he won't recognize Alex or I. But he might recognize dad.
"Ready girls?" Gray asks and we nod our heads and grab our stuff. We start to head towards the train.
"Can I just knock him out?" I ask and look at Gray and Alex then back to dad who was throwing up out the train window.
"Pleas-" dad starts then throws up more.
"Do." He then finishes his sentence. I use little force but just enough to knock him out for the rest of the ride.

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