Day 3

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     It's day 3 of the job. We have all recovered and are full on magic energy. Lance never showed up yesterday. Which worried me because of mom and Pearl back home.
     "Morning guys" I could hear dad say as he nudged my shoulder to wake me up. I groan and roll over then flutter my eyes ope to see dad standing beside my bed. That night was dad's night to stand watch so he has been up all night.  I sit up and look around to see Alex still asleep. But I don't see Gray.
      "Gray went to get us some donuts for breakfast. He'll be back soon." Dad says.
      "I heard donuts. Who said donuts?" Alex shot right up in her bed. She and I both laughed and dad smiled at us. I then hear the lock on our room door turning.
      "I'm back and I brought food" Gray says as he walked in.
"Ooo yummy" Alex says as she licks her lips. We get up at sit at the small table.
"What flavor is mine?" Alex asks.
"I got you the pink glaze." Grays says to her.
"Sweet they had my favorite." Alex says as she reached in and grabs it.
"They had my favorite too. The mint glaze" Gray said as he took it.
"I'll take glaze." I say.
"Ok so I'll take the chocolate one" dad says. I we all take a bite.
"Ew, these aren't the best" I say as I try and swallow the gross donut.
"Are you serious there delicious!" Alex yells and Gray nods. They both quickly finish theirs. I don't eat the rest of mine.
"Yeah you right. I don't think these are good either " dad says as he looks at me.
"Oh well, at least they like them." I say.
"Yeah" dad agrees.
Time skip.
"Uhh I don't feel so good. I'm gunna take a walk and get some fresh air any one wanna come?" Alex asks.
"Yeah I don't feel to good either." Gray says.
" ok well you two can go on a walk Moon and I will stay here." Dad says and they nod then leave while rubbing their heads.
"I bet it was those donuts. Cause we didn't eat ours that why we don't feel so bad." I say and dad nods.
Time skip
"Hey dad should we go check on them cause they've gone gone for almost 2 hours." I ask dad
"Yeah come on." He says and we both get up and head to the door. We walk out the door and head down the road looking for Alex and Gray.
     "Alex! Gray! Where are you!" I yell.
     "Come one you idiot this isn't the time To be playing hide and seek!" Dad yells.
     "Did you call me?" We turn around and see Gray. But he had a creepy grin on his face. He was also scratched up.
      "What happened to you man?" Dad asks.
      "Did you fight lance? And wheres Alex." I ask him.
      "No, we didn't and I'm right here." Alex says while coming out from behind a building.
      "What happened to you guys?" I ask. Then lance come out from behind them.
      "Alex Gray move! Lance is behind you." I yell.
      "They know that. They're not going to move." Lance pauses.
      "What?" I mumble.
      "They are my new puppets. I didn't think they would be useful to me but I guess I just needed to think out side of the box." Lance says and I grit my teeth.
       "Now attack my puppets. You can kill the pink one. But I want the girl alive." Lance says and my eyes widen. Then Alex runs over to me. And Gray runs over to dad.
       "Alex! Stop this!" I yell as she try's to hit me with her ice sward. I block because I didn't want to fight her. She kept attacking me. All I did was block.
       "Alex! Come one you need to snap out of it! I don't want to hurt you!" I yell as I get thrown to the ground.
       "Alex! Its me! Moon. Your best friend! Come on. You have to remember. Come on, we're team Sapphire Phoenix." I say as she gets closer to me.
      "Moon-" she whispers under her breath.
      "No she is your enemy!" Lance yells.
      "Moon. I can't stop. You have to move." She tells me.
      "Dad!" I yell.
      "Moon!" He yells. I raise my arms to block my self. Then it hits me. My vision goes fuzzy.
       "Moon in so sorry." I hear Alex whisper in my ear. She then lifts me up and placed her frozen blade to my neck.
       "The girl has been retrieved kill him Gray fullbuster." Lance says.
       "Noo! Gray don't!" I yell. Then Gray strikes him just like Alex had struck me. He then holds dad the way Alex is holding me. We all face lance.
       "Kill him." Lance says.
       "Moon now." Alex whispers in my ear.
      "Natsu now." I could hear Gray whisper in dad's ear.
     "Midnight dragon!"
     "Fire dragon!"
     "Ice make!"
     "Spiral!" It hits the man in the head. Then all of a sudden Alex and Gray fell to the ground.
      "Alex" I say and I help her up.
      "Come on you lazy butt." Dad says while reaching a hand out to Gray.
      "You guys alright? We held back as much as possible. We couldn't control our bodies." Gray says.
      "Yeah we're fine. Oh now might be the time to tell you that..." I pause. Dad and Gray both look over at me.
     "Well, that man. Was the man who fought Alex carter and I 2 years ago on the day we all found out that Pearl would be a girl." I say to dad.
     "He wants pearls magic and mine." I add. Dad's eyes widen.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Dad asks
"I didn't want you to make me stay home. I needed to beat him myself. Because there was no way I was going to let him win and hurt Pearl" i say to him. Dad sighs.
"You take after your mother." Dad says to me with a small smile.
"Has she ever told you the story of when she saved Jewel and didn't tell Jellal before running off to help?" Dad asks me. I shake my head no.
"Well karma ran off to save jewel with out telling anyone and Jellal didn't Understand why and he got very mad at her. But she didn't care because we was protecting the ones she loved." My dad explains to me. I smile and then hug him.
"I love you" I say to him.
"I love you too my little dragon" he says to me.
"I wish we could be like that." Alex says while hugging Gray. I giggle and Gray just smiles at her while holding his side.
I look at them over dad shoulder before nuzzling my face back into his chest.

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