He's a her?

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            When Wendy was feeling better she helped heal lots of people. Dad took a lot of damage though. He was Beaten badly, he had bruises from head to toe and cuts all over. I also think he's a little mentally beaten, he just found out his only daughter has magic, and she just saved his life. And he had saved his wife's twice. I saved my father, my mother, my family, and I'm only 10. How did all this happen, why does that man want me, what does he want from me. Am i special? I think to myself till someone snaps me out of it.
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong? Need a fish?" Happy walks up to me and smiles. I smile back and just single to him that I'm fine by nodding my head.
"Hey happy. Yeah I'm fine." I say still looking down at my lap.
"Are you sure?" Gray asked as he walked up.
"Yes! I'm fine! I just need some space! Please." I yell and storm off.
"Moon." I could barley hear Uncle Gray whisper. I storm out side and walk down the streets of magnolia. The streets were pretty busy. I was able to find my way to the middle of the city, the huge three. I sit down under the tree. And think. Do they understand what I'm going through? I don't think they do, all they seem to do is be worried, I can take care of my self. I'm 10 years old, I'm strong, I have magic,"I'm and wizard of fairy tail." I say that last part out loud not realizing.
            "Oh you are, are you?" I heard that mans voice from before.
            "You just don't know when to give up do you?" I say like i wasn't alone and someone was there to help but no one was there, it was just me. By myself.
             "I'm warning you stay away from me." I say sternly and glare at him. All the man did was start to get closer. I back away until I hit the tree.
Wendy's POV
             "Shouldn't we go after her?" I ask karma.
             "No, she's right. She needs her space. And we respect that." Karma responded and that shocked me but I guess she's right. Then all of a sudden my head starts throbbing and I start seeing that man getting closer and closer to me, wait no, it's not me.
            "It's Moon!" I yell and Natsu looked up at me.
             "She's in danger we need to go, common!" I yell and Natsu and karma both follow me. We run to the middle of the city, to the huge oak tree to find the man pinning Moon up against the it .
            "Moon!" I yell
            "Hang on sweetie!" Karma yells
            "I'm coming kiddo!" Natsu yelled and started to run towards them.
            "No! Stay back! I got this!" Moon yells and our eyes widen.
Moons POV
           "No! Stay back! I got this!" I yell and their eyes widen.
           "Ohh so strong are you?" The man said showing a creepy smile. But that's all I could see, not his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, only his mouth.
           "Yeah I'm a fairy tail wizard. My name is Moon Dragneel. My parents are Natsu Dragneel and karma Fernandes, 2 of the strongest people I know. I have their blood running trough my veins. So yes. I'm strong!" I yell in his face and he steps back a little and with the little room I had I moved my arms out to the side then brought them in front of me still stretched out. From there I'm took them down slowly the strait up as fast as I could. That move formed chains around his wrists and anchored him to the ground. He struggled to break free. I slowly walk up to him.
"Moon get away from him!" Dad yelled, I ignored him and just continued. When I reached him I pull off the mask and long strands of blue hair fell around his, no her neck. My eyes widen and I back away in fear.
"Natsu get in there." I could here mom say to Dad. Dad runs up to me and picks me up. Then when he sees the girl his eyes widen then he looks towards mom. It looked just like her. Except a little different.
"Karma stay over there, and Moon go to your mother." Dad said as he put me down and I run to mom.
"Natsu what is it. Who is that?" Mom asked with a worried voice.
"No one. It's no one." Dad said totally lying.
"I'm am someone. Don't lie to her!" Yelled the cloaked figure. I don't think mom had seen her hair yet cause I can't see it from this angle.
"You can't tell me what to do lady." Dad bent over and held her by the clip on her cloak.
"Please don't hurt me." The lady said.
"So I don't know you. But you obviously know us. And you seem to have an obsession with my daughter." Dad get really mad.
"Your daughter?" The lady sounded confused.
"Yeah my daughter, and your going to leave her alone you hear me!" Dad said loudly.
"No, no, that's my daughter." The woman said sternly.
"I have know idea who you are and what your doing with MY daughter. But what ever you are doing is going to stop. She is mine and I'm taking her back." The lady said loudly and mom picks me up and holds me tightly.
"Wait" Mom said and starts to walk towards Dad and the lady. When she gets close to her, her eyes widen and then start to tear up.
"Mom are you ok?" I ask and Dad looks up at us.
"Karma what's wrong?" Dad let go of the lady, stood up and placed his hands on moms shoulders.
"Wait that's karma?" The lady sounded surprised. I hold mom tighter and then she hands me to dad.
Karmas POV
"What are you doing here." I say sternly.
"I'm your mother and your my daughter and I wanted to see you." Mom said.
"Ok but you tried to take my daughter. Why?" I ask
"I thought it was you." Mom said and looked to the ground.
"It's been 20 years sense I've seen you. Why would you think I'm still 10 years old?!" I yell
"20 years?" She sounded confused but I don't buy it.
"Yes, 20 years mother! No, no your no mother. A mother wouldn't abandon her 3 children for no reason. Then 20 years later come back and say I'm supposed to still be 10!" I yell.
"I swear I didn't want to leave, I loved you. I was forced karma. You have to believe me. If I didn't go they would have taken you away from me." She said like i should believe her.
"Well how do you think we felt they took you away from us. And Who's they?" I ask.
"I don't know who they really are but they were people who took me to a place to serve for them. And it's only been a few months. Not 20 years." She said like she made complete sense.
"Have you gone crazy?! It's been 20 years!" I yell and then turn around when I hear someone walking up to us.
"For us it hasn't, but for her it probably has only been a few months." Lucy said placing a hand on my shoulder. I just look at her like she's crazy.
"She was probably taken to the celestial world. Time is slower there there. 1 day for them is 3 months for us." Lucy said and then looks down at my mother.
"I'm done. You may stay in the infirmary till your healed. Then you will leave. And you won't show your face in my home ever again." I say and look at Moon to bring down the chains.

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