The curse

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           Weeks have gone by. It is now almost February. Moms birthday is February 23. I don't know what I'm going to get mom yet. Maybe a necklace or a picture of all of us. But some thing has been bothering me. Its my key. It starts glowing through out the day. For now mine is the only one doing it. It worries me. I want to go through and check of Calypso, but I just haven't had the time. But today I don't have anything going on, so Carter, Alex and I are all going through. I told mom and dad that we were going to do some training, but i need to know what is going on.
"you guys ready?" I ask and they nod.
"open, gate of the star dragons" I say and then the portal opened in my room. We all walk through into the world. It was dark, but there were no stars in the sky. I look around and try and find Calypso. Then I see a dark figure laying on the ground. I run over to it with Carter and Alex close behind me.                                                
"Calypso!" I yell as I get close enough to realize it's her.
"Moon." She says with a somewhat weak voice.
"What's going on? Did something happen? My key has been glowing like this for days." I tell her.
"I'm afraid something has happened." She tells me.
"What? What happened?" I ask with worry.
"I'm afraid a curse has been cast on this world." She tells me.
"What curse? By who? Can I help? Will it hurt you?" I ask many questions.
"Moon, calm down. It is a curse that will make us fall into a deep sleep. I don't know what they look like but her name is Alexandra. It will not hurt me, only make me fall asleep and not wake up for many, many years. And if you can destroy the amulet this girl wears it should destroy the curse." Calypso explains to us.
"Then I will destroy it." I say with force in my voice.
"Moon, how do you expect us to find this girl and her amulet?" Carter asks me.
"Yeah we have no clue where she is." Alex adds. I look back a Calypso.
"My child, the curse will not effect me for a month or so. I need you to train hard and do lots of research. Figure out all you can about Alexandra and her amulet. Come to me as often as you can. Then when it is time, you will need to search the lands far and wide for her. How ever long it takes. If you really want to help me and my dragons, you must do this." She says to me.
"I will." I say to her.
"So will I"Alex says and she placed a hand on my shoulder. Then I look over at Carter.
"Me too." He says.
"I shall see you soon my child." Calypso says to me before we leave the world and return to ours.
"We have to tell my parents. And you should tell Gray and Juvia." I say to Alex.
"Ok, you guys do that while I go find levy and Lucy. They can help us on research." Carter says. We nod then part ways. I race out of my room and up stairs to find Mom in her bedroom with Pearl and dad.
"Can I talk to you guys?" I ask.
"Yes what is it dear?"
Mom asks. I look at Pearl then back at Mom. She got the hint.
"Pearl can you let us talk for a little while?" Mom asks and Pearl gets up and heads to her room.
"So what's up kiddo." Dad asks me.
"Well. There's this problem. In the star dragon realm. And in a month or so. Carter Alex and I will need to take a trip." I start.
"To where?" Mom asks.
"We don't know yet. Calypso has told us that a sleeping curse has been cast on their world and if I don't destroy the amulet of the caster they will sleep for many, many years never to be woken." I say to them. They give each other a look.
"Ok, how long will your trip be?" Dad asks.
"As long as it takes. Days, weeks, or even years." I say.
"I'm old enough to handle myself on my own. And I'll have Carter and Alex with me." I say like they would say no.
"Ok." Mom says.
"Come on. Please I have to help the- wait did you say ok?" I ask.
"Yes. Your 16. So are Carter and Alex.i think you will be fine. Right hun?" Mom says to me.
"Yes I think you will be fine." Dad agrees.
"Oh wow. Ok. Well I should go catch up with Carter. He went to get levy and Lucy to help us with some research. And Alex went to tell Gray and Juvia." I say.
"Ok, I'll come help you guys. Natsu why don't you stay with Pearl." Mom says. He nods. We then head downstairs and out side.
Time skip
         "Find any thing yet levy?" I ask as I walk up to her. We were all in the fairy tail library.
         "No nothing yet girly." Levy answers. I sigh then start to head over to Alex.
         "Hey guys, look what I found." I heard Lucy say.
"What is it?" I ask.
"A diary, from a girl named Alexandra." Lucy says.
"Can I see it?" I ask and she hands me the book. It was old and had the fairy tails emblem on it.
"Was she apart of the guild?" Levy asks. I don't answer. I open the cover to see a page with a drawing of a girl. It was her I would imagine, the girl had the fairy tail emblem on her neck.
"This must be her. And if it is, yes. She was... look." I say as I point to the emblem.

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