The walk

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     I slowly flutter my eyes open to see Carter still sleep and I'm still in his arms. I slowly lift the top arm and pull my self out of the bed. I check the time on the clock in the room. 4:30, it read. It's pretty early. I think I'll shower then head out to one of the small stores around the hotel and get us all a cloak so that we can travel and not be recognized, hopefully that man won't see me get them.
     I let out a small sigh of comfort as I step into the steamy shower and let the hot water rinse over my body.
     After my shower I get dressed In a different pair of clean cloths and grab the key and my bag and head out. I lock the door behind me and walk quietly through the halls. As I walk out side I look around for any sight of the man, but nothing. The coast was clear. I turn left and head towards a small shop called 'Junk and stuff'. As I walk into the small store I look around for any cloaks. Then I spot three black cloaks that were just the right size for us. They were only a few jewel in total so I bought them and put mine on before heading back to the hotel. As I walking I kept hearing foot steps behind me. I took a little detour to see if they were following me. And sure enough, they were. I haven't turned around yet to see who it was. I eventually find my way into a dead end. Then I turn back around to see that man. The one that was following us last night.
     "You thought you could get rid of us last night, didn't you? You just wanted to protect your friends. Well maybe I don't have to get close to your friends." the man said and I looked at him sternly. I had my hood up but he clearly knew it was me.
     "I've come to deliver a message" he tells me while I continue to stare him down.
     "I need you so do something, well. Actually Alexandra needs to do something." He tells me.
     "I'm not doing anything for you or her. Not until she reverses the curse she cast on the star dragon realm" I tell him in a stern voice.
     "Well I don't believe she will do that. But maybe this will change your mind" he says the he waves his hand through the air and a clear images of mom asleep on the couch at home came up. I glare at the man when I see two masked figures enter the room and hold blade to moms throat.
      "You wouldn't dare" I growl at him.
     "Oh, but I would lassy" he smirks at me.
      "Don't harm her." I command him.
      "She will be perfectly fine if you do one thing for me" he tells me once more.
      "What might that be." I ask him.
      "Well. I need you to collect one small item from ever place we send you. can't go home until we have all the items. So I hope you are looking forward to the adventure ahead of you"  he explains to me.
       "What kind of item?" I ask him.
       "Anything that represents the place" he says before he vanishes in a puff of magic. I grit my teeth and clench my fists. Well that can't be too hard. And it will keep my mother alive. I think to my self. I pull my hood closer to my face and continue to walk back to the hotel.
        I walk into our room to find Carter awake and Alex still asleep. Carter didn't realize it was me at first cause of the cloak and he tried to attack me.
        "Carter wait!" I yell at him as I pull down the hood.
        "Moon? I was so worried. Why did you leave the room?" He asks me.
       "Cause I wanted to get us these" I say as I hand him his cloak.
       "Oh" he lets out a sigh. I walk over and wake Alex cause I want to tell them what happened. I nudge her slightly and she groans and flutters her eyes open.
"Ugh. Morning" she says with a groan.
"Morning. I need to talk to you's about our mission. And my mom" I say to then with a pause in the middle. They both look at me weird.
"Yeah what's up?" Alex asks me. I look at her with sad eyes.
"What happened?!" She yells. Carter walks over to us and sits next to Alex so they were both facing me.
"Well. My mother has been threatened" I pause. Their eyes meet then they look back at me.
"And if we don't do as that man says...she will be killed" i say as I look to my lap.
"What man?" Carter asks in worry.
"The one that was following us. He is working with Alexandra." I say to them.
"No way. What do they need us to do?" Alex asks.
"We need to collect an item from every place they send us. It can be anything that represents the place. And the man said it going to be how ever long it takes us. so...we won't be here for just a week. It will most likely be more than that." I explain to them.
"That's not that hard. Well why don't we call your parents and tell them what happened and that they should keep and eye out just in case" Carter tells me. I nod then pull out the lacrima. I wave my hand over it and dad answers.
"Hey kiddo. What's up?" Dad asks.
"Well. Can you do something for me?" I ask.
"Yeah. What is it?" He asks again.
"I need you to gather everyone in team Natsu, Mom and master. Not Pearl" I tell him. He looks confused then he started walking.
"Hey I need you." I her him say a couple of times before they were all standing in masters office.
"Hunny what's wrong? Did something happen?" Mom asks. I hesitate.
"You can tell us anything kid" Erza tells me.
"Well...your in danger Mom" I tell her. Dad's eyes widen.
"How?" Uncle Jellal steps forward.
"Well. There's this man. He is working with Alexandra. And they are making us collect items from every where they send us. And if we don't....they will kill you Mom" I say to them.
"I won't let anyone touch you" dad faces Mom.
"So..what do you mean every where they send you?" Wendy asks.
"You know how thy sent us to the city of no sound? Well i guess it like that. But there's going to be a lot more places. So we will be gone for a long time. I don't know how long yet. But we should get going so we can get home as soon as possible. Keep my mother safe. Give Pearl a hug and kiss for me. I love you." I say before turning off the lacrima.

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