A Painful Understanding

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Shadow pov

I was sitting on the metal table in Mister Bruce's strange room wearing a peculiar dress. Mister Bruce told Master he needed to take a look at me fully and make sure I was in good health, Master was of course hesitant. He said yes but unfortunately, last minute was needed by some of the others, so now I'm here alone on a scary metal table feeling very exposed. Mister Bruce enters wearing a white coat and had on some gloves.

"Ok Shadow, I'm going to give you a full exam to make sure you're healthy, just relax and I will try and make this quick."

After some time with him looking in various parts of my head and touching me with strange tools it looked as if were finally over, but then he places his hand on my folds and had started to move them. Instantly I was up screaming for Master as I ran and pressed myself into a corner. It clicked, he had a lab coat, no, no more, I won't let him take more from me. No one will take any more from my sacred place.

"Hey, Shadow I need to look at you so I can make sure you're healthy."

He tried to sound calm but I could only hear the evil men tricking me again.


After some time and talking Mister Bruce finally explain what was happening but I will not let him touch me.

"If I get one of the girls to look at you will you let them?"

I knew the evil coat will not let me leave without his information, I could only weakly nod my head and cry.

"Ok I'll go get someone, will you please sit on the table as I get them."

I did not move as he left the room to get someone, but after some time I got up and sat on the table. I stared blankly at the floor till I hear the door and I shoot a look at the door to see who it was, it was the red-haired woman. She was in her latex suit and had a pair of gloves, she had her hair up and an unamused look on her face. I had begun to shake as she walked closer, she was one of the ones I feared.

"So Bruce says you won't let him look at you so now I have to, if you just cooperate' we can do this with no problem."

She forced open my legs and I couldn't help but cry, I don't want them to take what I have left.

"Please, no..."

I was so quiet and I was shaking, trying to hold at least a few tears back. I felt her pause and let go, moving up to look at me. She had a thoughtful look in her eye.

"What do you mean when you said take any more from you, why won't you let us look at you?"

My tears were flowing freely as I knew I had to tell her, I feared her, and I had to try to steady my voice.

"The men in the coats, they, they took my eggs. They said they did it so we could play, but their game was not fun."

My voice was quiet and I was stuttering a bit, but it was hard to remember the memory. I looked and Miss Natasha and I saw a look of pure sadness. She pulled me into a hug and rub circles on my back, I couldn't hold it back any longer and I just cried full force.

"I'm so sorry someone took them from you, I know it's hard to lose them. I will make sure no one forces you into that or takes any else. you will never have to lose more of you."

She was rocking now as I cried and I felt safe with her now, I did not fear her.

"I know what it feels like to lose them, I lost mine."

My eyes shot to look at her,

"You, you lost yours too, the evil coats took them?"

I felt her seniority, she lost them too,

"Yes, mine were taken too,"

I buried my head into her stomach and I could sense them gone, she was like me.

"You, you can look at me, I trust you will not hurt me."

Slowly and gently she let me go and carefully looked at me, telling me everything she was doing as she did it. It was over swiftly and she helped me back into my normal clothes. As soon as I was clothed she was holding me again, cradling me close.

"I will never let anyone play that game with you or take from you again."

I could feel her care and serenity as she held me protectively.

"Thank you, Miss Natasha."

My voice was quiet, still horse from my screaming and crying.

"Please, call me Nat."

I just bury my head deeper in her chest and gave a muffled ok. Before I knew it she picked me up and held me, I gave a yelp as I did not expect it.

"I don't think you should be alone right now, so you'll hang with me for the rest of today till Loki gets back."

I just gave a silent nod and snuggled closer to her. She carried me to the common room where Mister Bruce, Mister Tony, and Mister Steve were all sitting. They looked up at us and they all dropped their jaw at us.

"What are you looking at, Bruce she's in perfect health"

She then turned to address the whole room.

"Bruce, put on a Disney movie, Stark get the softest blanket we own, and Steve go get some soft, plain vanilla cookies, now."

Her voice was demanding and threatening but yet I felt no fear as she spoke. I watch as the three men scramble to get up and run off to complete their tasks. She carried me over to the couch and sat down. She laid me on my side next to her, positioning my head in her lap. 

The men returned in less than five minutes with the items requested. I was wrapped in the soft blanket and couldn't stop my purr as I snuggled in closer, pressing my head into Miss Nats' lap. Mister Steve gave Miss Mat the cookies and I watched as she picked one up and held it in front of me.

"Here, let me feed you, I want you to be as comfortable as possible."

I saw the protective motherly smile she had and gingerly bit the cookie. I didn't get to have sweets often so it was heaven. Mister Tony started a movie called Mary Poppins and we all went quiet as we watched. Soon Miss Nat started to pet my hair, and slowly I drift to sleep. I was exhausted from crying and was comfortable in her warmth as one of the songs settle in my ears.

Natasha pov

I was in the main living room with Steve and Tony, each doing their own thing. I was just sitting and thinking about what Loki had been telling us. My thoughts were stopped as Bruce came into the room looking confused and flustered.

"Bruce, what happened?"

He looked at me after I spoke and gave me a reluctant look.

"Look Nat, I'm trying to give Shadow a full exam but she won't let me check her vagina, she keeps yelling about not wanting me to take any more from her. So I hate to ask but could you look at her, she would be more comfortable with a girl and you know medical stuff and can follow direction."

I can't believe he would ask me to do such a thing, but before I had a chance to respond he continued.

"I understand you don't like her but I need to have this done, please Natasha."

I wanted to deny him again but I couldn't, I know how persistent he can be, plus I didn't want to piss off the other guy.

"Fine, but you owe me for this."

I get up and start to make my way over to his lab, seeing the relief on his face made me wonder. I walked into the office and find the girl sitting on one of the lab tables, shaking and clutching her chest. I had pulled my hair up and put on some gloves, ready to get this over with.

"So Bruce says you won't let him look at you so now I have to, if you just cooperate we can do this with no problem."

I crouched down and open her legs knowing she wouldn't do it herself. I could hear her cry softly.

"Please, no..."

The voice I heard was so broken, so scared, whatever was going on was more than just reluctance to have a guy look at her. I stop and moved to look at her face, she was trying to hold back some of her tears and failing. I remember what Bruce said, I should ask her, maybe she'll tell me.

"What do you mean when you said take any more from you, why won't you let us look at you?"

I could see her tears flow more freely, the defeated and broken look in her eyes made me even more curious.

"The men in the coats, they, they took my eggs. They said they did it so we could play, but their game was not fun"

Her voice was so quiet and she was stuttering, but I hearing what she made me freeze, my heartbreaking. Some sick bastards had to sterilize this girl by removing her ovaries just so they could rape her. I looked at her, she was so young, I felt the need to protect this girl. I pulled her into a hug and held her close, rubbing circles on her back trying to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry someone took them from you, I know it's hard to lose them. I will make sure no one touches you there, you will never have to lose more of you."

I started to rock her, my maternal instincts began to kick in. I needed to protect this girl, I was going to protect this girl. She is so young, so fragile, so scared. I don't care what Fury says, I don't care what anyone thinks, this girl is not evil. She has had some evil things done to her, but this girl is not evil. I will protect her, I will keep her safe, there's no way I will let her suffer anymore. Right now though, I had to comfort her.

"I know what it feels like to lose them, I lost mine."

Her eyes bolted up, locking onto mine.

"You, you lost yours too, the evil coats took them?"

I could hear how horrible her voice was from crying.

"Yes, mine were taken too."

She pressed her head to my stomach like she was listening for something before her eyes widen and she took a small deep breath of air.

"You, you can look at me, I trust you will not hurt me."

I could tell she was still very scared but I needed to take the opportunity so Bruce won't make her. I let her go gently and made sure to tell her everything I was doing as I was doing it. It was fast and after I finished I helped her into her clothes as she sat on the table. As soon as I was done I pulled her back into my arms.

"I will never let anyone take play that game with you or take from you again."

My mother bear side was showing but I didn't care, I will protect her.

"Thank you, Miss Natasha."

Her voice was so weak, but hearing her call me Natasha felt wrong.

"Please, call me Nat."

I felt her press closer into my chest and give a quite ok. Normally this would bother me but she was so distressed and innocent I wouldn't dare make her move. She is in no shape to sit by herself till Loki gets back, and I don't want her to be away from me. I pick her up bridal-style and have to hold in an aww at the noise of surprise she made.

"I don't think you should be alone right now, so you'll hang with me for the rest of today till Loki gets back."

She nodded and snuggled up against me. I knew Loki would not be ok with my want to protect her, but he will just have to deal. This child is now under my watch, and no one will touch her. I enter the living room and see the three boys still sitting there. When they looked at me I could see their shock at my tender hold, it was annoying.

"What are you looking at, Bruce she's in perfect health"

I didn't want Shadow to just sit, I wanted to make her feel safe, I look to the group of boys.

"Now, Bruce, put on a Disney movie, Stark get the softest blanket we own, and Steve go get some soft, plain vanilla cookies, now."

I put a bite in my words but hopefully not enough to scare Shadow. I watch as they panic to get up and retrieve the stuff. I walk over to the couch and sit down before laying Shadow beside me and positioning her head comfortably on my lap. 

In less than ten minutes the boys return with the treats. I wrap Shadow in the blanket and watch as she snuggled close and actually purred! I watch her with a look of pure joy as Steve put the cookies on the other side of my lap. I don't want Shadow to have to move to eat, so I hold one in in front of her.

"Here, let me feed you, I want you to be as comfortable as possible."

She shyly took a bite and seemed to melt at the taste. Tony put on Mary Poppins and we all settled down to watch. At some point, I started to pet Shadow's head and while Mary was singing the Freed The Birds song I felt her fall asleep, curled in my lap, wrapped in a blanket with crumbs everywhere, smiling softly.

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