Level 16

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Arjun was at the reception of the company.

" Excuse me..." Arjun called the receptionist who was busy entering some data.

" Good morning sir, how may I help you?" She asked politely with a small smile.

" Good morning, actually I am here to meet the R&D Director, Mr Swaminathan. I have an appointment with him..." Arjun said.

She checked on the system to check about his appointment.

" Yes sir. Mr Arjun kasyup?" She asked for which Arjun nodded positively.

She then directed towards the R&D Director through clerck.

It was a short meeting about the devices they were going to order and the service catalogue, it took about two hours for him to finish the meeting, and after the meeting, Mr. Swaminathan invited him to join him for lunch at the cafeteria suggesting that their cafeteria food was one of the bests. To which Arjun replied positively.

" How is our cafeteria food Mr. Kashyup?" Mr. Swaminathan asked with a smile.

" Just like how you described!" Arjun exclaimed to him.

The cafeteria had healthy and tasty food, which impressed him very much.

" Our mam, always insists that a happy and healthy environment would motivate employees to work harder." Mr. Swaminathan said with pride.

" Ah, about your mam. Can I meet her today? I wanted to meet her but forgot to get an appointment." Arjun asked, though he knew she was Shakthi he still at least wanted to see her face which reminded him of his Yaazhini.

" I don't think It would be possible, Mr. Kashyup. Mam comes to the office only on Monday and Thursday other days she will be in the Institute. As you know she is first a researcher then comes the business." The middle-aged man explained to him.

" Oh, but I remember when I first came to the company it was Monday she was here that is why I am confused." Arjun expressed his confusion.

" Ah, sometimes she makes surprise visits and when she has some appointments. The day she came here for your meeting especially." He explained to him.

" Okay, okay!" Arjun nodded and continued eating.

Mr. Swamination offered to tour the whole campus.

" I would love to!" Arjun expressed his appreciation for the offer with a grateful smile.

" Basically, this campus is spread around 780 acres. We are at the entrance, as you know we are at the headquarters. The headquarters is open to visitors with appointments but once after that gate, it belongs to the research institute which is closed to the public even the employees of the headquarters. Only the researchers, students and high-grade directors have access after and then you know security and housekeeping." The R&D director explained.

" The office building looks like 50 to 60 acres. So, the remaining is for the institute?" Arjun asked as they sat on the Electric Vehicle for the tour.

" Yes, the office is of 80 acres. In 700 acres 300 acres are dedicated to the research institute...."

" 300 for an institute?" He asked surprised, he was so into the Yaazhini Sakthi confusion he failed to notice this big campus.

" Yes, we have an animal facility, and library, and there are around 200 labs of which 160 are government-funded while 40 are private labs. The private labs are our core R&D labs. Apart from this we also have 10 laboratories that provide internships and training to aspiring researchers. Around 400 acres are still Vacant with just trees, we also have a separate cafeteria here for those who work in the institute." He explained.

" What about the herbal company and diagnostic labs?" Arjun asked still in awe.

" Diagnostic labs, are spread around districts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. While Spirulina farm is located in Coimbatore, Palakkad and Nilgiris they are processed and packaged in Coimbatore." Swaminathan explained.

" How come Sakthi made it in such a short span of time?" Arjun asked confused.

" Mam did not establish any of these things, 80% of these were established during her father's period but after Mam only we got enough funding for the research projects. With only diagnostic labs we had limited funding for research. GreenLeaf was established by Mam to overcome this, but the success was more than enough to make her the best entrepreneur of the year and change our fate, that is why Mam is so respected! And she also has exceptional leadership qualities, she never lets down our employees but she doesn't go soft on rule breakers!" He explained.

Though Arjun had many questions but he didn't want to seem dumb not knowing about the company he collaborated with.

" You wanted to see mam, right? We will see if we have luck it's her lunch hour let's check the cafeteria." Swami said took Arjun to the cafeteria over there.

After entering the hall, he looked around. Arjun found Maya standing with a stuffed toy in her hand.

She looked sleepy. There was a lady around the age of 30 standing with her.

" Isn't that Maya?" Arjun whispered.

" You know her?" Swami asked surprised.

" Yeah, I have met her once..." Arun trailed off.

Just then Sakthi entered the hall typing on her phone.

Arjun subconsciously walked towards them. As Sakthi neared Maya, she whined.

" Mummyyy, thukuu (Lift me)" She whined sleepily. 

" Baby, did you eat anything?" Sakthi asked lifting her up as Maya buried her head in her neck. 

" Yeah, she did have her lunch. She was so sleepy and was asking for you..." Her nanny who stood there replied to her. 

"Sakthi..." It was Arjun. 

Sakthi turned and was taken aback by his sudden appearance. 

" Uh? Hello, what are you doing here?" She asked the question but was looking at  Swaminathan for the answer. 

" Good afternoon mam. He said he wanted to meet you and I offered him to give a tour of the whole campus..." He explained the situation to Sakthi who nodded and dismissed him. 

" What do you want to talk to me?" Sakthi asked as she patted Maya's back who was sleeping by now. 

" I wanted to have the conversation personally!" Arjun said, Sakthi dismissed Swaminathan and the nanny. 

" Let's sit and talk?" She asked as they moved towards an isolated table. 

" Can I carry her?" Arjun asked with an unknown emotion. 

Though Sakthi contemplated for a minute but gave the sleeping Maya to him. 

" Thank you..." He mumbled and lifted Maya in his hands who snuggled into his chest.

As they sat on the table, Arjun started. 

" First of all, I am sorry if I have disturbed you these days. Even now when I see you, you look like Yaazhini. I just want to ask you, do you somehow know my Yaazhini?" He asked with the last ray of hope. 

Sakthi frowned at his words. 

" No, I don't know!" With her answer even the little hope had too vanished, he was feeling empty and cold, and the only warmth he felt was radiating from Maya.

" But who is she? It's not the first time I've been asked about her. Even Jeevan Iyer, an executive in my company had asked the same." Sakthi asked with a curious expression. 

" Yaazhini! She is my everything! We met in London at our university, she looked the same as you but the difference is she is very soft-spoken, petite, she had pale skin unlike you. Though you guys look very different by style and all, but the eyes..." He paused for a minute and continued. 

" They look like her's... A grave mistake I had done took her away from me... I've been searching for past years but couldn't find her, when I saw you at the Association party I was so shocked... I thought it's her..." He said sadly as a tear rolled down her eyes.

There was a minute of silence, after wiping his eyes he again continued.

" I know its too much to ask and try not reject it, please..."  He pleaded.

" I know it is not appropriate but will you please let me spend more time with Maya? She looks like you, and my Yaazhini and I already have a soft corner... So please let me..." He requested.

" Please, I promise to keep her safe."


Sorry for the delay, but yeah its going to be like this only, busy with plenty of work

Comment how was the chap?

Anyway, I wanted to ask if there is anyone from Canada?

Okay byeeeee

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