Level 20

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When Arav reached there, Sakthi was on the chair in the hallway with Maya sleeping on her shoulder. 

" Sakthi, what happened?" Arav rushed to her. 

" I don't know Arav, when Maya only noticed him leaning onto a pole in the platform, he was already unconscious we saw him, the doctor is yet to say..." She informed him worriedly. 

" My god! What am I going to do?" Arav sat on the chair burying his face in his palms. 

" Did you inform your family?" Sakthi asked as she caressed his hair. 

" No di (sister)! Bhai won't like it, I will inform dad alone after he wakes up..." Arav said leaning onto her touch, he is stressed already with all the work and studies. 

Many have said that he is lucky because he comes from a rich family, but only he knows how hard it is for him, he is just 20 but already working in their company helping his dad and brother. 

Well, everyone has problems, but they are just different!

This is one of the reasons Arjun forced himself to return to India, he just couldn't see his brother taking too much stress, yet Arav was stressed. 

The stress made him emotional and lean on Sakthi's shoulder. 

" Everything is fine Arav, his pulse was fine when I checked him. Let's see maybe he passed out of tiredness..." Sakthi convinced him as they waited for him. 

Meanwhile, Nithin reached there as Sakthi already called him to take Maya home.

" Sakthii... What happened?" 

" I don't know..." 

The doctor came out...

"Doctor, how is he?" Arav rushed to him. 

" He is stable now, looks dehydrated, and has low glycemic levels. This could be a possibility for his unconsciousness, but we suspect that it is the effect of chloroform poisoning. We have sent his blood sample to the toxicology, let's wait for the result. His vitals are normal and stable no need to worry, I will get back to you very soon." The doctor gave them a brief and went inside once again. 

" Where did he go yesterday?" She asked herself but Arav heard it. 

" I wish I knew!" Arav sighed. 

" Nithin you take Maya home, I will come after things settle here..." Sakthi handed Maya to Nithin, though Nithin protested to stay she insisted he return. 

After a few minutes which felt eternity, the doctor came.

" Like I said, chloroform was detected in his blood. The exposure should have been just a few hours before that is why we could detect it in blood, don't worry he is good now he will wake up in an Hour.  We will shift him to the normal ward once he wakes up, and we will keep him under observation for 24 hours " The doctor left them sitting in the same place. 

" From where did the chloroform come from?" Sakthi asked confused. 

" I don't understand anything, let him wake up and say it himself!" Arav replied worried and confused. 

Not even an hour had passed but Arjun was already up, as soon as he woke up he trashed in his bed. The nurse rushed to him. 

" Where am I? Where am I?" He tried to get up. 

" Sir, please calm down. You will injure yourself, IV lines are connected. Please be calm..." The nurse tried soothing him. 

" Where am I? Why is it so dark? Please turn on the light..." Arjun panicked. 

" Sir, don't worry you are alright. You are at the hospital and your family is waiting for you. Wait, let me call them, but please close your eyes and lie down. It's because you are under sedation, you can't see the light..." The nurse being an experienced one understood his situation and she knew something was off with his eyes. 

" I will call your family, please lie down..." She said and went out to inform Arav and Sakthi.

" Patient Arjun Kashyup's family?" She called, and Arav and Sakthi rushed to her. 

" Yes, sister, How is my brother?" 

" He just woke up, I guess he is traumatised, he was so agitated and I cannot see anything. You can go meet him, I will bring the doctor. Please if he says anything about his eyes, give him some confidence. Don't let him get scared..." The nurse gave them the instructions and went to call the doctor. 

" Bhai! Arjun!" Sakthi and Arav called him at the same time. 

Arjun very quickly recognised their voices.

" Arav, Sakthi!!" He shouted and tried waking up. 

But Sakthi pushed his shoulders. 

" Arjun, lie down. Don't panic, we are here..." 

" Am I really here with you guys? Why can't I see anything? Sakthi, I am scared!" A tear rolled down his cheeks, he felt helpless. 

Sakthi took his hands in his. 

" Arjun, everything is fine and we are with you. Don't panic, let's wait for the doctor to come, okay?" She said softly caressing his head. While Arav stood there dumbfounded, he didn't know what to do he was scared.  What happened to his Ajju bhaiya? 

" Arav, he is fine. Come on talk with him..." Sakthi encouraged him while gesturing for him to be positive. 

" Bhai!" Arav hugged the lying Arjun.  Both didn't know what and how to start any conversation. 

The nurse returned with the doctor. 

" How are you, Mr. Kashyup?" The doctor asked looking at him keenly. 

" I don't know doctor! I can see nothing, are the lights off?" Arjun asked hopefully. 

" No, Mr. Kashyup they are on..." 

" But then Why can't I see anything? Everything is so dark!" He panicked once again. 

" Don't panic Arjun. Let me check you okay? Panicking might make it worse, don't worry we are with you!" The doctor consoled him and did some tests. He asked him some questions with a flashing torch in his eyes. 

"  As you say, you didn't get any injury near your eyes or head right?"  The doctor asked once again for confirmation. 

" No, doctor!" 

" Okay, Arjun. This could be a little issue due to stress, neurological or the drug. Let us confirm it with the specialists and run some tests, okay? Until then don't panic, it could elevate issues..." The doctor paged for a specialist that night. 

" Let me call Nithin, he might help us. He is a neurologist..." Sakthi said and left to call Nithin and then returned while the doctor was arranging for his test. 

" Does that mean I am blind now?" Arjun asked vulnerably. 

" Come on, Arjun be strong. Just take a rest maybe tomorrow morning you will be alright!" She convinced. 

" I want to see my Yaazhini, but now I can eve't see her picture..."  Tears rolled down as he asked like a child asking for his mother.

He looked so vulnerable that even Sakthi had tears in her eyes. 

" No, Arjun! Nothing like that will happen, okay?" She tried consoling him. 

" Who is Yaazhini?" Arav asked confused. 

A minute of silence prevailed. 

" Let's..." Sakthi was interrupted by Nithin's entry. 

" What happened? I told you I will stay..." Nithin glared at Sakthi and moved towards Arjun to check on him. 

" What was the last update?" Nithin asked to which Arav replied. 

Then the ophthalmologist and neurologist who happened to be Nithin's friend arrived for consultation. 

Not being able to come to a conclusion and to diagnose faster they decided to go for all the tests that could give a clue. 

" We will go for MRI & CT along with VEP (Visual Evoked Potentials) and OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomography). We will try our best to diagnose faster!" The doctors said exited the room while the nurse asked them to feed Arjun with something and then get ready to get the tests done. 

While Arav went to pay for the bills, Sakthi sat there feeding him. 

 " Arjun, tell me clearly about what happened. Why didn't you go home yesterday?" Sakthi asked. 

" Something is wrong Sakthi. Something big is happening around us. Someone else is searching for Yaazhini which sure is not for a good cause. They mistook you for her... Their intention is to confirm whether it is you or Yaazhini." He muttered seriously, his held fear. 

" Tell me everything clearly." "

" Yesterday night ...................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... then I don't know how I reached here"  He narrated the whole incident. 

Sakthi sat there thinking deeply. 


" What stupidity have you done?" The man yelled at him. 

" I just wanted to confirm..." He muttered. 

" The hell you want to... I have my ways to do that. Why did you even use your shit brain? Now they would become even more cautious! I told you she is not Yaazhini!" 

"But he is so close to her..." The man grumbled. 

" You are stupid! He is close to them because of their appearance, your one fault would bring so many revelations which will make it so hard for us. Just continuously keep a watch on them, either that Yaazhini is dead or she would try to contact them. Anyway her death is in my hands. Most probably she is dead..." The man smirked. 


So how is it? 

Any idea who kidnapped Arjun? What do they want with Yaazhini? 

Is she dead? 

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Ahhhhhh! Hope you liked the chapter. With an exam tomorrow, ohh sorry today it's already 12, here I am doing What can I do well.  Distracted! At least I did this, ufff!

Okay tata byeeeeeee

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