Level 22

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After a few minutes, Arjun woke up asking for water.

" How are you feeling " asked Shakti.

" Hmm! I don't know really, should I worry about my eyesight or about someone searching Yaahini?" he said worried.

" You shouldn't be worrying about your eyesight because when you were asleep one of my researchers came here she said that the drug that caused your blindness is something which is still under research and it is nothing sort of a big issue they have only tried it on mice and the drug causes temporary blindness until a week or 2 so when the dosage comes down you will get your sight back so you don't have to worry about it." Shakti convinced him.

"Are you sure about that?" Arjun asked.

" Well it's not 100% but we can trust her because anything that serious had not occurred until now so let's wait for two or three days maybe. After you recover or maybe even tomorrow you could become our lab rat because you are the first human to be injected with this drug." Sakthi said shrugging.

"Let's leave about me I am worried about Yaazhini. Who are they? Why are they searching for her? I am 100% sure that it is not for any good cause before they find her I should find her and protect her." Arjun mumbled worried.

" Don't worry everything will be fine!" Shakti cajoled.

" Yeah let's see, where is Maya? I want to see her, yeah, of course, I can't see her but still, I want her to come here, I want to speak to her" Arjun requested.

" She must be sleeping, I'll bring her after breakfast maybe?" Sakthi said." Yeah okay but what is the time now?" Arjun asked.

"It's around 5 o'clock," Sakthi said." by the way do you want to eat something?" Sakthi asked for which he nodded. Then she called Jeevan to bring him something to eat.

After that time moved fast as Jeevan stayed back with Arjun while others went home to freshen up and see next.

Arjun again slept until 8 after eating, and then he freshened up with Jeevan's help. Then

Arjun shared his concern about Yaazhini with Jeevan.

" Arjun, I don't know what to say... I tried my best to find Yaazhini even if she was hiding from you why would she hide from me? After knowing about Andrea do you think Yaazhini would go away? No, there must be something more than that. " Jeevan said confusing Arjun.

" Yes, there are two probabilities. She is hiding due to some reasons, you know forgivable Yaazhu was, even if not for you for me at least? And where is Alan? Where did he go? His granny was his only family, he didn't her funeral I was there. They both are missing, how? And now you say someone is searching..."

" What do you mean to say, Jeevan?" Arjun asked frustrated.

" Either there is something, so she is hiding for life or... or... she is no more..."

" Jeevan!" Arjun yelled at him angrily.

" Nothing is going to happen if you shout Arjun! This is the truth, why should Andrea get killed when we went to meet Yaazhini? Why didn't Yaazhini come there? Tell me, Arjun..."

"I don't know! I don't know, Jeevan! But I know one thing, she is alive, somewhere. I know! Please, don't speak like this..." Arjun pleaded as he sobbed.

Jeevan hugged him.

" Look Arjun I know it hurts! But how many more years do you think you will search for her? What if she has moved on?" Jeevan asked patiently.

" Let it take years, even my lifetime. I will still keep searching for her! And I know my Yaazhini will not move on because I know how much she loves me. Even if she did move on, I don't care. There will be no women in my life except my Yaazhini!" Arjun said in a final tone.

That was the end of their conversation, Jeevan sat there until Sakthi and Maya entered.

" Junnnnuuuuuu..." Maya shouted being in Sakthi's arms.

" Princesss..." A smile formed on Arjun's lips.

" You are so bad!!" She whined.

Sakthi made Maya sit on Arjun's lap and that was enough for him to hug her to his chest.

" Why am I bad?" He asked still with a smile on his face.

" Amma said Doctor Uncle punished you because you ate too much ice cream, you didn't take me there..." Maya said making him laugh, while Sakthi facepalmed.

" You are not afraid of punishments?" Arjun asked

" Hmm... I don't know!" Maya shrugged.

" Do you know what punishment doctor uncle gave me?"

" No!"

" Hmm, he gave some injection and I can't see Maya and Chota Bheem..." He said with a pout.

" Really? But you are seeing me..." She exclaimed.

" No, I cannot see you. Everything is black!"

" Really?!"


" Amma, really?" She asked shocked and even checked Arjun showing numbers with her tiny fingers.

" Amma, we will not eat more ice creams, okay? Junnu you should also do the same..." Maya exclaimed once again.

"Okay, baba!" Arjun kissed her head.

In this foreign world, he searched for solace in Maya, his little princess, just a week she was already an important person in his life.

" Arjun I have a very important meeting to attend. I will leave Maya with you, okay?" Sakthi said she knew he needed some support she also knew no one else other than Maya and Yaahini could give it to him.

" Thank you so much, Sakthi!" He was grateful.

" That's fine, take care. I will visit you in the evening, the doctor said you can go home by evening and should take rest until you recover. Arav will be here in an hour. Don't stress yourself, I charged your phone, here..." She passed his phone and wallet which were retrieved from his pockets yesterday.

" I don't know how to thank you! You are doing this to me when I am no one, just a stranger maybe?"

" Arjun! You are not some friend to me. Let me be brutally honest, the relationship started only because I pitied you but no more, you are my friend because I could see how much you love Yaazhini and I can also see how much you adore Maya. Do you think I will let any stranger near my Maya? So understand that you are my friend and a family, today I am with you in your hard times and I believe you will be with me when I go through one!"

" Thank you for your trust! A burnt child dreads the fire. I will never break your trust!" He promised.

Then Sakthi bid bye to them after tightening security around Maya and Arjun.

Soon Arav returned freshly dressed he also bought a pair of clothes for Arjun.

" You didn't tell Dad right?" Arjun asked.

" I didn't, but he did ask where you are. I said you are with Maya. He didn't question much after that... I know you wouldn't want Dad to worry but we still need to inform Dad or he blame himself for nothing." Arav suggested.

" I know, but let us tell him when we go in the evening," Arjun said.

Sakthi had bought their breakfast and lunch in the morning itself so they didn't have much to do, the doctor had visited him once while the nurses kept an eye on him regularly.

The day was filled with Maya's stupid stories which didn't seem stupid to Arjun he was equally interested as her, and her giggles filled the room. It lightened Arav and Arjun's mind and heart.

Maya was a little hesitant to speak with Arav but knowing it was her Junnu's brother she made him her friend.

Just in a day, she had given him a nickname, " Aaruu"

At the end of the day when Sakthi returned to the hospital to take them home, what she saw was heartwarming.


That's all for today. 

Hope you enjoyed reading. 

By the way who is your favourite character in this book until now? 

Share your opinions and suggestions through comments. 

Until next chap 


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