Level 27

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The whole week went neutrally, as everyone Arjun was hell-bent on making him feel good, even Jeevan visited them with his wife and daughter Adhirai.

Today they planned to have dinner together in a restaurant. Maya kept clinging to Arjun as she didn't like her Junnu being sweet with other kids.

" Maya, come on sit on the chair. You said you are a big girl right?" Sakthi asked as she was not even sitting but was lying on Arjun's chest, she seemed dull.

She just nodded no and turned to the other side.

"What happened to my Princess? What do you want to eat?" Arjun asked softly, as everyone could sense something wrong with her.

She again nodded no.

Even Arjun and Sakthi felt sad and worried because Maya was rarely quiet or upset. They didn't know why she was like this.

Sakthi and Arjun ordered all her favourite dishes and made her eat a little by feeding.

Soon she fell into slumber on his chest.

While Athirai was still active and was playing with her mother.

" I really don't know what happened to her. I am worried, through thick and thin I made sure she was happy. But now..." Sakthi trailed off as she started feeling guilty thinking that she did not spend enough time with her daughter.

" Sakthi, she is a kid. Something must be bothering her may she got scared seeing something. Let's talk to her tomorrow..." Arjun tried convincing.

" Actually it is something else..." Jeevan started.

" What is that?"

" I feel like, she is possessive..." Jeevan said.

" Jeevan, she is a kid!" Arjun said confused.

" Exactly! She is a kid, I clearly noticed when I first came to your house she was so happy jumping and dancing. The second with Aathirai she was happy she was even ready to share her toys but her attitude changed when she saw you with Athirai. I clearly noted I left it there because I thought maybe I was wrong. Maybe she feels insecure, she only had her mother all these years and you suddenly became close to her it's all too much to take and when you behave the same way with other kids it makes her feel a little less special." Jeevan explained which made sense.

" Who will tell her how much I love her?" Arjun said kissing her head.

" It might affect her character and as well as her behaviour with others so make sure to do the needful" Jeevan said as others nodded.

Then after dinner, they decided to part ways. Arjun sat in the passenger seat with Maya while Sakthi drove the car.

" Sakthi, what should we do about this?" Arjun asked looking at her.

" To be honest I don't know, maybe we should ensure her that you will be there for her no matter what. But the question will you be?" Sakthi asked him still looking at the road.

"Of course! Is this even a question? Maya is an inevitable part of my life, how can you even think like that?" Arjun sounded angry.

" It's all easy to put in words Arjun. But how will you explain it to your partner? What if she doesn't like you being close to Maya? You are staying with us spending with her but how long?"

"Look Sakthi, it may seem temporary to you. But for me, it is not! About my life partner, it is going to be Yaazhini no matter what I don't think she will be bothered if I love her niece."

" What if you fall in love with someone else before you find Yaazhini?"

" Don't worry, that will not happen. I am damn sure about it!" Arjun assured.

" Thank you, Arjun. Though I was able to fulfil all her wishes I could never provide her a father figure. Honestly, she has become more outgoing and happy after you came into her life. I am very grateful for that!"

" Don't be, I am just being selfish nothing more." Arjun noticed that they were going on a different route.

" Where are we going?"

" To the beach, to get bread omelette for Maya and make her happy."


"Why is she so confident that those two are alive? Are you sure they are dead?" The man asked.

" Yes, brother. I am sure I saw them dying in front of my eyes. There is no way they are alive, with what I see I think she is trying to convince him." The other man said.

" Make sure to check again and be more careful about this Sakthi and Arjun. Now that they know that Yaazhini and Laya are siblings I think they will try to understand the things happening around them so be extra careful!" The man warned.

" Why do we have to do this much work? It's better to kill them at once!" The shorter guy said nonchalantly earning a glare from the man.

" Never! Never think about that!" The man said choking the man who struggled to breathe.

" No, No! I will never do that! Leave me, leave me..."

" Understand it properly! I can never kill her or her happiness but I just don't want the research to come out... The last time I spared you for hurting Arjun because it did not harm his life but next don't even think about this!" He warned and walked out of the room.

The short man stood there confused.

Why does he not want to harm her? He is not this human when it comes to others but why her? I've been with him for more than a decade now, I don't understand half the things he does. Is he stupid or what? Spending these many lakhs to snoop on her, it's better to kill her and end this matter.

Anyways, why should we be concerned about this, we are just doing the job we are getting paid for.

He thought and went on with his words.


" Princess, why were you upset at the dinner? Don't you like Jeevan uncle, Aunty and Adhirai?" Arjun asked.

Maya was sitting on his lap while Sakthi was feeding her.

" Maya, tell us. Only if you tell us we will know right?" Sakthi asked.

" Junnu likes Adhi baby more..." Maya said softly.

" Why does make my baby sad?" Arjun asked kissing her cheeks.

" So you will go to her?"

" But Junnu loves Maya more than he loves anyone else!" Arjun said though Maya understood something she was not clear about what she was hearing.

" Okay, let me ask this. Whom do you like more me or amma?"

Maya was silent while Sakthi kept feeding her. She didn't know how to answer this.

" Oh, you like your mama more?" Arjun asked sadly.

" Noo!" Maya yelled.

"Oh, then you like your Junnu more. Amma is sad!" Sakthi said sadly.

" No, amma I love you!" Maya said hurriedly.

" But you should say any one of us only," Arjun said.

" But I love both of you also..."

" No, you amma only you will leave me," Arjun said sadly.

" No, no I love you both I will leave you both!" Maya said tears forming in her eyes, how could Junnu say that she would leave him?

" Same, same... Then how Junnu will leave you?" Sakthi asked.

" Yes, Junnu loves Adhirai but Junnu loves Maya the most and will not leave her ever, okay?" Arjun said hugging her tightly.

" Whoever touches the horse will get ice cream!" Sakthi screamed and ran towards the horse statute on the beach.

Arjun scooped Maya in his hands and chased her. The beach filled with their giggles.

They knew these mere words were not going to change her mind but these were just steps, Arjun promised himself that he would show it in action and make her feel secure.


That's all for today, hope you like it.

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