Level 29

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Upon returning home, they found Maya sulking in the living.

" What happened to my princess?" Arjun asked lifting her in his arms but she continued sulking.

" What happened?" Sakthi asked kissing her cheeks.

" I wanna go out and play..." Maya sulked.

" Okay, let's go out!" Arjun said enthusiastically even after the whole tiring day.

" But I don't have anyone to play!" She pouted.

" You have us!" Sakthi said gently.

" But children are supposed to play with children! And I don't have any friends!" Maya said with her teary eyes.

That struck like a sword in her heart.

" We will talk about it another time! But who wants to eat ice cream?" Arjun asked in a high-pitched voice to distract her which did work.




With that, they distracted her from the thoughts. They took Maya to a park with mini rides and many stalls with street food. Though earlier it was packed slowly the crowd went down as the hour passed 9, Maya was already asleep on Arjun's chest and playing and having N number of street foods.

"Sakthi, why don't we put her in school?" Arjun asked.
Sakthi kept staring at nowhere.

" I mean, I feel like she will fail to develop social skills if we keep homeschooling her." He reasoned out.

"I know, do you think I wouldn't have thought about that? I did consider putting her in the school. But it scares me to leave her alone in a place for more than an hour. You know right? I never leave her alone any of us or at least the nanny will be constantly" Sakthi said worried.

" I know what you are worried about! What we have to do is, to make her clever and teach her to protect herself and be smart. We shouldn't overprotect her."

"But..." Arjun interrupted Sakthi.

" I know she is not ready to protect herself but it's a special case in our lives. She is smart, understanding, and serious more than any kid of her age so let's give it a chance, what say?" Arjun asked.

" I want to! But I am still afraid about her safety... I am not convinced" She said frustrated.

" I've thought of it. We have two options to choose


I don't want Maya to grow up among rich brats I know there would be good people too but still, so I want her to go to SAINIK, it ensures safety as well as inculcates values.
ANITA SAGAR is not a bad option because most celebrity kids study there so you don't have to worry about safety." Arjun explained.

" How come you know so much?" Sakthi asked surprised.

" I've been thinking about it lately and decided to do a small research and Maya gave me a reason to speak it out. So what do you think?"

" I feel like SAINIK seems best I want her to grow like a queen, not a princess. Strong and intelligent. Let's go with SAINIK until primary and then we will let her choose where she wants to go?"

" Perfect! My princess is going to school!" He grinned and kissed sleeping Maya's head.

" But promise me, either you or I should be the only ones to pick and drop her even if it costs millions. Occasionally we can ask our family members but only after confirming that they are picking up her. I don't want any misunderstanding to happen..." Sakthi said worried.

" You are worrying too much, she'll be safe. Moreover, it's near to your office, I will pick and drop her off there or take her with me because I know when you are in the lab you cannot come out accurately and on office days you can pick her up. What do you say?" He said convincingly.

"That sounds great! We have to prepare her for the school." Sakthi said with a sigh, though she was convinced still she had a small fear inside her.

" Don't worry everything will be in control!" He said.

Then they left from there towards their home.

The next morning, Sakthi was cooking while Arjun and Maya entered the dining groggily. This was the first time Arjun was going to taste her food, all these months though Sakthi cooked occasionally Arjun didn't have a chance to taste some proper food, he had always had sandwiches, and salads made by her.

" Good morning!" Sakthi said brightly while they said groggily.

" Did you guys brush?" She asked.

" Yeah,.."
" Then come let's have breakfast..." She set the table.
Mention of mummy's food made Maya awake.

" Mummmmyyy, you made food!" She exclaimed as she always loved her Mum's cooking.

" Yes, baby let's have food!"

Maya jumped and skipped towards the table while Arjun and Sakthi followed her with 6.

Sakthi made Mutton curry and idly for herself and Maya. Sambar idly for Arjun.

" Thank you for the sambar!" Arjun thanked her because she cooked for him.

"Junnuu, why don't eat chicken and this..." Maya curiously as Sakthi said he doesn't eat it.

" Because I am vegetarian!" He smiled.

" But why? You don't like it? But my mom makes the best food..." She said proudly, Sakthi laughed and ruffled her hair.

" No princess, it's not like I dislike it but I've never eaten it!"

"But why? Your mummy doesn't make it?" She asked innocently. Arjun had a sad smile but before Sakthi could interrupt it he spoke again.

" No, princess. Not like that. We don't have a habit of eating meat." He couldn't explain more.

" Maya, everyone has their practices and culture which you will understand when you grow up okay? Big girls understand this easily but you should know one thing we shouldn't ask someone to do something that they don't like or do!" Sakthi explained, though didn't understand fully she nodded.

Sakthi wanted her to respect others and their beliefs, though she was small for this she believed these should be inculcated from a young age.

Then Sakthi fed Maya, Arjun was quiet the whole time, Sakthi gave him space thinking he was upset about his mother.

The whole day went on with Sakthi and Maya spending their day together while Arjun disappeared somewhere after letting her know he was going out.

Such a short chapter I know, but I will come again soon with what you would be expecting 🫡

Sorry for disappearing

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Bye, c ya'll soon

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