part 3

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Apologies for such a late update.
Hope u enjoyed the last chapter.

Thank u all for ur appreciation.

No proof read.....

Happy reading.

"Avni" Neil knelt down in front for her while she was standing still with the support of her walking stick. The wound over her right breast demanded 3 surgeries back to back to set it well. Also Her muscles over her right knees are pulling upwards as the breast and hip areas were shrunken due to the acid and that made her carry the walking stick to give a proper balance from skidding.

They are in a deserted beach area. Exactly the way Avni love to be. Silent all over. The only two breathing materials over there were Neil and Avni. Now he was on his knees to confess her. But avni's expression gave nothing appreciating. She was glaring at him as she knows what is coming now. With the hell lot of nervousness Neil continued. The fear of rejection swallowed half of his boldness giving a shreik noice as a mean of voice.

"I know it's hard for u to believe in love. I know I am not perfect material that any girl would dream for. I am very bad at pampering girls. I don't have patience to carry shopping bags. I have never planned any romantic dates ever in my life. As I was busy at my Ph.D submission never have I either attended romance subject in the collage. Neither I had any handful of relationship experiences. I know nothing beyond maths and miserably failed in both chemistry and biology. Please be pity on me and accept my proposal" Neil said with a dramatic expression over his face. She gripped her walking stick strongly as she wasn't anymore able to take this.

"Neil u know right we are just friends. And what is all this. U r giving some pointless reasons to say that u r not perfect" Avni said in anger as she couldn't bear with his overboard dramatic proposal.

"Can I counter defence the same point over u" he replied as soon as her gyaan got over.

"What" Avni asked with one hand on air without understanding his confrontation.

"When I approached u last time proposing u in hospital in front of everyone inspite of the fear of rejection, all u did is to slap me and run away. I thought that was out of fear. Fear on believing someone after what happened. But no, the next thing that u said to me as the reason of rejection is something I will never forgive u for." Neil said in a pace still on the same position.

"U can't argue with me for that Neil. I was right that day and now also my point is clear." Avni shouted so that she can no more control her emotions. The both were fighting with each other while all they want was to be with each other.

"Achaa....'It's not the same Avni u r loving, things are changed' what was that, may I know" Neil modified his voice to match her dialogue boring into her cold eyes but in a calm manner. For now he was clear that she has feelings for him.

Avni stumbled a little but composed herself. "And what was wrong with what I said" she raised her eye brows controlling her inner turmoil which is suggesting her to throw herself in his arms.

"U can't humiliate my love with a tag of lust over ur body Avni. I don't deserve that or to say atleast my love don't deserve it Avni" Neil was angry now for real.

"U have seen my scars Neil. Things can't be same now" Avni was now in the verge of breaking down. And that's what Neil wants. She has to break down to confess her true feelings for him. Or we may say he has no other way in his mind to make her accept the truth.

"Tho" now he got up and gripped her arms shaking her with each confrontation.

"Do u really think this is going to matter my love for u" Neil was now dead closer to her.

"When I don't love myself why are u doing so" Avni shot back. Neil gave a confused look. Was that even a question, he thought. But he could feel how insecure she has gained about her own self.

"Are u sure Neil that u love me. Because I cannot handle heart breaks anymore. I am tired of acting to be brave. I can't anymore." She shuddered under his hold. Walking stick has fallen long back. Or to say he was almost holding her in place. She was boring into his deep brown orbs as she spoke each and every words carefully choosing them.

"Are u sure that u will still love me even after looking what operation has done to my body" that's it. Neil closed his eyes. She was repeating the same phrase picking different words.

He sniffed back his tears after composing himself. He was now angry on her for again tagging his love in a name of lust. Though she didn't mean it directly he couldn't crack any other meaning for her this revoking point.

"What will u do in my place Avni, will u leave me if something like this happens to me" Neil stressed the word leave while his voice was all broken. Broken on seeing the amount of trust she has for his love.

Avni looked simultaneously his both eyes but they were not meeting her's. He was hurt and it was clear in his voice. Or may say that he was tired to argue with her anymore.

Neil slowly left her seeing no reply from her side.

He bent down to take the walking stick and make her stand on her own. All this time his eyes didn't met her's.

"Neil" Avni said in low voice while he lifted his heavy eyelids to see her. It was Misty and red. Deep red.

Avni left the walking stick and was about to fall while Neil catched her again.

"Are u mad"Neil raised his voice as he catched her while she clinged on him to balance herself.

She bit her lower lip to suppress her cries and engulfed herself into his arms as a baby.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it in that way." Avni mumbled in his ears swallowing her tears.

"It's too much for me to handle in such a short span Neil" Avni again spoke as he didn't reciprocate the hug.she could feel how hurt he must have been.

She was about to leave him and step away while he grabbed her hips and kept her in place making her cling on him again. Her old wounds were giving a sharp pain due to his sudden pull. But her heart ache suppressed all the other pains.

"Then u don't have to handle all at the same time. Give me ur pains Avni" Neil whispered softly in her ears hugging her. She gripped onto him tightly in response. Her body shacked against his while she was crying softly in her embrace. It's not that she has cried before. She cried for pain that her body was physically making.

But now she cried for the scar that her heart holding from the attack. She was crying for what her body has become now. She was crying for her love who is holding her in place even at the most devastating period of her life whereas she is still stubborn enough to hide her feelings for him.

How can she be so rude to him. To his love. And this was the breaking point of it. She was surrendering herself under him. Under his protection. She is in her home finally.

"I want to hold ur hands and walk with u together the journey of life Avni. let me join u. And I promise u the most beautiful life ahead." he voice was no less than a plead while she was noding her head in response.

"I love u Neil. I always did. And I will always love u. I want to spend my whole life with u. I want to make babies with u. To grow old with u. And to love u more than I love myself. And trust me I always wanted to say this to u. But the day the nurse dressed my wounds I saw those scars again and a fear engulfed into me. The fear of dejection. And Trust me Neil the words I spoke were out of fear of loosing u. I didn't mean any of it." Avni mumbled letting her heart's whisper audible enough for Neil.

His grip became tighter than ever before, as he let out happy tears. And that gesture was more than an I love u too......


It's the beginning of their love story.



So how was the last chapter.

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Much love,

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