chapter 2

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Please read this whole chapter as it will be describing the background.

Manzil milegi, bhatak ker hi sahi

Gumrah to wo hain, Jo ghar se nikle hi nahi.

Jahan Ara begum, was wife of Shabbir Malick. They had three sons,

The eldest son, Mustafa Malick was a humble polite and respectful man in his late 50's who was married to Hameeda who was also a polite lady and caring mother figure for all the children. They have 3 children

Arman Mustafa Malick was 28 years old who was handling all the business and the underworld.

•Then, Ammar Mustafa Malick who was 26 years old and was also taking part in business. He was Badtameez and hot headed.

•and the youngest was Armeen Mustafa Malick who was 20 years old and was doing bachelors in IR. She was sweet and caring just like her mother.

The second eldest son was, Rafiq Malickwho was also in his late 50's and was married to arfa. They both were very supportive and kind hearted to their kids, nieces and nephews. They also had 3 children.

Haris Rafiq Malick was 27 years old and was giving hand in his dad's business. He was the best man of Arman in underworld.

Then second eldest kid was, Hareem Rafiq Malick who was 24 years old and had already completed her studies. She was getting married.

The youngest one was Hira Rafiq Malick who was 2o years old and was doing her bachelor's in English. She was very muh phat, trouble maker, obsessed with novels but was sweet to everyone, except him, Ammar.

Then the youngest son was, Haider Malick who was in his early 50's and was married to Ayesha. They had only 2 kids,

Noor Haider Malick, who was also 20 years old and was doing bachelors in business administration. She was very polite and helpful.

Then the only kid left, Azaan Haider Malick who was only 5 years old. And was studying in primary school.


The actual story started when the head of mafia Shabbir Malick and his youngest son Haider along with his Ayesha were brutally murdered by their rivals when they were returning from an event. It was almost 5 years ago.

When everyone got this news they were devastated, nobody knew what to do.

At that time the head of the mafia was Shabbir Malick and he was about to pass his  kingdom to his kids when that tragedy happened. At that very time it was urgent for any one of the family male to take up his position.
And because both of the brothers were not interested as they had their own business to take care of, they thought it was very great time and opportunity to hand over the kingdom to Arman.

As Arman was 23 at that time, and he was the ladla of his dada,  was already trained for the mafia life, he accepted it. And that problem was solved.
But again it was very hard for everyone to take care of 2 orphans. And especially Azaan who was only a month old. Every family member gave them more attention and love, nobody made them feel like they were now alone. Noor's Taya Abbu and Dadi (Jahan Ara begum) took their full responsibility. Everyone was very caring and polite,

but that tragedy made Noor keep distance from everyone. She would speak less, do not come out of her room if not important,
Always keeps ker distance, always studying and in her free time she would play with Azaan.

2 months after their death, everyone noticed noor's behavior. So they decided to do nikah of Arman and Noor. As every body knew that it was bound to happen someday do they thought why not now?.
It was a simple nikah held in the Haveli and only family members were there. Noor didn't even knew what was happening she was just told that she'll be having her nikkah and nobody asked her.

In their customs and traditions, ladies were granted full freedom but no Haram relationships, they were allowed to study but they could not do job, and most importantly the girls were told in their early teens that they are to be married when and where their parents wants and they are not to be questioned. So when Noor was told, she was not shocked but a little worried and upset that it is happening this soon.

As she knew it will happen sometime later when she'll be ready but never in her wildest  dreams she thought it will happen this, this soon.

And so we should not expect anything from life, anything can happen and we have to go with the flow.

To be continued...
If u see any mistake, do tell me, I'll correct.
Haveli's picture on the top.

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Allah Hafiz ❤️

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