chapter 32

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Whole day, I didn't step out of the room. Arman didn't let me, he made sure, I was not left alone, in his absence. And I didn't know, why?

I called Haya, in the bathroom, so that no one could hear us.

' Assalamualaikum Noor.' Haya said her Salam, right after she picked up the call.

' wa-.' Noor couldn't even reply, and started weeping, she was terrified to her core.

'Noor? Kia hua? Batao!' Haya panicked.

(What happened? Tell me?)

When Noor didn't reply, Haya again spoke.

' Ghar per hona? Mai aarahi hu.' Shuffling could be heard from the other side of the phone.

( You're at home? I'll come)

'Haya? Ek kaam kerdo.' Noor hurriedly spoke.

(Do one thing)

'kia?' Haya's voice held uncertainty.


' raaste Mai, pharmacy store se-' Noor stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath, she continued. ' waha se birth control pills le ana.'

( On the way, bring birth control pills from a pharmacy)

There was a piercing silence, on the other end of the phone.

'Noor?' Haya asked unsure.

She wanted to know, what she was thinking was true?

' bas jaldi le ana. I'll wait for you.' with that being said, Noor cut the call and washed her face that was full of tears.

(Bring it fast)


Was it really my fault? That I didn't accept him as my husband. I surely knew from the beginning, that I was going to be his wife, I was going to carry his children. But that decision was imposed on me. No one asked me, what i wanted. But we were past that phase now.

I guess, it was my fault. I didn't accept him. I resisted him. I knew he had sharai haq on me, but still I was reluctant.
It feels as if it was my fault.

I had nothing to do, so I was doing my assignments. All busy in them, I didn't realize it was already evening. And as Azaan was sitting with me, doing his own homework, with Aamina helping him out, I was quite.

Aamina couldn't do much, she just helped me changing clothes, shower and eating lunch.

I knew she did not like what her Arman Bhai did to me. The first time she saw me in that state, in the morning, she couldn't even move from her place, with her mouth open, and eyes wide, she simply stared at me, unable to digest the fact that, I became a woman.

Everyone came to meet me, as they were informed, that I was not feeling well. So that is why I was resting.

Even if they get to know the truth, that Arman raped me, no one was going to say anything.

How cruel they were? There cruelty knew no bounds!

I was sore, I felt difficulty in walking, my whole body was aching. But I had to stay strong for Azan. I didn't want him to know, what happened to his sister!

Arman was working from home for today, to keep an on me, but why? I didn't know. As he came after a week, so everyone was happy to see him, he also sat with Baray abbu for a couple of hours.

I didn't know what I felt. I surely never liked Arman, he was mean to me, every single time, but he was my husband? But the sole question was,
Do all the husbands force themselves on their wives?

I was never going to forgive him, for what he did. He was a bastard, and surely he had no regret after stooping so low.

Our room's door opened and an out of breath Haya came in, as soon as she saw me, she came running to me, and hugged me tight.

She had tears in her eyes. She was weeping, just like me.

We broke the hug, and she sat in front of me on the bed.

She for a couple of minutes, just keenly observed me, she was inspecting the damage, Arman inflicted onto me.

She placed her forefinger under my chin, and tilted my head, this way, my whole neck was on display. She just silently, sat and took in my state. I could see the hurt and accusations in her eyes.

' I know I shouldn't be asking this, but kesa feel kerrahi ho?' she asked in a low voice, as she took my hand in hers.

(How are you feeling?)

I just gave her a slight nod. She then turned towards Azaan, who was sitting idle, and kissed his cheek.

' how are you Aamina?' Haya asked as she saw Aamina sitting on the sofa, reading a book.

' Alhamdulillah.' Aamina replied with a small smile.

There was a knock on the door, which made us all to look at the door.

Haris bhai entered with a Salam, when he saw Haya sitting.

' Aamina, tum yaha ho. Make a cup of tea for me.' he exclaimed, then told her and left.

(You are here)

Aamina nodded at once, and stood up, making her way out, leaving me and Haya alone along with Azaan.

' Azan? Ap Ammar bhai ke pass jao khelne. He'll be in his room.' I told him, he left enthusiastically, as he was bored, sitting here doing only his homework.

(Go play with Ammar bhai)

We both saw Azan leaving, and as soon as the door closed behind him, Haya took out the pills from her bag, and hand them over to me. While I poured the water in the glass from the jug, placed on the site table.

I swallowed the pill down as prescribed, while Haya looked at me concerned.

I knew she wanted to say something, even I wanted to say many things to her, but we had no words.

Haya had a slight handprint on her cheek, which she tried her best to cover with makeup, but it didn't get unnoticed by me. It was strange, her cheek was slightly red, even after makeup, I slightly caressed her cheek which held the reddish scratch, as if someone slapped her, hard.

I looked into her eyes, questioningly.
She looked down, not meeting my eyes. I gave her a sharp look. Holding her chin, I too inspected her face for other injuries, but there were none. Shukar.

She stood up to leave, when I held her hand.

' kisne Kiya ye?' I voiced out my unasked question.

( Who did this?)

I knew for sure, khala didn't do this, it was next to impossible, after khalu's death, she never even touched them harshly.

' sirf is sawal ka jawab dedo.' I pushed her a little, when she stayed silent.

( Just answer my this question)

' Kiya karogi jaan ker? Huh?' she turned to me, her voice held acid.

I looked at her dumb. Her question was unexpected.

' Noor koi kuch nahi kersakta. No one. Not me, Not you, not ammi. Sab mere hatho see ret ki tarha phisal raha hai.' she broke down in my arms.

(No one can do anything. Everything is falling apart)

I patted her back, calming her down. She was hiccupping. I was getting on the edge, with her crying, I couldn't pinpoint, who exactly was behind her, or all this.

She broke the hug, got up, wiping her tears away, she made her way to the door.

' Daniyal Arman se koi behtar nahi hai Noor. Dono wehshi darinde hain.'

(Daniyal is no better than Arman. Both are wild animals)

She left me in shock, just I registered her words, a tear streamed down my cheek.

I stood up wincing, and headed to the closet. I had to hide these pills as soon as possible.

After hiding them, where I thought was the best, I dragged my tired body to the switches, to switch off the lights, and then further dragged myself to the bed.

I was resting the whole day, but still, I felt tired. Ugh.

Daniyal? Daniyal was doing this? He was behind Haya? What was I even expecting? Of course, they were best friends since eternity, I shouldn't have expected something good from Daniyal.
After all, he was as cruel as Arman himself.

Arman! Arman must have known about it! He surely knew, what was going on between them. He hid it from me. Me!
The nerve of him.

Was it not enough, that now Haya was also dragged into this mess.

I felt vulnerable. I couldn't do anything for my best friend, my cousin! The person who was there for me in my worst times.

Arman was a monster, Daniyal must be no exception.

Here one was raping his own wife, where as the other one was abusing her cousin. Cousin! What was their relationship on the first place?

I could bet with my life, that Haya didn't do anything, it was Daniyal who did it.

The whole time while my wedding was going on, Haya was tensed! Was Daniyal the reason?
What he even wanted from her?

She would never let her life get ruined just like hers life got ruined.

She'll die, before she sees Haya suffering by the hands of Daniyal.

With these thoughts roaming around in my head, I don't know when sleep consumed me, and I slept, with my back against the headrest. I was sleeping uncomfortably.


I knew I shouldn't have done, what I did with her, but I had my own reasons. I know there was no excuse for forcing her, she had no idea what even happened. But my anger got the best of me.

I am not regretting what I did, I know she was not ready. I know she thinks I raped her, and maybe I would have, but if I even believed in marital rape.

I did what I thought was the best. I know I should've given her some time.

But the question was? How much? Days? weeks? Months? Years? Or the whole fucking life. He knew she'll never get ready to consummate their marriage, he was left with no choice.

I did feel bad for her. I still do. I just want to go to her and sleep with her. She looked so pure last night, when she passed out, even after we had had sex.

I had no justifications for my doings.
But she was my fucking wife!!!
I can do anything with her! Just as I please. I gave her a week's time. But still, she was reluctant. WHY?

from the beginning I was raised, like this. I could've snatched her away the very first time I saw her. I knew she was my wife.

I could have used my rights over her right after we had our nikkah.
Per Meri insaniat itni bhi nahi Mari thi!

I fucking gave her five years to accept me. Were five years not enough?

Her whole life, she knew we were going to get married. Were 20 years not enough?
She knew the rules! She was well aware of the tradition, going on for generations, to consummate the marriage on the first night.

But it got delayed. She had 5 more days.
The thing was, she was never interested. She never wanted to get married to me. She had no plan in living our lives together. She had no plan to give our family an heir, so that we can grant him the whole business, and we have since generations.

So what was the point of delaying it more?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Her terrified face flashed through my eyes. Ugh!

Opening my eyes, I tried to indulge myself in work. I even had to get rid of that pathetic excuse of a human, Fuzail Shaikh, who was tied down and badly beaten in one of our Warehouses.

We caught him, on the outskirts of town, where he along with some of his bodyguards, were laying, drunk and passed out. Fucking fools.

As the case of Fuzail Shaikh came to an end, I was relieved. I even got to know, why he was behind our family and business.

Noor was the easiest target, and like a puppy, he went after her.

Stupid of him, thinking he'll get away from me, after proposing my wife under my roof.

I finished my cup of coffee, and took a deep sigh, working late from the past week, was taking its toll on me.

Yesterday after many days, I slept peacefully. I wanted to hold her while sleeping, and I intended to exactly that, so getting up from my enormous chair, I made my way out of the study.
It was already midnight so the Haveli was drowned into a peaceful silence.

My head was paining like hell. And my whole body ached, if I even moved a single muscle.

Heading to my room, I opened the door, closed and locked it behind me. I glanced around the room, darkness was ruling the room, only the faint light from the corner lamp, was illuminating the room, giving it a comfy look.

I saw a silhouette, of course of her! Sitting on the bed, as her back was supported by the headrest.



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