chapter 5 : blue feelings (+drawing)

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Luka and marinette were having a pleasant time, marinette walked with luka to the store, they were busy with selecting the cloth for designing the jacket for luka's concert , marinette was comfortable with having luka around , he used to cheer her up , whenever she needed him, he was a good person, marinette seemed to like luka more now, it was simple , he liked her, she liked him. Lost in her thoughts luka snapped his fingers to get her attention.
"Hey , what happened?",luka asked.
"Oh , nothing , just lost in thoughts , what do you think ? How is this colour going to work?", marinette asked , coming out of her thoughts.
"Anything you like marinette, i will go with anything you choose , you have the best choice ! ", marinette almost blushed , she looked down for a moment and smiled, "ok then , blue is it, with glitter and silver lining , it will look really good on you with the design", marinette stretched her hands holding the cloth in front of her hands to see how it will look on luka , luka smiled gracefully . After selecting the clothes and laces , marinette was about to head home, she didnt knew what to do , so she just stood out of the store, standing awkwardly, she was about to go, but luka held her hand , stopping her, " please dont go so soon, wait lets hang out a bit, maybe go for a snack somewhere? To a hotel or something? ", marinette stood there with her eyes wide open , " luka " she whispered, " no , marinette dont get it wrong, its just that i haven't thanked you yet, for what you are doing for me , so , this is my way of thanking you , so are you coming?", marinette smiled and nodded, they headed there way to a nearby fastfood centre.
"So , coralkinssss, how was your trip from newyork to paris, did you like it ?, or why did you come so sudden , out of nowhere?", chloe asked eagerly, she was waiting to talk with coral .
"Chloe , please , dont disturb her , she has just come here, dont make her like you", adrien was annoyed sitting beside coral , he was extremely bored, he didnt want to talk with chloe , he wished he could just go out of there, chloe knew adrien didnt want to talk to her , after what she did, she broke his promise, so he broke her promise. Coral was awkward and confused, they were waiting for there meal to arrive , so they can get over the welcome and leave , maybe talk later, because this moment was turning into a mess.
Awkward silence fell, corel decided to break it. "uh, hey guys , so wont you tell me how paris is , i have come to paris after a long time, soooo.....maybe how are things going?", coral asked both of them breaking the silence, "i dont know , coral , maybe you should ask chloe , how big of a troublemaker she is , chloe would definitely know , as its her fault! ,
"Well, coral its not much of my fault , its ladybugs fault !"
"What are you guys talking about? , i dont understand , who is lady---? " before she could finish the question , the main door burst open , a extraordinarily dressed girl came flying with her staff, adrien immediate understood it was an akuma , he quickly slided off a corner to transform, coral stood there totally blank and confused , she had no idea what was going on , chloe shouted , " uh , who are you in that ridiculous costume? And how did you come in?", "I WANT A REVENGE , FROM CORAL ", huh you like stealing other people's love , dont you , let me punish you ! You dont deserved to be loved , i am lady love ", "what are you saying ? , steal ? Love , punishment? Coral asked, " oh dont act so innocent", saying that she quickly held her staff to shoot the magic, chloe quickly snatched corals hand and took her away , the bodyguards came quickly to fight giving coral and chloe enough time to escape, adrien stood in the corner listening all the conversation,

"So , the akuma has a beef with coral , but how could it happen , coral doesnt know anyone here , and for a fact i know she has done nothing bad , then why is the akuma targetting her , and also blaming her for stealing her love? I dont understand plagg, hurry up and finish your camembert , we gotta save coral!"

" i dont know , kid , maybe its lila "plagg said munching on his camembert,

" ok plagg , we gotta hurry , PLAGG CLAWS IN"adrien transforms into chat noir. Chat came out to see that people had turned black with two red hearts on their cheeks , he realised lady love had struck them , and now these people were heartless, throwing things , she manipulated them , and now they listened to her, he extended his baton , saving a person she was shooting ,grabbing the attention she looked at him,

"Awww, cat i was looking , for you , you have a lot of love for your lady , right? , lets see your love"

"Dont have any other business bug, what do you want?"

"I want to snatch corals love for adrien, that girl took the guy i love"

"What , coral's love for adrien ? , what are you even saying, its not her fault!"

"Oh , its getting late , cat , i need to catch that girl and shut you up", saying that lady love struck chat noir , saying " if you love ladybug for life , nothing will happen to you,kitty cat". Chat noir stood there, he was strucked, but her love for ladybug was real, nothing happened, she was not able to snatch his love. He came back from his thoughts and started to follow lady love to save coral.
"We need to find coral before ladylove does " chat muttered to himself, he wondered where ladybug was, ladybug was always the first one to reach on spot, he wondered what happened.
(Meanwhile chloe and coral)
"What the hell is going on chloe, how did that girls have powers , and what does any of that has to do with me ??!", coral asked chloe as they were running on the sidewalks , they quickly went to a gap between two buildings ,

"Coralkins, you dont know anything about paris dont you?", chloe said taking big breaths after running for a long time.
"Well first of all, there is a villian in paris called as hawkmoth, he takes over peoples negative feelings and makes them villains and manipulates them in giving them power to do whatever they want, but on one condition "

"What condition?"

"Hawkmoth wants miraculouses of ladybug and chat noir , miraculous are magic jewels that have power in them to turn you into a superhero, well ladybug and chat noir are the biggest superheroes and maybe the leads "

"Why does he want them? And what do ladybug and chat noir do?"

"Even i dont know why does hawkmoth want them , and ladybug and chat noir are superheroes that purify the akuma , an evil butterfly send by hawkmoth to the people whose feelings are negative or hurt in someway, these people listen to him and get manipulated, and become villains and complete their goal , hawkmoth hasn't been succesful yet but , he was close enough , when he used me " saying that chloe's face turned pale , she lowered her head down.

"What , you obeyed him , because of you?", coral asked , having no single idea about anything, but she was smart enough to catch things .

"Yes , its a long story, but i dont know, once even i had miraculous, not permanent , i was jealous , i was a bee superhero , i almost destroyed the identities of miraculous holders, ladybug didnt trust me and gave the miraculous to me , thats why, i turned evil, i was once her fan , now i dont like her anymore, she means nothing to me ".

"Well, that means , that girl wants revenge from me , but i didnt do anything to her, nor did i talk to anyone today?how can i be the cause "

"Maybe she is jealous?"

Chloe and coral suddenly heard people's chaos outside, lady love had caused her chaos there, "CORAL , WHERE ARE YOU, IF YOU DONT COME, THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE WILL SUFFER, COME OUT, I AM GOING TO FIND YOU ANYWAYS, AND WHERE IS ADRIEN ? DONT YOU WANNA SAVE HER?"
hearing that coral decided to come out , she shouted ,"Hey lady , if you want me, then take me , dont trouble these innocent people, please"
"THERE YOU ARE!", ladylove snickered, she was almost going to struck coral but chat noir came and held coral in his hands to hide her away,lady love tried to follow, but chat managed to disappear quickly , she decided to search for them , coral blinked and saw that she was in the hands of a boy with a black mask and black cat suit with perfect body, she hadnt seen anyone look so good, his muscles defined perfectly by his tight suit , his shiny blonde hair flowed beautifully, his green eyes were mesmerising, coral couldnt stop looking at him and he saw her and smiled, she quickly asked, "who are you", he snickered giving a flirty smiled, "mon chéri , i am chat noir, a superhero , and dont worry i am here to save you! , you are famous model, coral right ? , chat noir asked , he knew she was his sister but to make things real. "Uh , yeah , i am ", "what did you do that made this lady upset?" , " i dont know, she is accusing me to love my brother adrien , oh - uh where is adrien , you need to save him first", coral asked worriedly, she didnt knew where her brother was, "ummmm.....yeah adrien is safe , I hid him in a cool spot , dont worry" chat said nervously, he definely couldnt tell his sister he was chat noir , he then hid coral in the eiffel tower, "well , mon chéri , take care, dont go anywhere from here, everything will be brought back to normal !", chat noir assured coral , giving a wink , "see ya " , he then left, coral's eyes were widened , she muttered to herself,"wow how cool this guy is !" She almost blushed.

"ladylove, create more chaos, only chat noir is there, ladybug has not still aware of you, i want the miraculouses, do it fast !" Hawk moth commanded, he was tired of waiting.

"Ok , ok , hawkmoth , miraculouses will be yours !"

Chat noir was wondering , where ladybug was, he was fighting with people on his own , he turned a bit angry from her, he was calling her for a long time, a lot of people were turned evil and now they were attacking him, he could not knock all of them on his own , he needed ladybug, where was she?
(Meanwhile marinette and luka)

"You know marinette, you are so awesome, everything you do fascinates me !", luka started , he bought marinette and himself some fresh burgers, he was grateful that a girl like marinette is doing something for him. She always helps others, she puts her friends and family before herself, she is a true hero.
Marinette laughed ,
"Oh you are flattering me, no need, i want you guys to look amazing on stage , and after you have not done less for me, consider it as something from me , after all i have given you a gift , remember when you gave me that limited edition jagged stones guitar pick . I still have it", then she made a half smiled face.

"Wow, marinette , seriously , that makes me adore you more, you really one in a million", luka said simply, he never lied, he was pretty straightforward.

Marinette simply shocked by the words, because no one has ever told that , she widened her eyes from curiousty , she had never known about luka more, but it felt like he was her forbitten , not even sharing her secrets, luka seemed like someone she relate to, and someone who understands her completely.

"Really?,you-you think that?, marinette oblivously asked . Luka nodded sweetly and made a cute bunny face , marinette laughed, then for the next ten seconds , they completely stared at each other for 10 seconds, marinette couldnt stop blushing, they shared a sweet moment together, just her and luka.
"We should get going now , it will get late for you", luka said after a quickly realising the time, he paid the money with cash and they both started to move of the cafe. They were so lost into talking with each other that they didnt realise that a akuma had attacked paris for long time. When they stepped they saw utter chaos , people running and affected people chasing the , lady loge rose high into the sky saying,

Marinette stood confused , how did she not know, she was so late , how can she transform now, she needed to save paris , she looked at the akuma to recognise who she was , she realised it was one of the girls from the school, mirelle, the headband was similar. Before marinette could escape , lady love spotted her and luka together, "Oh what a cute couple their love needs to be snatched", saying she pulled her staff and shooted magic, before it could hit marinette, luka came forward to save her , and got hit instead, he became one of those people. Marinette quickly ran to place to transform,
"Tikki, oh my god, its my fault, how could i not know there's a akuma and paris needs me? , chat noir must be fighting for a long time now, lets get transformed fast and end this buggy situation. TIKKI SPOTS ON.

"Oh chat noir , found ya, how long are to going to hide, so your lady didnt come after all!", lady love snickered after she found chat noir, she used her power to lift him into the air.
"Ladybug , where are you?", chat whispered.
A red figure , striking her yoyo, took chat to herself and snapped back.
"Not so fast , lady love ", "ladybug is always there , she never misses the show", ladybug came.
"Oh you finally came bug", lady love said while constantly spitting out magic from the staff".ladybug and chat noir were trying to save themselves from the shots using their yoyo and baton, "so kitty , do you know where the akuma is ? ", ladybug asked chat , managing to dodge few strikes from ladylove, "very early , you are ladybug", chat commented sarcastically. Ladybugs expression changed in disbelief, she quickly asked,"whats up with your acting cat? , i know i am late, i was with a friend", "oh so the saviour of the paris has time to do whatever she wants, but when i ask , she comes up with her responsibility!",chat said back , totally pissed off and angry by ladybug being so irresponsible. "Snap out of it , chat , please, i said it was a mistake!", "i am sorry , i wont be late amd leave it all on you", ladybug said hitting one of the evil people with her yoyo, "so you have time for other people , but not for me , i get it ladybug , but your responsibilities have inscreased, hawkmoth is giving us a tough fight, are you prepared?", chat went forward leaving ladybug behind, "chat, why are you acting like this?, she whispered. But in quick moment ladylove caught chat, ladybug tried to talk with her by giving her what she wants ,
"What do you want ladylove, please leave him?",ladybug pleaded,


That brat, from morning with adrien, ladybug knew she had something off, without thinking she said," yes, i will you her, but leave him, chat , do you where coral is?", chat nodded and guided the way to eiffel tower, where he actually hid her,
"Where is she ?",ladylove asked. "She must be here!!!!", chat was shocked to see coral had gone somewhere else?!?",oh no, ladybug had no choice left , she quickly tried to use her power," LUCKY CHARM", huh, a magnet?, she looked around for a while, then saw her staff was made of metal , ladybug quickly pulled her yoyo , stopping ladylove to move , she then kept magnet in the front , and snatched her staff, "NO DONT DO IT !!!!!",
"Quick chat noir, do your thing", she threw the staff at chat,
"CATACLYSM", he destroys the staff, the akuma was led out,"time to de-evilise, bye bye little akuma, MIRACULOUS LADYBUG", ladybug brought everything back to normal, mirelle came back to senses , "where am i ? ,huh ladybug?", "you were akumatized", ladybug said sweetly picking her hand up , chat noir was searching for coral ,"where is coral????, he was extremely worried, " i am here", coral said cheerfully, "wow, chat noir and ladybug you two are real heroes!", ladybug ignored since she didnt like coral from beginning, chat noir smiled relieved.
"I think you should have a talk with her!",chat smiled pointing at mirelle,
Mirelle shivered , and started apologising , "please sorry coral forgive, me , i didnt knew you were with adrien , i am sorry to come between you two?", coral's eyes widened and she laughed,"hahhah, who told you that???, i am adrien's sister , a cousin , whoa dont go shipping me with my brother, lol!", mirelle was shocked, she held the love letter for adrien in her hand , "lila told me !", "oh she is a liar , i know, you like adrienhoney, hmmm......i will give your letter to him, mirelle smiled. Chat noir and ladybug were mot listening their conversation, instead , ladybug stopped chat noir to go , saying she wanted to talk with him,
"Wait chat, please, i am sorry, i will take care of my time!", dont get all pouty on me!"

"This is funny anymore,ladybug, you just need to stop making excuses, just tell you dont want to hang out with me anymore, you know, it hurts?, anyways excuse me i need to get coral to her home, chat took coral to the agreste mansion, ladybug stood there long, thinking , she was sorry. While chat was dropping coral from the balcony, she quickly snatched his tale,"hey , kitty man , thanks for saving me today♡, but where is my brother adrien you need to bring him back soon", "uh adrien , i will find and bring him surely , he ran out, chat went to a quieter place , to think about what happened today, he needed a peace of mind, he could not just tell his problem to anyone, he sat sadly in a terrace of tower. Marinette on the other hand , went back to luka, luka was finding her crazily,
"Where were you ?",luka asked being concerned.
"I was just hiding myself ", marinette said making a cute face , luka understood , her face seemed to be off, of course it was because of chat. Beside the famous andre's icecream cart was going, marinette and luka looked at each other, "wanna have some ice-cream , marinette?, luka asked, marinette nodded. Andre gave a perfect blend for both. He gave two different ice creams to each other, marinette and luka sat on nearby bench, savoring their ice-creams. Marinette's mood was obviously lifted. Chat noir from a distant spotted marinette with luka ,"ah is that marinette?, he whispered , seeing that she was with luka , something heavy felt in his heart , his mood dropped more, 'maybe she is on a date with him?, wow. Chat made a sour face, he detransformed and reached at home, coral was probably waiting at the doorstep , patiently , when adrien would come, when she saw adrien she gave him a massive hug and told all about today's adventure.
This is what happens if a 'just a friend' , goes on a date with 'just a friend' friend. ~ author.

"That kitty guy is so awesome , oh my god, such a dashing boy, he saved my life, wow , adrien you never told me about this superhero thing?", coral asked all fluttering about chat noir,
"Oh you like him , he is cool , right, i wonder who he is?", adrien said sarcastically, "oh , about the superhero thing , coral i am extremely, i should have told you"

"Oh its fine, chloe told me, well this girl who became supervillian or something , she thought i was your girlfriend, and that lila girl had told her, well here's the love letter she gave".

Adrien tossed the love letter to the side without even reading it.
"Oooooh , adrien has a other crush , poor girl , awww....", coral teased.
"Its not like that, ok !!, and it is akumatizing someone , not making them supervillians !, arien tried changing topic.
"Oh whatever, haa haa, you parisians",coral replied. Both had a good quick laugh.
(Luka and marinette)
"Now its time to go luka, thanks for the snack its almost 8 :00, i had a lot of fun today", marinette smiled gratefully.
"Sure, marinette, i had fun too, well then farewell?", luka was about to turn , then marinette stopped him,
"Luka , please wait, maybe we could hang out a bit more and know about each some other t-t-time?", marinette asked nervously, luka smiled broadly and patted marinette's head softly,
"Sure , whenever you want marinette", marinette nodded , she furiously blushed , her faced was definitely red. "Uh-uh , luka ", "awww, you are blushing ", luka teased,"hey n-n-no, i-i am not", marinette defenced,"hhahhaa , marinette, bye ,see you later!.

That night marinette kept thinking about today, adrien's appearance with coral , he surely doesnt like me , she thought, about luka, maybe she was falling for him , he was so sweet, he was perfect. Chat on the other hand was being rude, what happened to him chat had stopped calling ladybug m'lady or buggaboo , even though it bugged her but still in her heart there was someone who annoyed her and called her that, maybe i am not giving chat more time , she thought, immersed from thoughts , marinette shoved her face into her pillow, "ughhhh , its so hard tikki".

Adrien was awake whole night, he was being a total jerk today, what has gotten into him, his instinct just told him to do it, he regretted it, he said all the harsh words to his lady, on the other hand , marinette , what was she doing with luka, why did my heart skip a beat !.
Owwwww, guys chapter is finally over, my hands are paining so bad , one vote = one healing energy for my hand. Anyways comment how you like it guys. And yeah sorry for such a long chp, i had to do it. Please forgive my mistakes.

Preview of next chp: well marinette doesnt seem to like coral , what if adrien introduces each other, will they be friends or enemies, and also , our class is having a play where things get a bit awkward when adrien and marinette are chosen as leads, also chat noir pays visit to marinette's balcony, their conversation goes deep. And now coral is fangirl of chat , maybe not just a fangirl.

I am so sorry about the coral drawing , it will be posted , i cant figure out to draw her hands, well , but but but no disappointing you guys, i have planned to draw a full comic on one of the chapter of my story, heres a preview of it, please read it from right to left.

Pardon if my drawing is a bit wonky, i am not a digital artist, i tried digital art recently and i am learning, i am more of a traditional artist.

#edit : guys finally the drawing is here, you guys can see it, after a lot of blood , sweat and tears i have made it and i am super happy how it turned out , cant believe, here i present you , drawing of coral.

Wow, i love it , her character intro will be in next chapter!!

Tell me how is it , pls follow and vote.
Lol dont steal my work guys.

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