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Read the previous chapter again and start this😊


"Mahir..what are you thinking?"Rose asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just blank..after what Jessica said",I said rubbing my eye's.

"Jessica gave us the minute information,but we still have a lot to know Mahir",Rose said.

"Yes Mahir,what Jessica told was just like an introduction..but there is more which we have to find out",Rose said.

I'm stuck in between,not knowing what to do.

"And today is your birthday,your twenty fifth birthday",Joe said.

"I will be taking over as alpha of the pack,along with my Luna",I said.

"How should we..tell this and explain this to Bella?"Ryan said.

"We can't say this to Bella",Rose said and we looked at her.

"Not now at least guy's",Rose said.

"Rose is right.We can't disclose this to Bella right now",I said.

"But..what about the ritual Mahir?"Joe asked.

I sighed closing my eye's.The ritual has to be done today,with Bella by my side.


"I just don't understand..how we will go through this day and that ritual.Bella have no idea..what is going to happen to her today",Rose said with a lot of worry.

I feel guilty a million times because of this.I love her and want to protect her,but I'm being distant to her for her safety.

Bella always makes a move on me,it's me who is not making any move towards her.

"It's OK..I'll manage",I said,my eye's welling up.

They all were looking at me with sympathy,
"Don't look at me like that guy's..I can..I can manage it",I said wiping my lone tear.

"Is Bella coming today?"I asked.

"Yes Mahir,she is coming.We told it's a party for you which we arranged..and what if she see's the rest of the pack members here?"Ryan asked.

"It's OK..I'll manage that too.I'll cover up something",I said.

"Where is Jessica?"I asked looking at Ryan.

He looks hurt.

I walked up to him and held his hand,
"I am sorry Ryan,I know what she means to you.But we had to put Jessica in our radar until this ritual is completed",I said.

"Mahir..I have to tell you something",Ryan said and I nodded.

"Jessica undid her spell,now I can..we all can sense Jessica's scent",Ryan said.

"So?"I asked.

"She is my mate Mahir",Ryan said and we all were shocked.

"Just keep that in your mind and..treat her",Ryan said and went inside.

I sighed and sat on the couch.However,hurting Jessica was never my intention.If she is a threat to Bella,then I won't be left with any option.

"Mahir..just don't think about it.You go and get ready,Bella must be on the way",Rose said and I nodded.

I went inside and was getting ready.Today I can manage Bella and get my ritual done for my pack,but later?

What about the later threat I'm going to put her in?

Today is my twenty fifth birthday,I am going to take charge as an alpha officially.But for that...I need my Luna beside me.

My Luna is beside me,and even she have to do that ritual with me.Today she will be bound to me with her blood and soul.She has to get marked today as my mate.

But,I can't mark her as my mate today.That is impossible.I can't thrust my fangs inside her delicate neck flesh.

It's breaking my heart thinking about that.

I need to do this ritual in front of the crescent moon today!

"Mahir..Bella is here",I heard Joe's voice.

I am sorry Bella!

I mustered up courage and went out.There she was.

"Hey",Bella smiled at me.

She is drop dead beautiful.She is an epitome of beauty!

"Hey",I smiled and hugged her.

"Wishing you a very happy birthday",she said and I sighed in her hold.

"Mahir..you OK?"Bella asked rubbing my back.

I just closed my eye's and muffled my sobs and inner pain.

"Mahir",Bella called again.

"Yeah..yeah..I'm good..I'm totally good",I said pulling back.

"Thank you",I said and she smiled.

"I know that you don't want to celebrate your birthday,but it's your special day..so don't be upset over anything",Bella said cupping my face.

I nodded smiling.She is a big stress reliever for me.I just look at her and I forget all my problems.

"Where are Olivia and Casper?"Bella asked looking around.

"Um..they are out of town,dad's caught up with new case",I said.

"Oh..that's fine",Bella said.

She looked around and saw other pack members,
"Mahir..I never saw them before..who are they?"Bella asked helding my arm.

"Hey relax,they all are our friend's",I said.

"Hey Bella..wanna shot?"Rose asked gulping a tequila shot.

"No,I don't drink",Bella said.

"You don't drink?"Ryan asked.

"Yeah,I don't",she said.

"But Mahir does,come on Mahir",Ryan said and made me gulp a shot.

"Geeze Ryan..fuck off from here",I groaned.

I'm not in a mood for a drink.But Ryan is,he is just covering up his hurt.

"Come on...let's get the party started",Ryan shouted going to the longue area.

"What happened to Ryan?"Bella asked looking at him.

"He is just enjoying the party Bella,you too enjoy",Joe said.

There was a lot of party animals in my home today,while Bella was looking at everyone and smiling.

"Mahir..I have something to give you",Bella said.

"Hey,it's not needed",I said.

"No..it's needed",she said and gave me a bracelet.

"Hey...",I looked at it keenly.

It's a moon star bracelet.But only the star visible,and we can fold and cover the half crescent moon.

I looked at Bella,
"You said that you don't like moon,but who doesn't like stars?",she smiled.

"This bracelet..you can put it at your convinence.You can hide this moon whenever you want to",she said showing it to me and making me wear.

"This is..this is really beautiful Bella,and very thoughtful",I smiled.

"I was finding for this since so many days Mahir,don't ever remove it",Bella said.

"Never",I said.

I looked out of the window,the moon showed up.The crescent moon showed up,it has to be done now.

I looked at Rose,she nodded.

I have just twenty minutes time to get this done.

"Bella..there's a lot of disturbance here,we will go to the back yard?"I asked.

"Oh yeah..sure",she said.

I held her hand and went to my back yard,standing in front of the moon,
"Wow..today the moon..it's looking so serene",Bella said looking at the moon.

I am not able to do this...I can't.But I have to.

I looked at Bella's neck,thank God.Her moon star pendant is still with her.Other's can smell her blood,but that pendant will shield her.

Thanks to Jessica for this!

"Mahir..what happened?"Bella asked when I was looking at her hand.

"Nothing..nothing",I said.

Fuck,I have to do it.I'm running out of time.

I removed a small blade from my pocket...God,just get me through this.

"Bella watch out",I shouted and pushed her on the ground,I was hovering above her.

I'm sorry Bella!

I made a cut on her palm with the blade and she shouted,
"Ahh...Mahir",she shouted.

It was one of our pack member in his werewolf form.I asked him to do this.Bella saw another werewolf today.

I immediately made a cut on my palm too.

"Bella..Bella..are you OK?"I asked getting up from her.

"What was..what was that?"she was scared.

"That's nothing..it was just",she cut me off in middle.

"It was a werewolf Mahir",she shouted with fear.

She looked at her hand,
"And my hand..ahh..what happened?"she was confused.

"Bella..it's gone..that werewolf is gone..calm down..calm down",I said helding her hand.

I joined my hand with her's,mixing our bloods infront of this crescent moon.

I closed my eye's and felt it.It's done!

I opened my eye's,
"Bella..Bella relax..I'm here",I said hugging her to my heart.

"Mahir..your hand..even you are bleeding",she said helding my hand.

"Bella..when we fell..we our hands..there was a glass piece",I lied.

"Bella you are bleeding..come inside",I said taking her inside and she was still looking at my backyard.

"Mahir..are you hiding anything from me?"she asked and I paused.

"What?No..I'm not hiding anything Bella",I said cupping her face.

"That was just..my house is also located near the woods Bella.These animal attacks are common here,but they are harmless",I said.

"How are they harmless Mahir?There are mysterious deaths going around in the town..by animals.And now we have been attacked by the same animal",Bella was freaking out.

"Bella you can trust me..those animals are harmless",I said.

"They are not harmless Mahir.They are going around and killing people..what if they come and attack you...",I silenced her by smashing my lips on hers.

I held her jaw and moved my lips on her's tenderly.She closed her eye's and moved her lips on mine.

I kissed her with love and passion,thrusting my tongue inside her's.She moaned in between the kiss and gave in.

Our kiss was getting hot and wild.I slowly made her lean on the couch and hovered on her,still kissing her.


He left my lips and moved towards my neck,
"Mahir..",I moaned when I felt his lips on my soft spot.

His one hand was rubbing my left thigh,and other hand was running in my tresses.

"Aahhh..",I moaned when he was giving soft feather kisses on my neck,making me week on my knees.

I was moving my hands in his hair.I tilted my head and gave him more access.He is so warm.

I gasped when I felt a sting,he bit my skin and stopped immediately after hearing my gasp.

He was breathing heavily,resting his forehead on mine,eye's closed.I could hear his heartbeats,along with mine.

"Fuck...",he hissed and got up from me immediately.

He sighed and rubbed his face.I sat up straight and looked at him.

"I'm sor..",
"No...don't",I said helding his hand.

He looked at me and I nodded as 'no'.

He took me in a hug immediately and I sighed hiding my face in his neck,
"I just can't control myself when I'm around you Bella",he breathed near my neck.

I don't know what to say.Because I was just blushing.

"I loose my last thread of control when I'm with you..I'm sorry",he said and I pulled back.

"You don't have to be sorry Mahir..I understand..I understand that you..",I bit my tongue and blushed.

He just closed his eye's,calming himself.

"Bella..I think you should get home,it's late",Mahir said.


"But Mahir..",
"Yes Bella,you should get going now",Mahir said helding my hand.

We dodged everyone in this house and came to front porch,
"I am so sorry about this Bella",he said looking at my hand.

"It's OK Mahir,I feel safe when I'm with you",I said.

He was looking at me with so much love,I can see that in his eye's.

He leaned forward and pecked my lips once again,
"Shall I drive you home?"he asked.

"No,I'll go by myself..I think everyone are waiting for you inside",I said looking through the window.

They all are definitely hiding something from me,and Mahir is also hiding from me.

"I'll leave now.Take care and..once again...happy birthday",I tip toed and pecked his cheek.

Without turning back,I went and sat in my car.I started driving home.Maybe I shouldn't ask Mahir anything now,he was looking so disturbed today.

My cheeks warmed up thinking about the little make out we did today.

And at the same time,my breathe hitched thinking about the werewolf attack.

"What is happening around?Today..Rose,Joe..Ryan..even Mahir seemed different.The way they behaved today..something is wrong",I spoke to myself.

I sighed and parked my car.I covered my hand by wearing gloves,Gram's can't see it.

I walked inside home and saw the lights were off.I removed my coat and peeked at Gram's room,she was asleep.

I sighed and went back to my room.I was changing my clothes and blushed looking at myself in the mirror.

I saw a small red mark on my neck.


He was going to give me a love bite,but stopped in between.But still managed to leave his mark on me.

I smiled to myself and touched that spot.I can't fight these feelings anymore.I have to say it,I have to tell Mahir.

That I love him!

I took a warm shower and got ready for bed.I was cleaning up my wound on my palm.

How did we both get a cut like this?

As far as I remember,the backyard was clean without any sharp things.Then how did this happen?

I looked at the moon and smiled.

How can Mahir hate a beautiful moon?

And where is Jessica?She disappeared from yesterday.She is not attending any calls,it's directly going on voice mails.

Where is she?

I rubbed my arm's looking out of the window,the snowfall is getting heavy day by day.

But the warmth I get from Mahir,it's different.

I never felt any boy would be hot and warm at the same time.

It's Mahir's twenty fifth birthday and his parent's are no where to be seen.Why would they miss Mahir's birthday?He is their only son.

I got under the covers and tried to sleep,but sleep is nowhere near me.

I kept moving tossing and turning around.I am closing my eye's,all the scenes of me and Mahir making out are flashing.

Why Mahir?I am not able to think anything other than you.

"Now sleep Bella..stop thinking about him.You are going to meet him tomorrow again",I said to myself.

I gifted him a hidden moon and star bracelet.He doesn't like moon unlike me,so I gifted him that one.

I searched a lot for that bracelet,and thank God I got it.

He loved it however!

"Gosh Bella...stop this blushing",I smiled to myself.

I think it's high time I should confess my feelings to him?

How will he react?

Does he love me like I do?

I closed my eye's.There were many moments in between us.

The first time he saved me near the lake,in the college,with Liam.
Our first kiss,his forehead kisses for me,and our recent make out.

Of course he loves me,he does!

"Just like you,even Mahir loves you Bella",I told to myself.

After my parent's were gone,I never felt this loved.

It was Mahir,who came into my life and made me look at it in a beautiful way.

He showed me that life is beautiful,it is still beautiful even if we lost our loved one's.

And I think I should confess it to him.It would be wrong if I didn't confess my feelings to him.

I don't want our relationship to be just like that,like a nameless relationship.

What are we actually?

Just friends?Not at all.

Boyfriend and girlfriend?We already crossed that phase.

Then what are we?

We are one!

The way he looks at me,I feel for him,everything..it's so special to me.

Mahir and I..we both are in love with each other.

"I can't put it within me anymore Mahir..I will confess my feelings to you tomorrow",I smiled to myself.

I don't know why I waited this long to tell him?Maybe because I didn't know what was happening with me.

My feelings,my emotions,they overtook me!

I can't keep this within me after realizing what I feel for him.

I just want to tell this to Rose and Jessica.

I dialed Rose,her phone was coming off?


Oh no,she must be in Mahir's party,still busy maybe.

I dialed Jessica's number,
"Hey this is Jessica,leave your message here",it was straight going to voicemail.

I didn't want to say it in a voicemail to her,I want to say her by myself.

I looked at my phone and thought to call Mahir.

God,I'm going mad!

I will tell Gram's about this tomorrow.She will be happy.She always liked Mahir.

I closed my eye's feeling excited for tomorrow.

From tomorrow,my life is going to be different!

Hey Guy's!

Hope you all are doing good🤗.Meeting after a long time,haha I know.I will start updating regularly as usual from now.But,I need to see wether you guy's are liking it or not.Leave your opinions and thoughts in the form of comments and let  me know,how is it going.

And guy's,those who all came up to me asking for more romance in this story,yes.There will be romance as I said,but it'll take time.This is a supernatural thriller,I can't add a love story in middle and spoil it.It is still a love story of Bella and Mahir,but it shows up a little late.You should just keep up with patience and enjoy the thriller until then.Since it is a supernatural thriller,every character along with main leads are important,so I'm focusing even on them.But I won't disappoint you,you all know how I write a romance part.So don't worry,I will do justice to all my romantic and horny readers😂🌚🌚❤❤

Love you all for always bearing me and my mood swings guy's.You all my strength and support who motivates me to write more.And if the response is high,I will be more motivated to write more.So kindly don't be a silent reader and vote,comment and share.I don't want your friends to miss a werewolf story of Behir🌚🌚

Thank You❤

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