15. Confusion And Confession

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"We need to know each other Sanyukta. That's really important. " His tone was suddenly changed to serious from jolly.

"Really? " Honestly I had never gave this 'knowing each other' thing a thought. He just came in my life, charmed me and now I can't take him out of my head.

"Yes, that's really important for you to fall in love with me. " I couldn't blush harder now. God! What is this guy?

"And why do you think I'll fall in love with you? " I asked with a small mischievous smile, raising my eyebrows and he looked in my eyes with high intensity.

"Because it's meant to be like that, you are meant to be mine and nothing or nobody can change this. " He said it very seriously and strangely my mind was believing everything.

All of a sudden, I was convinced that I'm meant to be his, that I exist just for him.

"Not like this Tulip, we'll go for the natural way. " He said caressing my hair causing me to frown.

Suddenly, I began feeling sleepy and it was getting difficult to keep my eyes open.

"I'm really—" "Sleepy? " He completed for me and I nodded slowly.

He got up from his chair and came to my side, making me stand as well.

He picked me up in his arms and I snaked my arms around his neck before closing my eyes peacefully.


I was extremely comfortable lying on the softest mattress possible but my head was getting heavier causing me to frown.

Stirring, I slowly opened my eyes and closed them again, not able to resist the light. Slowly, I opened my eyes again, adjusting to the light and looked around to find myself in a huge bedroom.

Panic stricken, I jolted up causing my head to pain. Holding it, I hissed in pain and closed my eyes.

"Relax. " I heard this familiar, soothing voice and opened my eyes again to find Randhir standing near the glass door on one corner of the room.

"Where are we? " I asked and he walked towards me with a glass of water.

"My friend's place and here, have some water. " He offered me the glass and I took it, drinking the water slowly.

"Why are we here? " I asked after keeping the glass on the nightstand and he sighed.

"Because it's raining heavily and the roads are blocked. This place was the nearest to cafe, so I drove here. " He told me and I nodded.

"Where's your friend, I want to thank him for the accommodation. " I asked and he looked down.

"He doesn't lives here, he just owns this place. " He told and I nodded again.

"Okay, and I wanted to apologize. " I said getting embarrassed as I remembered how I fell asleep in the cafe.

"You don't have to. Aren't you hungry?" He asked and I frowned.

"Why don't you ever let me complete my sentences? " I asked and he smirked.

"Because I know what you are going to say even before you open your mouth. " I narrowed my eyes at his words and his smirk grew.

"Really? What are you, God? " I asked chuckling and he shook his head.

"Ahaan, not God, but Devil. " He said with a wink causing me to chuckle.

"Okay, then go to hell. " I told him grinning and he raised his eyebrows.

"Not without you. " He said pinching my nose causing me to giggle.

"This is very strange. " I said looking at the ceiling and he held my hands causing a shiver to run down my body.

"What? " He asked and I looked at him.

"You know, I used to be a scared, nervous, introvert before you stepped into my life and look at me right now. I'm laughing with a guy I don't know anything about, except his name at his friend's house. It's just unbelievable and strange. " I told him and he kept looking at me.

"And.. " He asked me to continue.

"And, I'm loving it." I told him nodding, getting lost in his beautiful eyes and a small smile formed on his lips.

"And.. " He repeated asking me to speak more.

"And, I don't want this to change. I don't know what you've done to me, I just don't get it. It's like you have put some spell on me that I just can't take you off my mind. Your touches, your eyes, their intensity, all this drives me crazy, there's just something about you that I can't get over you. I want you around all the time and this is really crazy, considering that I don't even know you properly.

It's like I'm under some spell, it's all so automatic and... magical. What is happening to me? Why am I so drawn towards you? Why do I believe everything you say? Why am I convinced already, that I'm meant to be yours, like you said? Why have I changed so much and how am I this comfortable around you? Can you answer me? " I asked and his eyes softened.

"Come here. " He spread his arms for me and I rested my head on his chest while he encircled his arms around my frame.

He embraced me compassionately and I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around him.

"Are those sensations back? " He asked whispering near my hair.

"No, instead it's soothing. " I told him honestly.

Strangely, I wasn't feeling sparks or shivers, it was calm and composed, peaceful, like I belonged here. No anxiety, no stress, just peace. Homely.

"That's because you want to be here. Your heart wants to be here with me, in my arms. " He said pecking my hair.

"But, I always want to be around you. " I told him and he held me closer.

"Your body wanted to be around me, your brain wanted to be around me but right now, it's your heart that wants it, your heart which is uncontrollable. That's why you feel composed. It's a really good sign Tulip. " He said causing me to frown.

"What does this all means? " I asked looking at him and he smiled softly at me.

"It means, that it has begun. " He said caressing my hair and I frowned.

"What has begun? " I asked and he pecked my forehead.

"Your falling in love period. " He said smiling and I looked down flushed.

"What? " I asked weirdly.

He chuckled before making me look at him.

"Kidding. " He said chuckling and I looked away in embarrassment.

"I'm hungry." I told him changing the topic.

"So am I, let's go. " He said before getting up and then picking me in his arms.

"I can walk. " I told him.

"And I can walk with you in my arms. " He said with a sarcastic smile before beginning to walk causing me to sigh.


An update after ages!

Hope you liked it.

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