6. I Was Worst!

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Something special ahead❤


Sanyukta's pov.

"Are you feeling better now? " Addu asked after I washed my face.

"Much better. " I told her and Siya offered me a napkin.

"Do you want us to leave? " Siya asked rubbing my shoulders.

"No, I just wanna spend some time in the book store, looking for something good for this weekend, you guys can continue with your shopping. " I told them and they exchanged looks.

"We can accompany you. " Addu suggested.

"No Addu,  I'll be fine, I promise and anyways I need some time alone with books. Please. " I insisted and they exchanged looks again before nodding.

We exited the washroom and I headed towards the book store. Stepping inside, I took a deep breath and looking at those books brought a smile on my face.

"How may I help you ma'am? " An attendant asked.

"I'll look around myself, thanks. " I politely declined his help and he left after nodding.

I made my way towards the shelves and started looking for a book which will match my mood. I loved all genres except Paranormal cause they literally gave me nightmares for weeks.

Finally I found a book and took it out of the shelf and at the same time the next book too was taken out by someone from the other side. I jumped a bit when suddenly my eyes met another pair.

"Are you okay? " The person from the other side in his velvety voice asked and I felt myself nodding.

His eyes showed amusement and that's when I looked at them carefully, so expressive, so beautiful, light brown with a bit touch of golden. Those eyes were so perfectly sculptured and highlighted that it seemed God took his good time in sculpting them. They reminded of someone else, the golden eyes! But they were more gorgeous, incomparable.

Why am I even thinking about them?

"You have just seen my eyes and you are already ogling, I'm afraid you'll faint when you'll see my face. " His broke my trance and I felt myself blushing.

Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of strangers all the time?

"I'm not a stranger. " I heard him whisper and looked at him frowning.

"I mean, I'm not a stranger to this place, do you also come here often? " He asked and I nodded slowly.

But why he was telling me this and why am I even answering?

I looked down and started walking away.

"Don't you wanna see the charming face of the owner of these eyes, you were ogling at?" I heard him asking and closed my eyes in embarrassment. Almost tripping and running, I reached the counter and paid for the book before walking towards the exit.

"I can't believe you're leaving this golden opportunity. " The guy's voice came from behind.

I halted and took a deep breath.

"See, I knew you won't be able to resist. " He said again and I closed my eyes. What does he wants? I don't know how to talk to strangers, I get really nervous around them.

"Sanyu. " Siya's voice made me look towards the entrance. I sighed in relief finding Addu and Siya and ran towards them in no time.

"What happened? "

"Are you okay? "

They asked and I nodded fiercely before dragging them away from here. I don't know why I behaved this way but I felt really nervous around him. His presence was making me feel intimidated even without looking at his face and every word that left his mouth was making me shiver.

I admit I'm really awkward around new people but this was something else, I was worst.

"Will you tell us what happened? " Siya asked after we came out of the mall.

"Um, nothing, I, I just want to go home. " I told them and they nodded.

The weather changed suddenly, thundering and lightening started all of a sudden and we hurried towards the cab.


Anonymous' pov.

"And she ran away." I told him laughing hard and again it thundered.

"Oh my God, I can't believe this! They've seriously done a hell lot of thinking before choosing her for you. " He said laughing.

"I know, but what about her? Did you found out who's her match? " I asked him and the colour of his face faded.

"Um, I tried but even I don't know. " He said looking down causing me to frown.

" What rubbish! How's this even possible? You are the cupid, you know who is who's match. Then how come you don't know about hers? " I asked getting up in annoyance.

"Calm down, sit and listen to me. " He ordered and I raised an eyebrow.

"Please. " He added gulping and sat down mumbling "Better. "

"See, I searched everywhere, even contacted him but he just said time will tell. There's nothing written in her account, so I don't know. I even searched other accounts but found nothing. But I have something in mind. " He said biting his lip.

"And what is it?" I asked.

"Um, I think, he's testing you. " He said causing me to roll my eyes.

"Why am I not surprised? " I asked bitterly.

"Hey listen, I think it's up-to you. " He said causing me to frown.

"Elaborate. " I demanded.

"I'm not sure okay, but I just think that may be, just may be it's you who'll decide who is her match. " He said causing me roll my eyes again.

"Can you just be clear?" I asked getting impatient.

"What I mean is, if you get her to love you and accept you, may be then you'll become her match and if you couldn't do it, and someone else makes her fall in love with him before you, he'll be her match." He said causing me to frown again.

"What nonsense! Is that even possible? " I asked and he huffed.

"Why not? If you can get a human match, then why not? " He asked causing me to sigh.

"Right! Will it sound like whining if I say that he has always been hard on me? " I asked and he sighed.

"You know, if I could do something, I would have helped you. But still, I'll do anything in my power. " He said with an assuring smile.

"Can't you use your arrow or something? I mean you guys have it don't you? " I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"No, we are definitely not the babies in diapers holding bow and arrow. Sorry. " He said rolling his eyes causing me to chuckle.

"Too bad. " I teased again and he looked away smiling.

"Anyways, thanks mate. " I thanked him and his eyes widened.

"Am I dreaming? You are thanking someone? And that too me? I'm seriously not in my senses right now! " He said getting up from his seat causing me to roll my eyes.

"Do you want me to kill you? " I asked with a straight face and he looked horrified.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. " He apologized raising his hands up in surrender.

"Better. " I said before getting up from the seat and heading towards my destination.

So I'll have to make her fall for me,  how hard can it be? And how hard will it be for her to accept my reality? What will be her reaction? She ran at the sight of my eyes, I'm afraid she'll get a heart attack when she'll get to know my and her reality.


A chapter on public demand😂😂

How was it?

Finally Sanyukta met him, kinda😂😂😂

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