Chapter 7 - Missed You.

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I drove all the way here for nothing and this security guard is very sincere in his duty. I parked my car outside by the road and now, with my hands carrying the food containers, I walked up to him. Hoping that he would believe me.

"Please, sir. This is food, I need to give it to her. You can come with me to meet her if you-" He shake his head, not letting go of this easily.

I don't want to return without seeing my wife and lending her this cooked meals so I decided to let her know my presence. She won't ask me to leave after getting to know that I'm here, I know her. She would definitely not do that.

"Please tell her that Aditya's here." He shake his head. "Please, sir. Just try doing it once, please."

He smiled before saying, "You won't give up, do you?" He, then walked into the guard post to dial her intercom, I guess.

I was praying for her to let me in and the old man came out with a card. "Well, you were right. She knew you and she asked me to let you in right away. Follow me now, I would take you to the elevator."

I thanked him while following behind and he slipped the card to me and said, "You can use this card to access the elevator while on the way down, don't forget to pass it to me when you're leaving, okay?"

"Sure, sir. Thank you so much for letting me in to meet my wife." I gasped for what I had spoken, I wasn't planning on using that around her workplace. I don't even know whether they all recognized of her being married. This might spite like fire around the company if no one knows that's she's married.

He had his eyes big and I was struggling with my words to correct the sentence when I heard him, "Wife? You are the husband? Oh my God, it is you. You looked familiar but I didn't recognized you. I'm very sorry, sir. But why didn't you say it before?"

"I just don't want to misuse my marriage. This is her workplace anyway. But you know me, how?"

"Yes, yes. Of course, I know you. Your Ms Anaika's husband. Well, she's your Mrs now. She's a nice young woman and always treats me like a father. One day when I was helping her around the company, she showed me your wedding pictures. I should have guessed it when you were very stubborn on meeting her." He snickered and I chuckled a shy smile before the elevator dinged alarming on its arrival.

"No problem, sir. Nice to meet you by the way." I offered him a handshake and stepped into the elevator.

I was taken to the highest level of the building and everything were spelled with luxury. I felt so out of place and luckily no one around to judge me on my poor clothing. It wouldn't even just embarrass me but also my wife.

Will she be mad if she caught me looking like this for a place like this? Should I go back rather than earning my wife's distress?

"Aditya?" It was then I acknowledged that it was too late to hide, she was already there in front of me. Looking so beautiful in her signature formal wear with a surprised reaction.

Her eyes went down to my hands and I built words one by one as I got nervous, "I.....brought food.....for you. You....aren't coming.....home for I thought....I-I could come by and....give you this home cooked meal. I.....hope you.....don't mind."

She was very patience for me to finish my sentences and her reaction was not what I expected. She blushed with an adorable smile and rushed into my arms, hugging me tightly. I felt her faint sigh with her soft murmur, "I missed you, Aditya."

She missed me? I had a wide smile on my face before attempting back to hug her. My hands were full but I did managed to fulfill my wife back without hesitancy. I thought she felt my struggling on holding onto this bag of food containers so she pulled away and apologized before leading me to a dining area which most probably is the pantry.

"Go and wash your hands now. I will put the foods in plate for you." I let her know and she nodded, before going to the sink nearby.

"Have you eaten?" She asked after she came back and when I shake my head, she made me to do the same of what I told her to do.

When I got back, our plates were ready and we quickly set in to eat. We ate in silence and after she finished, she went to sit by the couch on the corner.

After I was done, I cleared the containers and packed everything back again. I realized I forget to lend us some water so I walked up to her. " want water?" I went to pass her the water bottle when she nodded and raised her hand, but she held onto my wrist instead to pull me beside her.

I was in the couch next to her and she comfortably cuddled onto my side with her arms wrapping around one of mine. Her head peacefully resting on my shoulder with her eyes closed and I knew she's savoring the moment just like I do. With her sweet lavender smell levitating through my nasal.

I need to say it back. I need to tell her how I feel right now. "I missed you too. So much."

She looked up at me and now we were in the same eye level. My eyes wasted no time on going to her lips and I have been dying to be connected with them. We leaned closely into each other and her palms were already clutching on my shirt for dear life.

Our lips touched but it never went any further. She pushed herself away suddenly and stand up, walking back and forth before pressing her fingers on the temple of her forehead.

"I'm really sorry. We weren't supposed to do that. I.....I got to go, I still have works to complete. So I won't be coming home today." She looked so distant by then and I had to give her the space.

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry." I said slowly while standing up from the couch.

"Please drive home safely later. And please don't overwork yourself, It's not good for your health." I said while  grabbing on the bags and left.



He left. With such a heartbroken face. Why does it hurt so much? Why was he heartbroken?

I didn't let us to kiss because.....I don't want him to confuse his feelings. We are two opposite who would attracts at any cost so having us together would be a problem with this marriage ties and bonds. He shouldn't be confused of that. If he's pursuing his future with someone else, then I shouldn't be in between them.

Heck to this marriage and relationship, but that was what I supposed to do to make him leave the devil's door.

This feelings of mine should be forfeited but the more I'm away from him, the more I wanted him.

"I missed you too. So much."  It was his latter confession which want me to kiss him right then and there. He missed me he said and he was so ready to kiss me either. Does that mean I have a chance with him? Or does he really ended up confusing his feelings for me with her?

I think, it is better to confront him. I was clear on my mind before what happened just now but after that, everything seems foggy. Maybe I'm assuming things the wrong way.

How long can I hide from this miserableness? I can't always trust on my intuitiveness in this kind of matter. People always say that communication is the key in between relationships, so it's better to do it the right way. No mater whatever the result would be, I would take it. I just have to make sure that my confrontation wouldn't harm his emotions.

Thus, I decided to reach home early before midnight after finishing some important works and even still it was already midnight. I knew he would be slept by then and I was right when I saw him on the bed. I freshen up myself and scooted in next to him. I would gently kiss him on the head secretly every night and when I moved closer to do so, I saw his face being scrunched up.

Oh, Aditya. Did I do that to you? I asked myself and guilt was eating up on me as I sat by the bedpost. I went in for a kiss anyway and as soon as I did, his face muscles relaxed. It was so surprising but at least that got me sleeping through the night.


On the morning, I didn't rush to work and I bathed myself before changing into my casuals. I went to the kitchen when I heard sounds from there and he was right there, making something to eat. He haven't got ready for school and that was my opportunity to ask for his time.

"Adi?" All I heard was his humming. "I want to talk to you."

"So do I." He replied back. Turning around while being faintly aloof with his head lowered.

"Okay, sure. But I need you to look at me first." I reminded him our condition whenever we wished to talk to each other and he slowly did.

Is he still upset from yesterday?

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