The dream

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   "This is your most important Mission yet, chosen one." Ash opened his eyes. "I dont have much time, so I need to get this out quick. You have saved towns, regions and even the world before, but this time, the universe is at stake. I have sent a strong pokemon to where you reside, it should be there by the time you wake up." Said Arceus.

   "Wait, wait. Can you go over that again?" Ash asked.

   "The universe is at stake. You are the only one who can save it. I sent a pokemon to where you are. It will be there when you wake up. I have to go now. They are here."

   "Wait who's there?"

   "Theres not enough time."

   Ash woke in a cold sweat, and jolted up into a sitting position, hitting the bunk above his head.

   "Ash, what's wrong?" Goh said groggily.

   "Just a nightmare. I'm gonna go for a walk real quick."

   Ash got up, and walked out of the room, grabbing an empty pokeball on the way. Pikachu ran out with him. As he walked outside, and heard a quiet cry. He looked up, and he saw...

A/N Cliffhanger. You're welcome. Anyways, see you in the next chapter.

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