"Chapter Thirteen"

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Next morning, Jack and I had left his hometown to head back to Paris. Of course, the word got around about the story about the Titanic, Jack and I, Asher...

"Bonjour, petite fille." Grand-père greets on the throne.
(Hello, granddaughter)

Grand-père is the royal king next to grand-mère. I would curtsy.

"I apologize for my late arrival." I spoke.

"That's quite alright, petite fille." Grand-père spoke.

Jack would bow.

"Uhh... hey." Jack said nervously.

My grandparents would look at Jack.

"This is the garmin?" Grand-père asked.

I nodded.

"I know that it's not—"

"Nonsense, child! We know everything." Grand-mère spoke as she got off her throne.

"He does look handsome, and he seems to be a keeper." Grand-mère nudged.

Jack nervously laughed. I would approach Jack and hold his hand reassuringly.

"I don't know if the other news has gotten to the both of you yet..." Jack admits.

"Oh? What is it?" Grand-mère asked.

"Do tell, garmin." Grand-père replied.

"I am engaged to your petite fille. I don't know if I need your blessings—" Jack stopped for a moment, "But I love her more than anything. I want nothing more to be her groom and have kids with her and—"

"Garçon, you don't need to ask. You already have our blessings." Grand-père spoke, "you make my petite fille happy. And her happiness is important to my wife and I."

I smiled and looked at Jack lovingly.

"Convenue." Grand-mère replied.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Is Juliette working today?"

Grand-mère nods.

"She's doing laundry with the other maids today."

I grabbed Jack's hand before leading him outside.

"That went well..."

"I told you they already love you. You didn't have to ask."

"I still wanted to be sure."

"Alice? Est-ce vous?" A familiar voice called out.
(Alice? Is that you?)

"Juliette! Over here!" I called out.

Juliette comes running.

"I thought I recognized your voice!"

Juliette... the woman who known me for years. The one who lent me her clothes and let me pretend to be a commoner when things got bored or overwhelming.

"Juliette... I'd like you to meet my fiancé Jack Dawson."

Juliette turned towards Jack. Jack would smile towards her.

"Ah! So you're the one who stolen mon petie allie's heart!"
(My little Allie)

"Juliette!" I said as I embarrassedly blushed.

Jack chuckled.

"Yes. I am. She actually stole mine first. She became the inspiration for all my work." He admits as he puts his arm around my waist.

Juliette watched in awe. The other maids would then approach.

"Oy! C'est la petite dame!" One of them shout.
(Oy! It's little lady!)

"I'm not little!" I huffed before puckering my lower lip in a pouty manner.

Jack would laugh seeing my poutful look.

"You still are our Little Lady." One of them cooed.

"This is the guy who you survived the Titanic with?"

"He looks so handsome!"

"Vous avez de la chance!"
(You are lucky!)

I would grab Jack's hand.

"Jack... I'm sorry. All the maids here they've known me around the same time I know Juliette." I explained.

"It's alright, darling. It's nice to meet everyone."

"A-t-il recontré Briar Amélie?" Margerine would ask.
(Has he met Briar Amélie?)

I shushed.

"Oh? Who's that?" Jack asked curiously.

"That's... me."

Jack looked at me puzzled.

"Briar Amélie is the name Alice would go under as a civilian. Whenever she gets stressed or bored."

Jack would think about it.

"Actually yes, now I do remember..."

Yes. That morning when I dressed as Briar on the ship to get away from my Father, Agnes, and Asher.  Although Jack does remember: but he didn't know this isn't the first I pretended to be Briar.

"Anyways, girls let's go back to work. Let's leave the lovebirds to rest." Juliette said towards the other maids before turning towards us, "if you need anything you know you can call." She explained towards us as we nodded.

Jack and I would head back to my bedroom where he would stay in with me.

"I know you're probably not used to this..." I admit while I was undressing.

"Yeah it'll take a bit to get used to being lord consort or just being a lord." He paused, "Hell I don't know if you lose the title..." he admits with a frown.

"Nope. It won't change a thing for me. I'll still be your lady. But you'd be my lord and my future king." I reassured before pulling him in a embrace.

"And you as my future queen," Jack said with a small grin, wrapping his arms around me.

I kissed him gently before pulling away and finished dressing.

"Jack... do you want know why I chose the alias name Briar Amelié?"

He nods before I would lay down.

"Briar and Amelié are my two favorite names. I don't know why but it was something I chosen as a young girl."

"So wait you've been Briar Amelié for awhile?"

"Not that young. At first I enjoy the lifestyle but when I got older, I always wondered what it was like as a commoner and I wanted to learn more and was fascinated with it. And one night I was just so overwhelmed with the duties that Juliette came up to me and asked "You need clothes?" I went on.

Jack didn't say a word, listening.

"I was confused as what she meant and then she gave me clothes and a wig and told me that she'd cover for me. I basically roamed the streets of Paris, confused. But no one noticed who I was. After awhile I just got lost in the feeling of the taste of freedom..."

Flashbacks came to me, playing like a movie.

Flashback begins

I had just spun and burst out laughing actually having so much fun. People were walking past, looking at me as if I was crazy but I had no care in a world. First thing I do is walk inside the tavern where music was playing and crowds were drunk and dancing happily.

"Bonne soirée, mademoiselle!" The waiter would approach, "Tarble pour une?"
(Good evening, miss! Table for one?)

I nod. Although a couple drinks won't hurt, but I can't get drunk and then risk getting hungover in the morning. The waiter would get me a single table. Shortly after I sit, the waiter would ask for a drink.

"...surprise me." I slipped in English by accident before catching myself, "Dèsolée."

The waiter nodded before leaving. The dancing would finish while I sat alone. Until a stranger approached.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle...." His voice trailed off.

"Briar Amelié." I introduced with a small smile.

"First time?" He asked.

I can't let him know I'm the lady who's in disguise.

"Oui. Mes amis–"
(Yes. My friends–)

"You don't have to speak French, Briar. I saw you spoke English on accident."

Merde. I bite my lower lip.

"You have a sharp tongue, monsieur."

"Beau." He introduced, "I'm from northern France but here for my brother as he's to be wed to his lover in the morning." He gestured to his drunken brother and his presumed friends dancing still despite the dancing music had stopped.

I giggled softly between my hands. Shit not again.

"So, why did you abandon them to speak with me?"

Beau laughed.

"You looked lonesome."

I have to end this. I'm not interested. This isn't the first time I had a guy try to charm me.

"What if I wanted to be alone?" I asked sharply, crossing my arms.

"No woman shouldn't be alone. Especially this late at night."

I would lean back, sighing.

"Monsieur...Beau. Your charms don't work on a girl like me. I don't mind a friendship, though."

I assumed he took it hard but instead held out his hand.

"I wouldn't mind a friendship either, Miss Briar."

I would take it before shaking it and the waiter comes with my drink before another song would play.

"Care to join me and my brother and his friends?"

I smiled.

"I'd like that."

And Beau and I danced the night away.

Flashback ends

It's been quite some time since I've visited Beau. I've been more closer with his sister in law Manon and she was the first out of the group to notice my disguise first.

"That's so interesting. Shame we didn't meet then," Jack spoke.

"If I did, I wouldn't let you charmed me so easily." I teased.

"Oh? Then how would I get your attention, my lady?" He continued.

"Just being your handsome self and danced with me." I said as he laughed.

"Someday soon, we will have that." He winked.

"How soon, if I may ask?"

Jack would be silent, thinking hard while still caressing my back.

"It all depends on when, my lady. I don't mind if it even being tonight. I want to make you my Alice Dawson."

I laughed.

"Maybe not tonight, maybe two days perhaps?" I said while putting a finger to my chin.

"Two days it is then, my lady." He said as he kissed my temple.

I yawned before getting myself comfy.

"Get some rest, my lady. I'll join you in a moment." Jack said as I nodded before giving him a quick kiss while he leaves to change.

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