"Chapter Two"

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Next morning, I woke up to several letters on my nightstand. I first picked up the one and it was from Rose.

Dear Alice,

You are very welcome! I am glad you were able to have fun. And you can come see me anytime. Actually, my mother does approve our friendship. Cal?... well... he's so...

...Anyways! I will hope to see you at breakfast!



After smiling and reading Rose's letter I opened the next one.

Dearest Alice,

I had to write to you. You were on my mind before I went to sleep. Friends were wondering who was this "mystery," girl I was thinking of. I told them you're just a golden apple fresh from an apple orchard.

I really hope to see you again soon, lovely Alice.


Jack Dawson

I didn't know that Mr. Dawson can be so poetic. My heart was sent a flutter.

"Something wrong, honey?"

...Should I tell my father? I looked around for any sign of Agnes.


"Is she here?"

"No. She's in her room. Are you hiding something?"

"Father I don't know what you see in that woman. She hates me."

"She doesn't—"

"She does hate me, Father. Read the room!" I snapped.

I don't know what's gotten over me.

"Alice Susan Kennedy!"

I bite my lower lip. I grabbed my diary and was about to leave until a man stood by the doorway, smiling.

"Who are you?"

"You must be the beautiful Lady Alice," the man said as he grabbed my knuckle and kissed it.

I looked at my Father confused. He shrugged and looked puzzled.

"I see you've met Ashton Wells."

"At your service, milady."

"What did you do?" I asked Agnes concerned.

"Mr. Wells had been googly eyeing you since last night and..."

"I'm your fiancé."


"Fiancé? You didn't discuss this with me, Agnes."
Father said.

This... this...

"Excuse me. I need to go see Ms. Dewitt Bukater—"

"Not today. You have to spend a day with Mr. Wells."

Spending a day with HIM?! Lord—

I need to get away from here and fast.

"You've been awfully quiet, Alice." Agnes noticed how I've been silent. She's used to me being sassy but— I've been rendered speechless.

Wait... I think I have an idea to pull this off.

"I...I..." I took a step back.

"Honey?" Father took notice.

"Are you alright, love?" Asher asked me.

"I just need to freshen up." I said before heading to the bathroom.

Okay, luggage... luggage. Aha! There it is. Time to pull off the usual disguise!


The sea seemed calm this morning. I anticipated that my letter got to Alice and she's swooned by it. After I've met Alice, I've been drawing her a lot. She really is on my mind. She's so beautiful...

"Hey, stranger." A voice called out to me.

I looked up to see a woman that almost looked like Alice.

"Ah, hello."

She smiled and sits next to me.

"Dawson, it's me..." then...

Alice. It was her dressed as middle class.


She softly laughed.

"Took you long enough."

"I didn't expect you to have clothes like that."

"Sometimes... my one maid back in Paris would let me borrow her clothes whenever I get tired of the first class life."

"Paris? I've been there before." I smiled at her.

Even under the disguise, she's still the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on.

"So... what's the occasion?"

She looked away, sighing.

"My soon to-be stepmother figured to arrange me with an egotistical man who only loves himself she wanted me to spend a day with him and I just couldn't."

And I pitied her. No woman should ever be forced upon something like that. I put my pencil down to put my hand to her cheek.

"And I feel bad because Rose and I have to rotate nights of causing mischief." She said in a frown.

"Sssh..." I shushed her.

"Alice?" Some voices called out to her. She looked rather nervous.

"Help me?" She asked me.

I nod. If her and I get up now, it would be suspicious. I noticed she had her book with her.

"Just pretend we don't know each other." I whispered and she nods.

"Where she could be?" One of the rich guys asked while some of the staff were with him. Her father was with them amongst it.

"Ha! Pathetic that she would cower and hide amongst us."

I can see she looked tense while pretending to read her book. Immediately the snobby woman looked at me and approached me.

"You there, rat." She said coldly.

"Yes?" I said while Alice kept reading.

"Where are you keeping Alice? I hope she's not in the sewers."

"I have not seen Ms. Kennedy since yesterday, ma'am." I lied in a polite tone.

The woman coldly stared at me. Then, Alice rose up.

"Je pense qu'elle est partie par là." Alice spoke in clear French in a soft voice.
(I think she went that way.)

"Pardon? What did you say, whore?"

Hearing this cold woman call Alice a whore made me angry inside.

"Agnes... she said she went that way." Her father picked up.

"Ah. Couldn't understand since I don't know that language."

"Chienne." Alice muttered to herself.

"What was that, whore?"

"Agnes honey—"

"No. I want to know what the whore said."

"That's quite enough." Her father spoke in annoyed tone.

"Yeah we gotta find my beloved Alice!"

The woman stared at Alice then back at me.

"I'm watching you two rats."

Then she stormed off.


I can't stand that wretched woman and seeing my father defend her.

"That was very bold of you, Kennedy." He paused, "Plus, you speaking French made you even more alluring." He winked at me.

I blushed and chuckled.

"You weren't too bad yourself, Dawson."

He chuckled as well.

"Would you like to join breakfast with me?"

"I'd love to... but I have to see a friend." I explained.

And Rose so happened to walk by with her family. I made gestures for her and she immediately knew it was me. But she was forced to keep walking.

I'll talk to you later. Rose quickly lipped.

"On second thought, I'm available now." I said as Jack smiled and put his drawing away.

"Lovely. Follow me, milady."

I giggled softly as I followed Jack.

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