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After arriving I looked around to see passengers and staff handling the luggage.

"She's a beaut, ain't she darling?" Father said with a smile.

"Indeed." I agreed as father held out his hand and I gracefully took it.

We walked up on the ship together.

Father and I deserved a vacation as it's been years since we had one with my dad being the Duke and I'm a Lady after all.

"Mr. and Ms. Kennedy?" A staff member said as it caught father and I's attention.


"Oy! That's Duke Charles and Lady Alice!" Another staff sternly corrects. The one staff made a quick bow.


"It's quite alright, Mr. Kennedy works fine too."

"So does Ms. Kennedy." I joined in.

"Anyways! We're working on your luggage now!"

I nod as I looked at Father.

"Father? May I be excused to the port side?"

Father smiled.

"Go ahead, dearest. I'll go mingle."

I nod as I went to the port side. I've carried this book that's been special to me ever since Mother left it for me and this locket. I sat on a bench to write.

Dear Diary,

Father and I had just boarded on the Titanic! It looks so gorgeous up here. Although... it feels so empty still without mother.

I stopped writing for a moment. No, Alice... no need to be gloom in public.

"Miss!" A voice called out.

Shit. Look what I've done!

I looked up to a redhead woman, weakly smiling.


"You can call me Rose." She said holding out her hand. I took her hand.

"Lady Alice." I am so used to refer my title to the rich people like me.

Rose nods before sitting next to me.

"I couldn't help to see you rather gloom, are you alright?"

Should I lie to her...? No that would be improper.

"Just... Missing my Mother."

"Ah. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"I'm used to it."

Rose nods.

"I do love your locket, by the way."

I weakly smiled.

"It was one of the other things she left for me."

"Ah I'm—"

"It's okay, Rose." I smiled reassuringly, "I do needed a friend to speak about something like that."

Rose smiled warmly.

"Would you like to join me for dinner later?"

"I'd like that a lot." I said.

"Rose!" A voice called out to her as she sighed.

"I have to go... see you soon, Lady—"

"Just call me Alice." I said as Rose smiled as she departs.

I then held onto my book and hung over the railing. I know we aren't sailing for a few hours. But I'm taking in the fresh air and the peaceful tranquility despite it being chaotic around me. I need peace and quiet... just time to myself.

Few hours later...

The ship was finally able to leave docks. I had went to mingle with the high class... including Rose. I can tell she looked tense about something but faked through it all with a smile.

"Honey?" My father's voice called out.


"There's someone I want you to meet."

"Oh? And that is...?"

Then, a mean looking woman approached me.

"This is Agnes Blake—"

Agnes studied me, looking not to pleased.

"This is your daughter?"

"Why yes..."

Agnes circled me, studying me while my eyes watched her and I nervously stood.

"She doesn't seem as proper—"

"Excuse me?"

Then Agnes was taken back.

"Sassy one too... disgusting."

I looked at Father.

"Father? Why did you introduce me to this woman?"

Then the woman had a small grin, an evil grin.

"I'm marrying your father, honey."


"You've... you've got to be kidding!" I said speechless.

Father reluctantly sighed.

"That is the truth."

"So you better clean that attitude, Missy!" Agnes said.

My hands were shaking. I stormed off before I can snap again... Bad enough I was already causing a scene. I went to the decks once more where it was empty.

Father... he's going to marry someone like her already? I mean mother died giving birth to me but— why?!

I leaned against the railing and began to loudly sob.


After getting settled in and roaming the ship I went to the top deck to get some fresh air and maybe draw... until I saw the girl in passing mingling with the first class earlier is now against the railing sobbing...

"Ahem." I cleared my throat.

The girl whom was leaning against the railing, weeping, turned her head.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"I would like to know that if you're alright?" I asked.

She was rather silent for a moment before she looked off to the distance. I slowly approached her.

"You wouldn't understand anyways." She finally spoke.

"Maybe I will if you explain."

She sighed. Her blue eyes looked into mine.

"My Father... is arranging to be wed with someone who's just evil." She said gloomily.

I didn't say a word, listening. Before speaking up.

"Sometimes fate has a weird way choosing people... but only your father can wear the rose tinted glasses and be blind."

She didn't say a word listening as well.

"...You're the second person to hear my problems."

"I just want to help a beautiful woman like you." I said with a wink.

Her cheeks then turned a soft pink. Looking surprised.

"Flirtatious we are..."

"Jack. Jack Dawson."

"Alice. Alice Kennedy."

We both grabbed each other's hands but I would take it gently to kiss it. I think I found the next muse I needed after having artist's block for weeks.

"Is that what you do all to the girls? Listen to their problems and then woo them?" She said slight jokingly.

"Only the ones I like."

She softly laughed, shaking her head.

"You are rather a comedic man, Mr. Dawson."

I laughed with her.

"YOU! RAT!" A voice yelled out.


After hearing the voice calling out "rat!" Jack and I looked around. The silhouette gets closer.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU RAT!" Agnes yelled, "shoo shoo!"

After what I've said, I kept my anger inside me.

"Will I ever see you again?" Jack whispered.

"Of course. We are on the same ship after all."

"You heard me, stinking rat! Shoo! Shoo!"

Rose and her "fiancé" came out.

"What's with the commotion?"

"A street rat who doesn't know where their place should be at." Agnes spat.

"How disgusting!" Cal agreed.

I can see Rose feeling rather uncomfortable.

Meet me at my room 307 later. I lipped to Rose as she nods.

Eventually Jack would depart while Agnes scolds and lectures me.

"Do you hear me, Alice?"

"No, ma'am."

"You really are an disobedient woman. You wonder why you never have suitors."

That made me more angry inside. Rose slowly approached.

"Excuse me, Alice. Would you like to share some champagne with me?" Rose asked politely, trying to distract me and get away from that she-devil.

"Why of course. Thank you, Ms. Dewitt Bukater."

Rose nods as we both left and back to the dining room together.

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