1.The First Sight...

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"There is no better moment of love than love at first sight.


I am patiently waiting for my x-ray report here in the waiting section of this hospital. It's 4:30 already and only 2 patients are left to get examined.

Early in the morning, I don't know how but I just lost my balance while stepping down the steps and I fell down on my back and know my back is painting like hell so dad insisted me to for a medical checkup and so here I am waiting patiently like a sick patient.

When the last patient went inside the OPD I decided to go and inform about my report. When I was about to stand up someone sat beside me and that someone has very beautiful grey eyes and I just kept on staring at those eyes.

I got my senses back when the nurse patted my shoulder and told, "Excuse me, sir, are you alright? I called your name four times but you were busy staring somewhere, here take your report." I thanked her and giving me the report she left.

**** **** ****

A few minutes later...

I sat inside the car and was going home. The second I glanced at my right side those grey eyes were there again. When our eyes met that girl quickly looked at another side.
She was also sitting inside her car with an elderly lady who might be her mom I guess because of the similar looks.

I don't know what possessed me but I followed them till they reached a small house. It can be her house I thought and felt some happiness but the sudden pain in my back brought my senses back.

I rubbed my forehead with one of my hand and sighed. Why the hell did I follow them? I questioned myself but I knew I don't have any answer or maybe I don't want to know the answer as it will only bring out some old memories that I kept buried deep inside my heart.

Today's my rest day as I know very well that doctor might have informed dad by know that there was nothing severe except some swelling but still, dad will make me rest in the house for the whole day and I hate resting whole day doing nothing but I am sure dad won't let me work in this condition. No matter how much carelessness he tries to show towards me, the moment something happens to me all his anger turns to concern and care. I know dad you still love me even after that incident and I know one day you'll surely forgive me.

During such times I miss my mom, yes my mom who isn't there in this world any more. Dad changed, I changed and everything changed after she passed away.

As there isn't anything to do I felt bored so I called Ednil, my best friend. After a few rings, he picked up the call, "Hello Kay!"

"Hi, Ed."

"Hey, watts up man, your voice seems off," Ed asks and I explain the situation to him.

"Hahaha... So it's a rest day today." He teases me.

"There's nothing funny in this," I reply in an angry tone.

"No Kay, there are so many fun things to do when one is free. The only problem is that, that someone mustn't be you." His answer irritates me.

"I think I did a mistake by calling you. My mood was already off since the morning and I thought, talking to you will help me feel better but it did the opposite." I expressed my irritation.

"Ok then feel free to disconnect the call and
enjoy this, 'resting day, resting day, my dear friend doesn't love his day this way.
Yawn and sleep, yawn and sleep, it's best for you Kay.'" I rubbed my temple with my fingers as my head began to hurt.

"Are you a nursery kid?" I shouted.

"Nope, but I can father one."

"You are a waste of time." Saying so I disconnected the call.

He is like this all the time but unfortunately my only friend. So now I have no other option except opening my laptop and doing some work from home. I called Mrs Pot to bring me coffee and started my work on the laptop.

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Author's Note: Dear readers English is not my first language and this is my first story so please excuse me if you don't like my work. You can politely point out if you find any mistake here.

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