10.What To Do?

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"Time doesn't heal anything. It only teaches us how to live with pain."


I am sitting here doing nothing for the last 2 hours. I am confused, What to do?

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2 Hours Before...

I sat on my bed and opened the envelope that Mr Jerk head (kayon) gave me.
There were photos of Sam with different girls in disgusting positions.

What was that jerk head (Kayon) thinking by giving me this? I already know about Sam. Their's nothing new in this envelope. After looking at 5-6 photos I threw all of them on my bed as there were many. But last 2 photographs caught my eyes. They were from my dad. Just by looking at them, I felt my head spinning. I held my head in my hands and sat like that till I felt a bit calm.
I knew those photos were edited, I knew they were fake but they can turn real with my 'No'.

In one photo my dad was in prisoners clothes and in the other one he was standing beside a car in front of a big house. And something was written behind those 2 photos. On the backside of the photo in which my dad was wearing prisoners clothes it was written,' Your dad's condition after your NO' and on the other one it was written, 'Your dad's condition after your YES'.


I  know it is up to me to save my family from this humiliation. But in doing so I will have to sacrifice not only my future but also my dreams, my freedom, my happiness...
Just then my dad's smiling face came in my mind. All those sweet moments that we shared, the image of him coming home tired from work, etc came flashing in my mind. I can't do this with him. He has spent all his life to fulfil all my needs, to give me comfort and to make me happy, I can't let him suffer. But then there won't be anything left in my life...

That jerk head if he can put my dad behind bars just after dad's operation then he surely is a heartless person. He will make my life miserable but I know there isn't any way for me to come out of this problem.

Tears began to flow from my eyes and I prayed to God silently, 'O  God helps me find a way out of this problem or else soften Kayon's heart for me please God please.'

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