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"When you love someone, all that matters is that person's happiness.
Even if it is living without you."


"If you have any doubt on anything you can ask me without any hesitation." I told to Mr.Grey.

"now how will I face Jones? How will I tell him about breaking this engagement? What will be his reaction? Jones is my childhood friend. He always helped me in times of need and this is the first time that he asked something from me. I will always feel guilty if I break this engagement." Mr.Grey replied.

"Its ok Mark. Don't stress yourself too much. Jones will surely understand if you explain him in the right way." Grey's mom told to her husband while entering inside. She gave coffee to both of us. When she gave me the coffee I saw her face closely and she looked somewhat familiar but I don't remember meeting her ever. After that, she left.

I can very well understand Mr.Grey's feelings. But right now it isn't the right time to become an emotional fool.

"And yeah Mr.Pride I'll first ask crystal about her decision and I want to make it clear that this time I won't force my decision on her." Saying so Mr.Grey called Grey (crystal).

Wow, What a father! First, he forcefully engaged his daughter to a playboy and now when a true lover is asking for her hand in marriage he is saying that he won't force her now. Truly people go a bit insane in old age.

After sometime Grey entered and Mr.Grey asked her, "crystal dear I want to tell you something important. Dear after what you told me about Sam I don't want you to marry that idiot. Here Mr.Pride wants to marry you and he want you to work in my place in my absence. Dear this time the decision will be yours, I won't force any decision on you. If you don't like it I'll just reject this proposal. Don't worry about uncle Jones, I'll talk to him later. If he comes to know that I forced you to get engaged to Sam then he'll himself break this engagement. "

Grey didn't even wait for some time. She instantly replied, "I agree to Mr.Pride's proposal." With her answer came a huge smile on my face.

"I am quite shocked upon your instant reply dear. I hope you aren't taking this decision only to come over Sam's rejection." Mr.Grey asked Crystal.

"No dad I know what I am doing." She replied.

"Ok then it's all done now Mr.Grey," I told him.

yeah", is his only reply.

As he got a call, Mr.Grey turned his back towards us while talking on the phone. I went near Grey and took her hand in mine. We are standing very close to each other. Suddenly she whispered in a very low voice,
"What are you doing? Leave my hand."

With a wide grin on my face, I removed the engagement ring from her finger and when Mr.Grey ended the call I went forward to give that ring to him and said, "take this ring with you when you'll go to meet your friend. Seeing the ring removed from her figure I think he won't need much explanation." After giving him the ring I continued, "Can I speak a few words with Gre... I mean Crystal while she accompanies me till the exit?"

"Sure Mr.pride but only if my daughter wants to," Mr.Grey replied.

As he left the room I gently but firmly pulled Grey with me. I didn't leave her hand till we were outside the main door. As soon as we stepped outside I kissed her cheeks. She blushed then frowned to hide her blush and I chuckled and replied, "this kiss for calling me as Mr.Pride and not as Kayon. I already warned you."

"Whatever", she replied rolling her eyes and before I can kiss her other cheek she pushed me and ran inside. I left from there with a feeling of victory. It felt as if I am a king and just now I have won a war.


Hello to all my lovely readers.
This early update is for all of you as only because of you all 'His Obsession' is at #24 in Chicklit today. Thanks for your support through votes, comments, they mean a lot to me.

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