30.Her Punishment.

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"Love is not finding the perfect person but seeing the imperfect person as perfect."


Since the time Ednil came, he was constantly flirting with Grey. He was getting on my nerves. He knew exactly how possessive I am but still, he was testing my patience and the worst thing is that Grey is enjoying his company. She never gave me a smile before and here she was laughing on Ed's silly jokes. She gives me an answer if I ask her any question and nothing more and here she is talking so much with Ed as if they are a long time, friends. I am beyond angry is an understatement.

I want to punch Ed but I can't or else Grey will think that I am jealous and her ego will just fly on cloud nine. Thinking this I controlled my temper but all my control flew away when Ed hugged her and was about to kiss her cheek but I pulled her away before he could. I then pulled her towards my car and made her sit inside. When I confronted her she acted all innocent and I hate people acting all false in front of me. I know exactly what she is aware of the topic that I am asking her. So know I decided to punish her in a teasing way. At first, I threatened her and then gave her the punishment. I kissed her. At first, I wanted this kiss to be a simple one but later on, it turned into a passionate one. I left her only when we were unable to breathe.

"What the hell is this Kayon? You... You agreed to my conditions and look here for what you are doing", asked my angry Grey.

"I didn't break any of your conditions dear. As far as I remember, you didn't mention anything related to kiss in your condition list. I didn't force myself on you because if I would have forced myself on you than you would have been on my lap or more probably beneath me on my bed by now. Take it, easy dear, it's only a kiss." I replied.

"How can I take it easy? Wait I think you want me to take it easy because it may mean nothing in your view but according to me it's much more than nothing. It was my first kiss which I wanted to save for the love of my life. I saved my first kiss for that person whom I will love more than anyone else and here you stole that kiss you jerkhead." Grey told and I can clearly see those tears in her eyes.

I felt sorry for her but at the same time, I felt glad to know that she shared her first kiss with me. Wiping away her tears I told her, "believe me, Grey, there won't be any  person in your life as your lover other than me. This is my first lip to lip kiss also."

She only stared at me for some time. Maybe she didn't believe me but all that I told her was true. I always felt disgusted to kiss any girl on lips but Grey is the first one to whom I felt like giving a lip to lip kiss. She lowered her gaze and I saw her blushing. With a wide grin on my face, I started my car and headed towards her home. I played my favourite song, NOBODY because those lyrics were the exact words which I wanted to tell her.

Nobody can love you like I do,

Nobody can kiss the way I kiss you.

Nobody can play the fool for you,

Nobody can love you like I do.

Nobody can spend the way I spend,

Nobody can love you till the end.

Nobody can play the fool for you,

Nobody can love you like I do....

After hearing these words I saw a small smile on her lips and my heart was filled with delight.

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