34.Their Childhood Memory...

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"If the only possibility of us being together is in my dreams, then I'll prefer to sleep for a lifetime."


I am both happy and nervous today as I am going to become Mrs Pride. This is the third time I am looking at myself in the mirror. I can't believe it, how beautiful I'm looking. My dress, my hairstyle, everything is so perfect. No matter if my marriage is only a contract still this day will always remain special for me. I will take all my vows wholeheartedly. I don't know for how long will my marriage last and why Kayon is marrying me still I hope maybe someday Kayon will start to like me or maybe Love Me...
After talking with my mom last night I got a bit hopeful.


"Is everything all right dear? Why are you crying so much?" Mom asked me as soon as she entered my room. Maybe I was crying loudly that she heard it and came inside.
I wanted to lie but I know this is my last night here with my parents before my marriage so I just poured my heart out.

"Mom I am confused. How will my life be after my marriage? I mean how will he treat me? Will he care for me? Will, he ever love me? Will he respect our marriage? Will we ever live like a normal couple? Till when will my marriage last?...." I kept on asking.

"Shhh. Take it, easy dear." Mom told me and sat beside me. I rested my head on her lap. She then continued, "Don't worry Cryst. Everything will be fine. You may not be sure but I assure you that Kayon loves you. He may not have confessed it but I have seen Love and Care in his eyes and I know that feeling as I have seen it many times in your father's eyes. I even saw something similar in his eyes year's back."

"Year's back, what do you mean mom?" I asked confused.

"When you were just three and a half years old I once took you to the park. You were playing with your ball when suddenly a little boy came there and pushed you before taking your ball. You started crying. I was sitting on a nearby bench. Before I could reach there another boy came near you, he helped you in standing up then dusted your clothes with his hands and whipped the tears from your eyes. He then told you not to worry as he will teach that boy a lesson. Then he took your ball from that boy and beat him very badly until his mom separated them. You know that boy was none other than Kayon. That day I got acquainted with his mom Mia. She was such a sweet lady. I used to take you to that park once a week. Mia also brought Kayon there, you both used to play together. After a year we shifted to this house and I stopped taking you there. You know when you both used to play together he didn't let any other boy come near you. You may have forgotten him as you were too small at that time but I still remember he was a very charming, sweet and caring boy just like his mother. Maybe circumstances made him harsh and rude but I am sure he still has a sweet and loving heart. He cared for you when you were small and I am sure he will care for you lifelong. Believe in God, He will surely give you both a bright future."

Hearing this I felt calm as if I found a ray of hope.

Flashback ends...

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