38.It's Embarising...

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"My world fills with happiness whenever I see                  
 that care in your eyes and love in your heart as these two are the special things in a relation from the start."


I woke up early as usual. Despite feeling a bit tired, I dragged myself out of the bed. I took a quick shower and changed into tank top and shorts. Then I went inside the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
I know what I did yesterday was only for my self-defence but still, I somehow felt guilty and so I decided to prepare a tasty breakfast for him and then I'll apologise for my actions.

I prepared breakfast and then kept everything on the table. I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Turning around I saw Kayon staring at me standing at the door. I smiled but he didn't return it. How can he behave nicely with me after what I did to him yesterday? Ignoring his angry stare I went near him and pulled him towards the table. He sat on his chair and I served him. While eating the pancake he closed his eyes for some time. I got confused about whether he likes it or dislike it so I asked him, "Do you like this breakfast?" He didn't reply. I felt hurt. What he should understand is that what I did was necessary for both of us or else he would have crossed his limits. I made a mistake but he was the reason for it. He cannot put the whole blame on me. Now I also decided to ignore him. After cleaning the dishes I headed towards my room. Kayon came out of his room and told, "I am going out. If you need anything just call me." Then he went downstairs.

Before he could open the door, the doorbell rang. Kayon opened the door and Ednil came inside with a huge smile plastered on his face. Seeing Ednil I too came down.
"Good morning princess." Ednil greeted me.

"Good morning to you too." I too greeted him.

"I'm still standing here, " my grumpy jerkhead husband told us.

"Oh! Looks like someone didn't receive a dessert last night." Ednil said looking at Kayon.

"We ate the chocolate cake in dessert yesterday," I replied.

Both of them pressed their lips to hide their laughter. It's now that I realise the double meaning behind his words. I am sure my face might have been like a red tomato by now. I left them and went inside the kitchen.

"You know the reality about my marriage Ed so doesn't embarrass my wife next time." I heard Kayon warning Ednil.

"Whatever, " replied Ednil, coming inside the kitchen.

"Do you have any work here at my place?" Kayon asked Ednil, coming inside the kitchen behind him.

"Nothing." Replied Ednil.

"Then what are you doing here, this early?"
Kayon asked him.

"Oh, I came here to accompany my princess for breakfast." Replied Ednil.

"We both had our breakfast a few minutes ago and remember next time don't call her YOUR princess," Kayon told Ednil.

"I am calling her princess as she told me yesterday that she is feeling like a Disney princess in that gown," Ednil replied and then told me to make coffee for both of us.

Kayon also sat down on a chair so I prepared three coffee. While drinking coffee Kayon again told Ednil not to call me princess but like always Ednil didn't listen to him.

After drinking the coffee both of them headed outside. Before I could close the door Kayon peeped in and kissed me. It was a gentle kiss in the beginning but later on, he shoved his tongue in my mouth and I shifted slightly being uncomfortable. In an instant, his eyes that were closed while kissing were wide open. His hand that was holding my hair immediately went down to secure his di** and his lips left mine. Before I could say anything he was out of the door. I started laughing. Seriously, how can he think that I shifted in my place only to kick him? Oh, God! The proud, arrogant, Kayon Pride who never cared for anyone and does what he want is now afraid of me and to be true I'll make sure to frighten him till the last extent.


Now our Crystal is taking advantage of the situation, isn't she?
What do you think should they apologise to each other or not?

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