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"You fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time."


I looked at my reflection in the mirror last time before going down. I still couldn't believe the fact that I am getting engaged today with my dad's friend uncle Jones son Sam. Uncle Jones is a very lovely person. He always treats me as his daughter but the problem is his playboy son Sam. That boy never leaves a chance to flirt with any girl within his reach.

I don't know how I'll carry on with our relationship after marriage while looking at my husband flirting with each and every being of his opposite sex. Urgh... I am beyond angry. If it wasn't for uncle Jones and his constant help in times of need I would just run away from this mess.
I know why uncle Jones asked for my hand in marriage, it's because dad can at least be tension free from worrying about my future as his operation was risky. But what I didn't get is why his son agreed with him. I had a little hope that he'll ask to cancel this engagement at the last moment but he didn't. I always thought that his wife will be someone who's hot and sexy but I can't get the fact why he's agreeing to marry me?

"Crystal, come down dear we are waiting for you," I heard my mom's voice from our hall.

"Coming mom," I replied. Actually, I'm quite nervous to go there, although there are only four people there, mom, dad, uncle Jones and Sam.

I go down and except Sam, everyone is praising my beauty. I know he didn't like me but I don't know why he even agreed to get engaged to me. Taking my hand in her's mom made me stand beside Sam. Bringing his face closer to my ears he whispers, "hey beautiful, looking boring as usual." I just rolled my eyes in return.

Uncle Jones gave Sam my ring and he put it in my finger and dad gave me Sam's ring and I put it in his figure. He smirked looking at me. Mom, dad and uncle clapped.
I had to plaster a fake smile on my face when they were clicking our photos. The most disgusting one is the one in which he stood behind me, placing his chin on my left shoulder, holding my wait with his hands and pressing my back against his front.

while having our dinner together I sat facing Sam. Uncle wanted me to sit beside Sam but I insisted to sit beside him so he agreed. After finishing my soup I extend my hand to take the rice bowl Oh...oh... bad timing because at the same time Sam also did the same and know his hand was above mine and when our gaze met, he just winked at me. Oh God! If it wasn't for uncle Jones sake I would have taught this dickhead a good lesson which he would have remembered life-long. I pulled my hand back and went into the kitchen. Thank God no one stopped me.

Before leaving uncle Jones hugged me and assured me that he and his son will always take care of me. I think uncle Jones is more than excited to make me his daughter-in-law as he said that he always wished for having a daughter-in-law like me. He thinks that I can help his son to become a better person, etc, etc....

My dreams shattered soon as Sam made it clear that he won't allow me to continue my education and wants me to be a housewife. I know why he's doing this because he wants me to remain at home so that he can be free to do anything outside while I'll be busy in my household chores. But still, I'm happy seeing my dad's relief. At least dad won't have to worry about me before his operation and seeing him happy fills my heart with happiness.

I know these people will not wait too long for our marriage but I'll try to prolong it as far as I can and till then I won't stop my education. I don't know what the future holds for me nor do I know for how long I'll be able to continue my relationship with Sam but one thing that I'm sure is that my life as his wife won't be anywhere near pleasant and happy so I need to prepare for the worst.


🙁🙁 Our crystal is engaged to Sam.
How will kayon react?

Wait till the next update.....

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