Chapter 19

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Bela was sleeping tossing around unable to sleep while suddenly she wokeup frustrated. She looked at her window seeing the chilled whether and smiled walking to her balcony.

"It would be so good if I can go for a night ride now"

"May be I can! But alone? Doesn't seems interesting, how about I take Mahir along? Will he come? I don't think so"

"It's okay, let me give a try atleast", Bela smiled going to his room

She opened the door slightly peeping inside and found Mahir sleeping clutching the pillow close to his chest.

"How I wish I was that pillow", Bela looked at him dreamily

She slowly moved inside bending towards Mahir's height.

"He shouldn't wake-up, he shouldn't wake-up", Bela mumbled and slowly pushed his messy hair away from his forehead and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

She grinned wide when she found Mahir still sleeping without any disturbance.

"May be I can kiss again?", Bela bit her tongue

"Isn't it like I'm taking advantage of him sleeping? It's okay, he's my husband after all.. but still, he should also like it na..

It's okay Bela, stop thinking.. why would he come so close to you in the changing room the other day if he won't like, lemmi just give another kiss", Bela clapped her hand after convincing herself

She kissed his soft stubble and smiled looking at his peaceful cute face while asleep.

"How cute he looks while sleeping.. and how arrogant he used to look before, but point to be noted.. he isn't being arrogant these days, I also heard from Yuvi that surprisingly it's been few weeks that he even shouted at anyone in the office.. what's this change tho?", Bela thought sitting next to him on the floor

Mahir turned to her side and opened his eyes slowly but was startled to see Bela sitting there and quickly got up sitting.

"Hey, what are you doing here?", Mahir asked making Bela bit her tongue at her craziness

"Oh hi Mahir", Bela smiled sheepishly

"Hi? At this time Bela?", Mahir asked seeing his phone

"It's 1Am and what are you doing in my room now?", Mahir asked

"Stop asking questions like you are my school principal Mahir.. oh by the way, my school principal was very sweet.. he used to give me chocolates whenever he see me around", Bela said remembering

"I don't care what or how your school principal is Bela.. I'm asking what are you doing here?", Mahir asked again

"Actually I'm wrong, you ar'nt like the principal.. you are the PET teacher who's so irritating for everyone I bet", Bela glared at him

"I'm irritating?", Mahir raised his eyebrow

"Yeah, you are irritating, annoying and so pissing also", Bela stood up

"Wow then what are you? You are such a headache.. well I guess there isn't any word to describe you also", Mahir said

"Well that's because I'm an unique piece", Bela raised her fake collar

"Why are you here Bela?", Mahir asked again

"I thought you forgot about it?", Bela said more like a question

"I din't, and now answer", Mahir said

"You see the whether outside", Bela said pointing towards his window

"What about it?", Mahir asked not understanding what she's trying to tell

"How great it would be if we get to roam on the empty roads in such chilled yet a peaceful climate", Bela said dreamily

"Wait, you mean..", Mahir was saying but Bela interrupted

"I mean exactly what's running in your mind now.. let's go Mahir", Bela asked cutely

"Hell no, you better go back and sleep", Mahir said

"But why? Don't you wanna go out?", Bela asked

"Bela it's late, why do you have to go now.. this is stupidity", Mahir argued

"It's not stupid Mahir, you will know only if you experience.. I used to go with Papa at times, since he's isn't here I thought I'll ask you", Bela pouted

Mahir looked at her cute pout which seems more than tempting to him that he gulped looked aside.. he still couldn't forget what happened in the changing room the other day.

He din't know what gotten into his head that he went so close to Bela almost kissing her, he din't feel it wrong but yet again guilt rushed into him for creating fake hopes in her who's already hurt with his words.

Mahir looked at Bela who's already looking at him with a hope in her doe eyes and although he din't have the heart to say no to her, something in him din't let him say yes either.

It's like, he's having his own battle of feelings within.

"No, I'm not coming Bela.. you just go and sleep", Mahir said lying back on his bed

Bela frowned looking at him, she was so sure Mahir wouldn't say no to her that she already dreamt of having a peaceful night under the moonlight with him and now she din't know what to say.

"Fine, you die here only.. I'll go with Yuvi", Bela said stomping her leg

"What?", Mahir got up in a jerk

"What, what? You said you won't come, so okay sleep nicely.. but you can't stop me from going", Bela said turning around

"I'm coming, wait", Mahir yelled before she goes away

Bela stopped her way when a bright smile formed her lips, she was super happy that moment when Mahir accepted and turned to face him while that smile seem to not leave her.

"You are coming with me?", Bela asked

"Yes", Mahir rolled his eyes

For the fact that he knows what Yuvi is for Bela and vice-versa, but he couldn't stay calm even after seeing Yuvi open flirting with Bela quite a times now.

He din't want Bela to go alone with Yuvi, his oversmart brother is anything to be trusted upon so changing his decision in seconds he's all set to go with Bela now.

"Come let's go then", Bela said pulling his hand

"I'll change and come, even you go and change", Mahir said

"Are we going to some function or party Mahir? C'mom I'm gonna come like this and even you are coming this way only.. so shutup and just follow me", Bela said

"You will come like this?", Mahir asked noticing her dress

"Why not? It's cute, isn't it?", Bela asked smiling

"With these pineapples?", Mahir smirked

"There's watermelon also", Bela said pointing out

Mahir looked at her astonished, after so many days of knowing her.. he knows she's still a child within and that's the best part about her.

"You ar'nt coming in this", Mahir stated

"But it's pretty", Bela shrugged

"And short", Mahir pointed out

"Jealous Mr. Sehgal?", Bela asked smirking

"Yes.. what, no", Mahir blurted out

Bela smiled looking at him who looked all cute that at this very moment she only wanted to kiss him raw. She smiled at her own wild thoughts and looked at him who's probably still cursing himself for blurting out.

Bela moved close to him wrapping her hands around his neck, Mahir looked at her shocked confused of what she's trying to do.

Bela smiled kissing his right cheek while caressing his left stubble and Mahir closed his eyes with her soft touch.

"I'm all your's Mahir, don't be jealous Sehgal now.. let's go?", Bela asked facing him

Mahir couldn't utter a word having her so close to him, there noses where practically almost touching and Bela smirked seeing his reaction.

She backed off and holding his hand took him out.

"Scooty?", Mahir asked seeing her sit on the scooty

"I asked for a night ride Mahir, who goes in car.. so come, it's Kuhu's anyhow", Bela rolled her eyes

"Fine, I'll drive", Mahir said

"Nope, you can sit behind me.. and please don't think too much now, you already wasted time so just sit", Bela said more like a warning

Mahir quietly sat behind her and Bela smiled looking at him through the mirror.

"You can hold me Mahir", Bela said pressing her lips

Before Mahir could say anything, Bela started driving with full speed to Mahir's surprise.

He never sat on a scooty, it was always car or Yuvi's bike but today with Bela it felt more than good.

A speed breaker came there way making Mahir jump on his seat and Bela laughed looking at him.

"You need to slow down Bela", Mahir said

"I told you before Mahir, you can hold me", Bela said taking his right hand and wrapping it around her waist

Mahir looked at his hand which is now hugging her perfect waist and involuntary his another hand also made its way to her waist back hugging her.

Bela couldn't help but smile feeling his touch on her waist which was already sending her goosebumps all over.

"I just wish this moment freezes here", Bela thought looking at the sky above

Mahir closed his eyes with the soft touch of Bela's hair flying due to the soft breeze hitting them.

"Isn't this romantic Mahir?", Bela asked looking at him from the mirror

"You think so?", Mahir asked

"Why not? It is right?", Bela blushed

"It is", Mahir whispered

He din't know what he was even speaking, but like Bela even he felt this moment with Bela to stay forever.

Bela stopped to aside seeing an icecream shop.

"What happened?", Mahir asked

"There", Bela pointed towards the shop

"It's closed Bela", Mahir said

"We can still eat Mahir", Bela said getting down

"Ayy", Mahir yelled loosing balance when Bela got down

"How cute", Bela pinched his cheeks going towards the shop

"Cute?", Mahir looked at Bela

"Come Mahir", Bela yelled

She looked aside and found a stone and handed it to Mahir.

"What?", Mahir asked

"Break it", Bela grinned

"It's wrong Bela", Mahir said

"We ar'nt looting him Mahir, we are gonna pay.. so open", Bela glared

Mahir sighed looking at Bela and broke the lock and Bela jumped in victory. Mahir looked at her and smiled seeing her enjoying like a kid.

"Great", Bela said going inside

"Which flavour Mahir?", Bela asked checking

"What do you like?", Mahir asked

"I love chocolate", Bela said picking her favourite

"Get me the same", Mahir said

"You like chocolate?", Bela asked giving him one icecream

"I don't have any favorite, I don't eat ice-creams", Mahir said

"Not icecream, generally.. what's your favourite flavour?", Bela asked curiously

"Strawberry may be?", Mahir said

"Okay, noted", Bela smirked

"Huh?", Mahir looked at her

"Nothing, you eat", Bela smiled eating her own icecream

Bela kept smiling the whole time looking at Mahir and her inner wild thoughts which seems to grow ever since that changing room incident.

"Mahir", Bela whispered

"Hm", Mahir hummed

"There's.. there's a little on your lips", Bela said eyeing his pink lips

Mahir looked embarassed trying to clean but Bela smirked moving close to him and bent forward slowly licking the icecream from the corner of his lips.

Mahir almost lost his breath the moment he felt her lips in contact with his, he felt forgetting the whole world around him such that the icecream dropped from his hand which then automatically reached the back of Bela's hair.

Before Bela could back out with her butterflies jumping in her stomach, Mahir pulled her back capturing her plum lips in his while Bela opened her eyes in shock.

She ofcourse was the one initiated, but only to tease him and when this is actually happening she dint know how to react and only decided to follow his moves.

She closed her eyes feeling his lips on hers like a dream come true and clutched his shirt in her fist still not believing that it's actually happening.

Mahir moved his lips in sync while Bela tried imitating his moves and both could feel there hearts beating hard due to there bodies sticking to eachother and Mahir felt melting in her arms.

His warm and soft lips did wonders over her's and Bela slightly opened her mouth gasping while Mahir took the chance entering inside exploring every nook of it.

Mahir's hand gripping Bela's hair felt more intimate to her. He was so gentle yet passionate. Bela couldn't believe her first kiss is taken by her first love in such a romantic way she always wished and dreamt for.

Mahir slowly backed off feeling short of breath but kept brushing his lips against her's and Bela wondered how her body fit perfectly in his arms. She couldn't handle her emotions and hugged Mahir locking him by his neck while Mahir looked startled.

He then realised what he just did and din't know how to react. Bela was someone who always made him weak in nerves and when he knew his feelings are taking a new form he couldn't control himself the moment she brushed her lips against his but now he din't know if what he did was right.

Not that he's regretting, he did enjoy.. it was the best moment he had so far and every ounce in him wanted more and more of it. But now he din't know how to face her later on.

Keeping all this thoughts aside he slowly wrapped his arms around her while Bela smiled with happy tears.

She din't know where and how this is going, but all she wanted was Mahir with her forever and these small moments are giving her that little hope she ever looked for.

A tear fell from her eye with her heart filled with happiness with the little hope that just built within.

"Don't cry Bela, what if Mahir see and think that I din't like his kiss? He was such a good kisser", Bela thought wiping her tears

She din't know what to do and kept her face on his shoulder trying to wipe her tears with his shirt and she smirked at her own crazy thought.

"Great Bela, keep it up", Bela smiled at herself

Mahir wondered what she just did but before he could react, Bela backed off with a shy smile crepting her lips.

Mahir din't know what to speak so simply signalled her to come, and Bela as well without a work moved along with him not before paying the amount through UPI.

She gave the keys to Mahir and she sat behind him and was just looking at the sky enjoying the soft and cool breeze hitting her face. She looked at Mahir softly wrapping her arms around his waist while Mahir's body stiffened at her touch.

Minutes later Mahir realised Bela is asleep leaning on his back, he smiled feeling her against his body and soon reached home.

He slowly got down holding her and scooped her in his arms taking her to the room.

Slowly making Bela lie on the bed, he moved her hair behind her ear admiring her sleeping face. He bent forward, placing a small kiss on her forehead.

"You are special Bela, so special to make my heart speak after so many years", Mahir whispered going to his room

Once Mahir left, Bela slowly opened her eyes smiling thinking of him and slept back snuggling to herself.


Hello guys!

Hope you guys are enjoying it, do share you thoughts through the comments 🥰

Finally first kiss 🫣🫣

Lots of love peeps! 🤗🤗

Thank you.

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