Chapter 39

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"What do you mean Bela isn't there?", Mahir yelled

He came directly to Bela's house without reaching the venue after knowing this from Kuhu.

"I don't know Bhai, she isn't there anywhere in the house", Kuhu said worried

"Where is Vish? She was only getting Bela ready", Raghav asked

Kuhu shrugged when everyone where worried about Bela now.

"Mahir, did you call her?", Sumi asked

"I did Maa, but she forgot her phone in her room only", Mahir said ruffling his hair

Raghav sat back worried about Bela, while Mahir din't know what to do at this moment.

"Call Vish", Mahir said Kuhu

Kuhu nodded trying to call Vish who as well din't pick the call making everyone tensed of the situation.

More than the marrige which has less time now, everyone where worried about Bela's safety and her wellbeing.

"What happened?", Came a voice and Mahir looked around only to find Bela in her causal kurthi but with her bridal make-up done

"Bela", Mahir whispered taking her in a tight hug

He couldn't think of anything else that moment when he felt he got his life again seeing Bela. He backed off and cupped her cheeks giving kisses all over her face while Bela looked at him confused.

"My make-up Mahir", Bela whined

"You're alright Bela?", Mahir asked backing off

"What's wrong Mahir? What will happen to me?", Bela asked

"Where did you go Bela?", Raghav asked coming to them

"I was at the hospital Dad, there was an emergency so I din't wanna risk", Bela said

"You should have informed us Bela", Mahir sounded annoyed at her

"But I informed Vish, I told her that I'll be back soon and left.. I couldn't inform you all coz I was already in a hurry so I just told Vish and left", Bela said

"Vish Bhabhi is also not lifting the call Bhabhi", Kuhu said

"She was with me only before", Bela mumbled

She went looking for Vish but stopped when she heard some noise, wondering what is it she peeped near the stairs to the terrace and saw Yuvi and Vish kissing like there is no tomorrow.

"Shit", Bela mumbled

Everyone who followed Bela also saw the scene and quickly turned around whereas Sumi was angry on both of them.

"Yuvi, Vish", Sumi called them out

"Maa", Yuvi whispered embarassed backing off at her voice

"Bela informed Vish that she's going to the hospital for an emergency and Vish haven't informed any of us.. while we all where worried that Bela is missing just before her wedding you where no where to be found", Sumi yelled

"Aunty I'm..", Vish was saying when Sumi interrupted

"I don't want to see you both together until Bela come home after all the rituals are completed, get that?", Sumi asked dangerously

Yuvi and Vish gave a tid nod scared of her reaction.

"Bela get ready fast and come, we should leave now", Sumi said

"Yes Maa, just ten to fifteen minutes I'll be there", Bela said rushing inside

Mahir wanted to speak to her but knew this wasn't the right time when they where already getting late so he let it be for now.

On the other side Bela took her wedding lehanga in her hand and caressed it lovingly. Mahir himself selected this for her whereas Bela selected Mahir's outfit which will be always memorable all there life.

She quickly got into her lehanga and did little touch up as her makeup was already done. She took her jwellery and carefully got ready and went down.

She was descending down the stairs when she was about to fall but Yuvi caught her on time.

"Careful Bela", Yuvi said making her stand properly

"Oh thank god it was you, I thought it was Mahir", Bela said

"You are happy it's not Bhai?", Yuvi asked confused

"No, I don't want him to see me in this lehanga now.. I want him to see when I sit next to him in the wedding alter", Bela blushed

"Nice thought, okay now come.. Mahir Bhai already left with Mom and Dad and Kuhu also went along.. we should also leave now", Yuvi said

Bela nodded and soon they also reached the venue.

It was time when Mahir was already seated and Vish was getting Bela down, Mahir looked up unable to handle the urge of seeing her in the wedding lehanga and the moment his eyes caught her he felt his world stopping.

She looked beyond his words that he could express and kept looking at her and Bela was already burning under his gaze.

"Someone can't take his eyes off you", Vish whispered in her ear

"Neither I'm able to", Bela blushed looking into his eyes

Bela sat beside Mahir when he slowly bent to her whispering "Just took my breath away", to which Bela blushed hard.

The priest was chanting the holy recites and Bela felt gitters that finally she's getting married. How much happy she is, she felt equally nervous and the fear that Raghav will now have to stay alone scared her to another extent.

"It will be fine", Mahir softly held Bela's hand

She looked at how he understood and passed a small smile to him.

The priest gave the wedding chain to Mahir and he looked into Bela's eyes as if asking for her permission and she blinked her eyes when Mahir bent towards her slowly tying the nuptial chain around her neck.

Bela couldn't control feeling a rush of emotions and feelings overwhelmed she burst out in a fistful of tears when Mahir softly side hugged her rubbing her arm.

"It's gonna be fine Bela, I'll be always there for you", Mahir assured wiping her tears

Bela nodded composing herself and Mahir took the vermilion and softly filled her partition with it to which Bela gave a content smile at him.

"Now you both are officially wife and husband", The priest announced

"Congratulations Mrs. Bela Mahir Sehgal", Mahir whispered huskily

"Congratulations to you too Mr. Mahir Sehgal", Bela smiled in tears

Sumi came and kissed Bela's forehead softly caressing her cheeks. Yuvi and Kuhu who where waiting for this moment since probably the initial days when they met Bela, came forward and pulled her into a tight hug together.

"Leave her, her jwellery must be pocking her", Mahir said pulling Bela a step back

"Huh so much care, I'll not let you enter your room today Bhaiyya", Kuhu challenged him

Mahir ignored while Raghav came hugging both Bela and Mahir.

"She's the only one I have after I lost Meera.. take care of her Mahir", Raghav said

"She's my most priced possession Uncle, I'll never let her down", Mahir assured

Raghav nodded while Bela at looking at him with her big doe eyes.

"I'll be fine princess, you don't have to worry about me okay?", Raghav said knowing what she must be thinking

"But..", Bela was saying when Mahir interrupted

"You can come here whenever you want to Bela, provided you inform me and not Vish", Mahir joked

Bela laughed while Vish pouted at everyone.

"Okay, it's time you should leave.. I'll meet you in a few days okay? And be a good daughter-in-law", Raghav laughed at the end

Bela nodded and hugged him for once controlling her sobs. How much ever happy she is to get Mahir as her husband now, she felt some void going away from her father who was her life so far.

"Take care Papa", Bela said softly

Raghav smiled and all of them boarded the car while Yuvi was driving, Kuhu sat in the passenger seat and Vish, Bela and Mahir sat at the back.

"Don't we get a little privacy here?", Mahir asked annoyed

"I said I won't let you in the room only Bhai, you are asking for privacy how sad", Kuhu laughed

Mahir rolled his eyes when Bela was shifting in her place uncomfortably which was noticed by Mahir.

"Anything wrong?", Mahir asked

"I don't like this heavy jwellery, they are chocking me", Bela said

"You wanna remove them?", Mahir asked to which Bela nodded in no

She bent lying on Mahir's shoulder remembering her Mom. How much she wished she had her mother when she's getting married to the person she love.

"She's always with us Bela, always", Mahir whispered caressing her hair

Bela nodded softly not looking up and dozed off feeling tired already with that heavy lehanga and jwellery.

Soon they reached Sehgal Mansion and Mahir softly wokeup her up and together stepped inside the house walking hand in hand.

A couple of hours went in a few post marriage rituals and the guests who have come too see Bela.

"I have arranged all your stuff in Mahir's room Bela, you can change into something comfortable", Sumi said

"Why to change Mom, what's the need to wear anything tonight", Yuvi smirked

"Shutup Yuvi, you go Bela", Sumi said

Bela nodded going to Mahir's room. She smiled seeing how a few months back she was in the same house but in a different room and today she's gonna stay in Mahir's room with him.

She went in and the first thing she tried to do is to take her jewellery off and untie her hair which was cladded with so many pins that she couldn't even count.

"Huh weddings are really scary if this is how we gotta get ready", Bela mumbled taking her dupata also off her

She opened the closet thinking what to wear but out of everything her eyes fell on Mahir's shirts.

"May be I can wear one?", Bela thought picking a white shirt

She went inside the washroom and took a quick shower changing into Mahir's shirt. She neatly packed her lehanga and other belonging safely when she heard the door sound and looked up to find the door open and Mahir who just came in.

He was already desperate to meet Bela and like she said Kuhu din't allow him inside unless he gave his card to all the three.

And now looking at Bela in just his shirt was like a sight to watch when she looked so hot and sexy to his eyes.

"Eyes up Mr. Sehgal", Bela smirked standing up

"Eyes anywhere if it's you Mrs. Sehgal", Mahir smirked back

"Really?", Bela asked standing just an inch away from him

"And my hands also wouldn't listen to me", Mahir said grabbing her waist

"Such naughty you are", Bela rolled her eyes

"Only for you", Mahir whispered smashing her lips

Bela's hands reached his hair gripping in her fist while Mahir's hands reached inside her shirt caressing her buttocks.

Bela gasped at his sudden move which she din't expect but nevertheless kissed him back with same passion.

"Not bad Mrs. Sehgal, you seem to learn to kiss much better now", Mahir gave a proud look

"Oh well that's because of my husband you see, such a good teacher he is", Bela kissed his chin

"This still feels like a dream", Mahir mumbled caressing her thigh

Bela couldn't utter a word when his hands where doing something to her which she never felt, never experienced.

"I love the affect you have when I'm close you.. I love when you blush", Mahir whispered huskily

"And I love it when you claim your love for me each time", Bela smiled looking into his eyes

"I love you Bela", Mahir smiled at her

"Thank you", Bela smirked

"That's not what you are supposed to say", Mahir glared at her

"Isn't it my choise what to tell Mr. Sehgal?", Bela raised her brows

"Is it?", Mahir asked to which Bela nodded

"Then come, I wouldn't leave you untill you moan my name resounding in the whole house", Mahir said throwing her on the bed

"Mahir.. I..", Bela was saying when Mahir kept his finger on her lips

"I know.. you are nervous.. I'll be soft okay?", Mahir asked

Bela looked into his eyes which held not just immense love for her, but also the desire residing within him. She nodded when Mahir smirked getting on top of her.

"Ready Mrs. Bela Mahir Sehgal?", Mahir asked when he was still not getting over the name

Bela nodded blushing when his hands reached her shirt's button and slowly one by one he unbottoned her shirt revealing her in just her inner wear.

Bela suddenly felt conscious and looked down when Mahir lifted her face making her face him.

"You are beautiful Bela, you don't have to feel embarrassed with me", Mahir kissed her forehead

Bela blushed when Mahir removed his shirt throwing it aside and jumped on Bela attacking her neck down till her cleavage and grabbed her breasts in his mouth sucking them like he own it.

"Mahir", Bela whispered ruffling his hair and pushed him more into her

"They are so soft", Mahir mumbled in between the kisses

He softly went down kissing her navel caressing it. He pulled back yet again capturing her lips with his while his hands roamed all over her upper body.

He removed his pants getting rid of his boxers and Bela stared at him before she rapidly blinked her eyes averting her gaze.

"It's all yours baby, you can stare how much ever you want", Mahir teased

Bela looked at him when her cheeks turned the darkest shade of red.

"Shall I?", Mahir asked to which Bela nodded

He slowly slid her last piece of cloth on her body and admired her beauty.

He slowly thrusted inside her when hot tears rolled down Bela's cheeks and she knew she lost her virginity to her husband, her love.

"Just stay like that", Bela whispered feeling pain down there

Mahir hummed and kissed her easing her pain and when Bela was comfortable, he slowly moved and soon all her pain seems to be pleasuring her.

Bela felt content beneath Mahir and closed her eyes feeling him inside her. Mahir couldn't believe he's actually making love to her.

They knew love really doesn't take much time to blossom, when both of them had fell so much in love with the other in just a small period of time.

It's just been five months they both met for the first time, five months feels so short if they go back in time but they knew these five months where the most crucial phase in there life where one found the love which she never experienced where the other found the love which his heart always craved loosing once.

Mahir slowly released himself falling back beside Bela and pulled her facing him.

"You okay?", Mahir asked

"Yes", Bela kissed his beard

"You are mine Bela", Mahir kissed on top of her head holding her possesively

"May be I was always meant to be yours Mahir", Bela smiled

"Forever mine", Mahir smiled back

"I Love You Mahir", Bela pecked his lips

"I Love You More Bela", Mahir said grabbing her lips with his yet again tasting her lips while there naked bodies where sticking to eachother under the sheets which witnessed there awaited union today


Hello guys!

So this is the last chapter and epilogue is still left. And I already miss writing this story 🥹

Hope you guys are enjoying it, do share you thoughts through the comments 🥰

Lots of love peeps! 🤗🤗

Thank you.

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