Chapter 9

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A couple of days later Bela was sitting on the bed waiting for Mahir to come home, yeah she was in Mahir's room..

An hour passed by and that's when Mahir had just come home and the moment he entered his room he seemed shocked seeing Bela half lying on his bed while her hands were hanging on the bed.

He let out a small laugh seeing the weird yet a cute position Bela was sleeping in, but frowned thinking what she was doing here late night.

Although that night he convinced Bela while she was hurt coz of him, later when he actually had a thought he felt may be he did more than nessassary and din't know how to proceed further.

Although now he's clear that he feels something for Bela, he din't wanted to feel such either. He wanted to keep her away from him and his thoughts as to forget whatever he's feeling for her.. but on the other side he wouldn't want Bela to be hurt again for his avoidance.

And yet again, he choose office as an excuse working late nights although he isn't having much work to do.

He looked at Bela and moved towards her, bending down to her level how her doe like pretty eyes were now closed having a soundless sleep.

A small smile crept at the corner of his lips while his hands automatically reached Bela's cheeks caressing them softly and he tucked her baby hair behind her ears.

"Bela", Mahir softly called out

"Wake-up Bela", Mahir called again

Sighing, he shook her softly and when she din't wake-up even then he shook her hard only to find Bela groan and turn the other side sleeping with no affect.

"Sure a tight sleeper", Mahir thought

"Bela", Mahir shouted while he shook her

"Huh?", Bela wokeup in a jerk

"Mahir? What the hell?", Bela whisper yelled rubbing her eyes

"I should tell that Bela, what the hell?", Mahir asked smirking at her cute expressions

"What, what the hell?", Bela asked frowning

"What are you doing here, in my room?", Mahir asked

"Oh that.. I was waiting for you", Bela said yawning

"And why is that so?", Mahir asked

"Coz I wanted to talk to you, it's been two days I even looked at you.. what do you even do at office Mahir? I see you and Yuvi share equal responsibilities and yet I see Yuvi coming home early except for any meetings and why don't you also come early like him?", Bela asked

"I have work Bela", Mahir answered casually

"Yeah work work work always.. you don't see anything beyond that is it?", Bela asked more like a taunt

"Now what do you want?", Mahir asked

"Your time, will I get?", Bela asked

"No", Mahir answered bluntly

"That's too rude Mahir, tell me when was the last time you spoke to Sumi Aunty or any one in the family properly?", Bela asked

"I did..", Mahir was saying for which Bela interrupted

"Not good morning, good night Mahir.. I meant a meaningful conversation", Bela glared at him

Mahir stayed quite as he knows the answer, he hardly spends time with anyone in the family when he leave to office soon after his breakfast which is always a silent one and comes home late after everyone sleeps.

"See I knew it, I see everyone having atleast a few minutes together in this house Mahir.. but I still don't understand why you never join them, you seem to run away from people including your own family", Bela pointed out

"I.. I'm not.. Bela", Mahir said slowly

It's true that he's running away, not just from people around.. from his own family as well. Not like he doesn't miss spending time with his family and having that happy fun moments like he used to be a part of, may be just he's tired of people.

"Mahir?", Bela called seeing Mahir zone out

"Huh, yeah", Mahir said

"Fine, you are going mute again.. but you should realise huh", Bela said

Mahir just nodded and Bela gave wide smile seeing how Mahir haven't spoke a work again her or was rude to her in any way.. he like a kid listened to her patiently and somewhere although don't know why, Bela liked this change.

"Now what?", Bela asked

"What?", Mahir looked confused

"You had your dinner?", Bela asked

"Yeah", Mahir answered

"You will sleep now?", Bela asked

"Not right away though", Mahir said

"Then come, let's watch a movie", Bela grinned in excitement

"I don't watch movies Bela", Mahir rolled his eyes

"What do you mean I don't watch movies mister? There isn't any restrictions to watch", Bela gave a look

"I know, I just don't want to", Mahir said

"Fine don't watch, just give me company", Bela said

"It's one and the same Bela", Mahir said

"Then just watch with me na Mahir.. as if I'm asking so much from you, just a movie right? And moreover that day when I wanted to go out and watch you said so proudly that you have a home theater.. so come lets make use of it then", Bela winked with a sheepish smile

"Why me Bela? You can watch alone as well", Mahir said

"Why? So that I can't sleep again like the other day after watching a ghost movie?", Bela said remembering that day

"You make a joke out of yourself?", Mahir let out a small laugh

"Big deal, it's actually funny tho if I rethink", Bela laughed

Mahir looked at Bela who seemed to be enjoying every moment, each time Mahir gets to see Bela speaking carefree he wished he was also like that without any burden he's holding from within.

"I can't wait so long Mahir, it's already twelve now.. early we start to watch, I can sleep that early", Bela said yawning again

"You are yawning now only, I don't think you will be able to watch full movie?", Mahir said more like a question

"So what? Just pick me and put me safely on my bed and I'll have a peaceful sleep.. ofcourse sleep comes above movie but I really wanna watch Mahir", Bela gave a cute pout which seemed to already melt Mahir

"Okay fine, but you should sleep when you feel too sleepy.. I suppose you have work tomorrow", Mahir said

"Sure sure, come now", Bela smiled getting down the bed

"You go and choose the movie, meanwhile I'll come and join you", Mahir said

"Okay but come soon", Bela said going from his room

"Crazy girl", Mahir smiled before going to his washroom

Mahir soon got freshenup and went to the room where Bela was already seeted comfortably and was waiting for Mahir surfing through her phone.

"Hey you came, come come", Bela said patting the seat next to her indicating Mahir to sit there

Mahir smiling at her small gesture went and sat next to her and looked at the screen only to feel his eyes popping out.

"You wanna watch this movie?", Mahir asked

"Stop judging me okay? I just wanted to watch something cute", Bela pouted

"And this is cute? As in Frozen?", Mahir asked frowning

"Yeah Mahir, what's wrong in watching this?", Bela frowned

"You ar'nt a kid anymore Bela, I thought..", Bela interrupted Mahir

"Is it written anywhere that only kids have to watch animated movies? I'm what, I'm not any oldie okay? I'm not 30 also", Bela looked away

"Yes not an oldie, and neither a toddler", Mahir said

"You know.. never mind, I don't wanna waste time arguing with you. So shutup", Bela said starting to play the movie

"You say I'm..", Mahir was saying but Bela interrupted

"Shh", Bela said and got into watching her movie

Although Bela shushed Mahir, she was the one who was talking non-stop even when the movie was going on.

"Damn Bela, this is the first time I'm watching any animation movie and you ar'nt letting me listen a single word with your continuous nonsense", Mahir said

"You call me nonsense?", Bela frowned

"I called your talks nonsense", Mahir corrected

"It's one and the same", Bela gritted her teeth

"But I wasn't wrong either.. will you shutup and let me watch the rest of the movie atleast?", Mahir asked

"You said you weren't interested to watch this", Bela asked

"But I'm watching right when you insisted", Mahir said making Bela smile

Bela turned aside smiling at his words.. somewhere she felt happy that Mahir was watching the movie just coz she insisted and wished to watch so.

"Why are you smiling?", Mahir asked

"Coz I have cute lips to make them curve", Bela said and Mahir gave a weird expression for her explanation

Mahir rolled his eyes watching the movie and some time later he felt a weight on his shoulder, he looked to his side and found Bela lying on his shoulder.

Mahir sighed as he expected her to fall asleep in between this way.. he smiled and wrapping the movie in half he picked Bela in his arms.

He looked at Bela who's clutching to his neck lying peacefully on his shoulder. A small smile crept his lips and walked to her room placing her softly on the bed making sure that her sleep doesn't get disturbed.

He bent close to her staring at her face for a couple of seconds before he placed a soft yet a lingering kiss on her forehead. Suddenly realisation hit him knowing what he just did, and what he was gonna do.

He quickly backed off with his pacing heart which he din't know why.. he looked around and again when his eyes fell on Bela, he felt some unknown peace within that he has been missing all these years.

Confused of his own thoughts, he walked away from her room to his and fell on the bed thinking of all that happened today, with her.

He wondered if he's the same person who has spent time with Bela which he failed to do with his family also like the earlier days.

"Why am I even feeling this way? Hold back Mahir, all these wouldn't make sence at the end", He muttered to himself remembering some dreadful incidents that he couldn't forget even today

He lied back and drifted to sleep after long hours of Bela in his thoughts.


Next morning Mahir wokeup coming downstairs and even after an hour he noticed Bela haven't come down.

"Where is she?", Mahir asked trying to be causal

"She? Who Bhai?", Kuhu asked eating her breakfast

"Who else is there at home except us?", Mahir asked

"Oh Bela.. you are asking about Bela?", Yuvi asked smirking

Mahir din't respond but enough for the family members to know what he wants to know.

"She's..", Sumi was gonna reply when Yuvi interrupted

"Bela.. Bela must be in her room, where else she'll be right?", Yuvi let out a laugh

"Oh yes Bhai, Bela di haven't come yet.. she must be tired probably", Kuhu said guessing observing Mahir

Mahir just gave a nod continuing with his breakfast. He wondered why Bela still haven't come down when usually she's the one to come and make the place noisy according of him.

He completed eating and was going upstairs when Sumi called him.

"Yes mom", Mahir replied

"Where are you going Mahir.. you said you have a meeting and have to leave early", Sumi asked

Mahir looked aside thinking what to answer and looking at his expressions Andy spoke up.

"Let him go Sumi, he would have forgot something.. let him get that missing part before he leave", Andy said looking at Mahir

"Ahh.. yes, my file.. I forgot my file Maa", Mahir said rushing upstairs

Yuvi laughed out loud the moment Mahir left the place and kuhu as well joined him confusing Sumi.

"Why are you both laughing?", Sumi asked

"Aww mom, you are too innocent at times.. din't you see how Mahir Bhai was searching for Bela and even asked us about her. I mean, did he ever behave like this before.. I can see the change Mom", Yuvi said smiling

"That's true Yuvi, even I have observed it.. but..", Sumi was saying but yuvi interrupted

"No buts mom.. don't worry about Bhai or Bela, Bela very well knows how to handle if at all Bhai behaves like a jerk.. and I see he's being different with Bela, hopefully we can get him back like the good old days", Yuvi said thinking about Mahir

Sumi hummed agreeing to it not wanting to discuss more of it now.


Mahir stood right infront of Bela's room making sure there is no one around. He din't know if he have to but he felt like seeing her once before he leave to office, although not intentionally it has become a habit for him to see her smile, laugh, crack lame jokes early in the morning during the breakfast and today without all that made him feel something void to start his day.

Unknowingly he had realised he's getting addicted to the small things about Bela.

He knocked the door.. once, twice and thrice but not getting any response made him worry.

"I'm sure she's doesn't sleep this long.. although I noticed she's a heavy sleeper, she's an early riser as well", Mahir thought to himself

He tried to open the door but realised it's locked from inside, so he went to his room getting the spare key and slowly opened the door although he knew it's wrong to do this but somewhere he wasn't able to stay still without seeing her.

He opened the door and found it empty.. and that's when he hear a knock sound and turned his head only to find Bela stepping out from the washroom wrapped in.. in just a towel.

Just a towel..

Mahir eyes widen seeing the scene infront, this isn't what he expected and the moment Bela's eyes fell on Mahir she got startled by the sudden appearance and screamed when Mahir came quickly covering her mouth with his palm locking her between the wall and his well-built body.

"Shh.. don't shout", Mahir whispered

Bela looked at his eyes which where boring into hers and that very moment she felt so lost in him that she totally forgot what happened just a second ago and kept staring at him trying to find something in that black orbs.

"I.. I'm sorry", Mahir's words bought Bela back

"Huh", Bela uttered

"I'm sorry for.. coming inside this way", Mahir said

Realising what happened, Bela frowned looking at Mahir and pushed him with her tiny hands such that Mahir stumbled a few steps back.

"How dare you enter into my room without my permission?", Bela asked trying to push him again

Mahir caught hold of her hands to prevent himself from falling but unable to balance he fell back on the bed while Bela fell on him with her wer hair covering one side of there faces.

Mahir looked at Bela who was dead close to him, and as a reflex his eyes landed on her lips.. her plum like strawberry lips..


Hey guys!

Happy Birthday Surbhi Jyoti 🫶
Wishing you a happiness filled and successful year ahead Sona Pie 🥰❤️

Hope you guys are enjoying it, do share you thoughts through the comments 🥰

Lots of love peeps! 🤗🤗

Thank you.

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