Chapter 22

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Next day, Mahir came down and sat on the sofa of the living room waiting for Bela to come so that he can speak to her once. It's almost an hour now and still there's no clue of Bela. He sighed irritated to wait for her and at last she din't even come on time.

"Stop cursing that I'm ain't on time.. moreover, stop waiting for me and better go to your office", bela said from behind

He turned and was surprised to see Bela already in the house while he was waiting for her like a stupid. While Bela knew that mahir would want to talk to her when it's about his brother.

"You.. when did you come?", Asked mahir

"Long back, actually even before your were waiting for me", Bela smirked

"I wasn't waiting for you", Mahir lied

"Yes yes I know", Bela smirked again sarcastically

"I need to talk to you", mahir said

"Um.. ok but not now, you see I'm a little busy.. what about in the afternoon?", Bela said smiling

"What the hell! You are telling me the time? Isn't it supposed to be me who should tell that?", Mahir asked back

"Aww Mr. Sehgal, it's you who wants to talk to me so it's obvious I would tell you the time.. when I wanna talk to you then you can do the same", Bela said

Mahir was about to say something when he heard someone giggling, he turned and saw Sumi, yuvi, kuhu standing aside and chuckling looking at eachother.

"Wow, what a family I got.. when someone is speaking against me they are laughing there heart out?", Mahir thought to himself

Not knowing what to tell or whom to tell, he just went back to his room.

"God Bela, this was epic.. I'm loving you more and more everyday", yuvi said hugging her

"Ohh don't you love me if I don't entertain you like this everyday?", Bela asked pouting

"Arre no Bela, who cannot love you.. such sweet and lovely you are", kuhu said to which yuvi nodded smiling

"By the way Bela, what did Vish say?", Sumi asked

"How can be so sure that I spoke to Vish about it when I left furiously yesterday?", Bela asked

"It's coz you care about your sister, you know how yuvi is.. moreover you know that he loves her.. so why would you think of  what mahir said infront of your sister's future", Sumi said smiling

"Ohh, you guys seems to know a lot about me", Bela said raising her eyebrows and all bursted out smiling

"Anyways, Bhabhi tell na.. what did Vish say?", Yuvi asked with twinkling eyes

"I'll say once I talk to your Bhai yuvi, till then don't be so desperate", Bela said smiling and left from there


It's afternoon now and hoping Bela would talk to him now, Mahir slowly headed towards the study room, but the moment he saw her there, he felt a different feeling poking his heart.

He saw Bela sitting in the study room along with Vikrant who probably seems to help Bela in her work. Bela was seriously doing her work while Vikrant was continuously telling something or the other disturbing Bela.

Bela was obviously getting irritated the way he was not letting her concentrate in what she's trying to do.

"Um.. Vikrant, can we talk a while later? I mean dont take me wrong I'll come once I'll be done with this,ok?", Bela asked politely

"Ok sorry Bela, seems like I was disturbing you.. take your time, I'll leave", Vikranth said getting up

He saw Mahir near the door but shrugging he just smiled and left to his room.

"Mr. Sehgal, I know why you are here but sorry.. there's something I need to complete early so can we talk a while later?", Bela asked politely

"Bela just five minutes and I won't disturb you", mahir said

"Okay fine Mr. Sehgal, tell me what do you wanna talk about", Bela said crossing her arms over her chest

"About Yuvi's and Vish's marriage, I know what I have told is wrong but it just slipped out of my tongue..", mahir said

"Oh yes, and only what you actually feel in your heart often slips out of our tongue", Bela interrupted glaring at him

"See it's not like that Bela, try to understand", mahir tried to speak soft

"What should I understand Mr. Sehgal? You told what you actually feel about me, isn't it? What do you think, I'm such a girl who will still send my sister into a rich family without thinking about anything else?", Bela said with moist eyes

"Arre Bela, why are you crying now? I din't tell anything right?", Mahir asked worried

"Yes you dint tell anything now, coz yesterday itself you made me understand better of what you think about me", Bela said

"Bela stop it Yaar, I just said it in the heat of moment so stop making it a big issue like this", mahir said annoyed

"Yeah for you it's nothing, you just randomly check my bag thinking me as a thief one day, and the other day you think I'll do anything to go into a rich family.. is it Mr. Sehgal?", Bela asked

"Bela I.. I'm so.. sorry Bela, you know I never tell sorry to anyone right? But this time I honestly feel sorry for what I told you yesterday, I shouldn't have said that to you.. moreover, I know you ar'nt such a girl who runs behind money. Though at first I misunderstood you, atleast now I know how you are and what you are", Mahir said what he actually feels

Bela just stated at him not able to believe what he just said. He actually said sorry to her which she thought would never happen in her entire life. For a second she assumed everything to be dream but no, mahir was actually feeling sorry and she could see in his eyes too.

Alongside, mahir knew he have to tell sorry to her for his mistake. Not only now, but even before he knew he was wrong at places and hurt her a couple of times. But he could never tell sorry to her but this time forming all his guts he felt sorry from the bottom of his heart.

He knew Bela wasn't that type of girl who would only want money, but he din't know how those words skipped his mouth the previous day.

"Ok I'm sorry too, but I have a condition", Bela said grinning wide

"Condition? What?", Mahir asked confused

"Tell that Bela is a very good, intelligent and an innocent girl you have ever seen.. also request me instead of ordering now.. and you will not fight with me unnecessarily nor scold me without any fault.. also..", Bela said dramatically thinking

"Ok ok stop, I'm not going to say that", mahir interrupted

"Oh Mr. I still din't complete saying, anyways I'll tell when I remember next time.. but for now tell this or else forget about Yuvi and Vish", Bela said glaring at him

"Ok fine, Bela is a very good, intelligent and an innocent girl I have ever seen.. and I'm requesting you please talk to Vish about yuvi and convince her.. also, I won't fight with you unnecessarily nor scold you without your mistake.. ok?", Mahir said being atmost irritated

"That's like a good boy", Bela said dramatically


Finally posted this and yeah hope you guys liked it.
How did you feel when mahir for the first time said sorry to someone and was also requesting infront of Someone? Lemmi me know your views through the comments and also do not forget to vote.

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