Chapter 27

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"Um.. Bela was alone Bhai, she would be bored right so I just thought to give her company", yuvi said grinning wide

"Where is Vish?", Mahir asked

"She's with kuhu and Anu the other side, Bela couldn't get her Mehandi done before due to the work.. so now I'm giving her company", yuvi said

Mahir just nodded and turned to leave but stopped seeing Bela who was looking at her Mehandi lovingly. He smiled looking at her smile which dint go unnoticed by Yuvi but he choose to stay quite at that moment.

Realising what he's just doing, mahir quitely went back to his room and resumed his work.


Soon it was evening and the haldi ceremony for Mahir and Anu, guests have already arrived and soon Mahir and Anu also came downstairs sitting in there places.

One by one all the guests come and applied haldi to both Mahir and Anu giving them there blessings while all the time mahir's eyes were fixed on Bela who was roaming here and there busily.

"She seems more busy than me", Mahir mumbled to himself rolling his eyes

Soon after the function Mahir quickly goes back to his room to clean it off as it was making him annoyed since long. Once freshened up he came back and went downstairs but seeing many guests he sighed and returned to his room and resumed his work.

On the other side Bela forgot a few things at her office which she needs it so deciding to go now she went near Sumi to inform.

"But Bela it's already late now, can't you go tomorrow?", Sumi asked concerned

"It's important aunty, moreover that's fine I can manage.. I'll be home fast ok?", Bela said assuring

Sumi just nodded and Bela left soon to return soon. Once Bela left Sumi again got busy in the guests and when everyone left there house she went to mahir's room.

"Mahir, it's your marriage tomorrow and all you care about is your damm work?", Sumi asked annoyed

"Maa I attended the functions as you said, what more should I do? Don't worry I'll attend the wedding also tomorrow", mahir said casually

"Very funny.. but Mahir this is gonna be a new phase in your life. You would have another responsibility and things would just change in a day", Sumi said caressing his cheek

"Nothing would change much maa, other than another person whom I should care about who is also gonna share a room with me", mahir said

"Marriage isn't just about caring and sharing a bed mahir, it's about feelings and emotions.. you ar'nt doing right mahir, Anu loves you and you think her just as a roommate?", Sumi asked sternly

"Maa you know that I'm trying, but I still can't feel anything for Anu.. but I promise maa I won't let my marriage break due to my negligence", Mahir said determined

"Better, anyways sleep early mahir.. tomorrow is gonna be a tiring day to you", Sumi said

"Yes maa, and you too please don't stress.. I see that Bela is doing great in her job so she will handle everything, so please you just take rest", mahir said

"Yeah Bela, she went out to get some stuff from her office.. she haven't returned yet mahir, I'm scared for her now", Sumi said remembering about Bela

"What? How can she go this late maa? It's already going to be 8:30", mahir said

"Yeah, don't worry I'll just call her", Sumi said and left downstairs

Mahir couldn't stay back at his place once he knew that Bela haven't returned home yet, he went down and saw Vish constantly trying to call someone while yuvi was trying to comfort her. It din't take much time for him to understand that they all were worried for Bela who wasn't lifting her call now.

"Hello Di", Vish almost shouted once Bela received the call

"Vish can you hear me?", Bela asked from the other side

"Di, where are you?", Vish asked

"Don't worry Vish, I'm fine.. I'll be at home in a while ok?", Bela said

"Di are you there, I can't hear you", Vish said

"Vish can you hear me now? I'll be there in a while Vish, don't worry", Bela said

"But Di where are you?", Vish asked but Bela cut the call without listening

"What happened?", Mahir asked

"I don't know Mahir Bhai, I couldn't hear her voice properly.. but she was saying she would come home in a while", Vish said

"But where is she?", Mahir asked

"I don't know, she cut the call before I could ask", vish said

"Where could she be now?", Mahir though worried

Mahir without a word took his car keys and left the place thinking to find Bela on the way to her office. On his way he trying calling her but sighed in frustration when it comes switched off.

While he was driving he stopped in between due to the crowd infront of him, he got down the car and went forward.

"What happened?", Mahir asked a man there

"It was an accident, I don't know how but she's a young girl only", the man said sadly

Now mahir's thought's were revolving around Bela.. is she fine?.. where is she.. what if this girl is Bela?.. no no that can't happen.. but Bela?..

He slowly moved a little more forward and seeing the face of the girl he sighed in relief when he knew it isn't Bela. He hurriedly went back to his car and drove constantly praying for her well being.

He almost reached halfway to her office and he was sure she would be somewhere here only coz thats the only way to go. He was thinking of her while he saw someone infront of his car and immediately applied break.

He worried came out and saw a girl fallen down checking her bruised arm.

"Are you fine?", Mahir asked

"You wanted to kill me, din't you?", Said the girl getting up

"Bela", mahir mumbled seeing her face

Not giving any chance for Bela to speak he immediately hugged her close to his chest while Bela was confused of what he's doing.

"Mahir ji", Bela called out

Mahir slowly backed off and cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes. But soon his eyes filled with rage thinking how irresponsible Bela have been.

"Where were you till now?", Mahir asked

"Um.. the petrol got over when I was on the way back home.. and the petrol bunk is near by so I thought to walk to it but meanwhile I was feeling very hungry so I stopped here to eat", Bela said softly scared seeing his angry face

"And what about your phone?", Mahir asked

"I wasn't getting signals here.. and later was switched off", Bela said looking down

"Why can't you just be careful? You know how much I was worried for you?", Mahir asked with moist eyes surprising Bela to the extreme

"Stop it mahir ji, I'm not a small kid anymore who can't go out alone.. I'm grown-up and I very well know how to take care of myself.. why will you even be worried if something to me, it shouldn't even bother you", Bela shouted

"It does matter to me coz I..", Mahir stopped realising what he was gonna tell

"What's wrong with me, what am I even gonna tell her?", Mahir thought moving a step back

"You what?", Bela asked being annoyed


He what? Lol, the next day is Mahir's marriage and still he doesn't know what to do.. so how do you guys think would things takes place.
Comments your views in the comment section and lemmi know your views and thought. And don't forget to vote.❤

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