Chapter 36

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"A Step Ahead?"

"Just tell me who's your crush.. do you lo.. love him?", Mahir asked hesitating

"That I don't know yet, may be I do or may be I don't.. I'm actually trying to figure it out", Bela said dramatically

"Bela what the hell? Did you forget you are married and your husband is still alive?", Mahir asked shouting

"Why are you shouting now, Can't you talk softly? Like seriously mahir ji I was joking.. and you don't even know how to receive a joke. All you know is shout at me all the while", Bela shouted back

It's not even ten minutes that she decided not to shout or argue with him anymore and again she ended up with the same as usual.

"Um.. Bela I din't mean such, I don't know I just..", Mahir tried to speak

"It's ok mahir ji, I don't need your explanations", Bela answered back

She turned to leave but mahir caught her hand and pulled towards him. She hit his hard well built body holding him by his shoulders. She looked into his angelic eyes and for a moment she felt herself getting lost in it.

"I'm sorry Bela, I really am", Mahir said holding her tight

"You know my temper issues right, I'm trying to work on it.. genuinely I don't enjoy shouting at you Bela, it's.. it's just my nature that I'm a little short-tempered", Mahir continued

"Little? A lot Mr. Sehgal'", Bela taunted

"Ok too much short - tempered.. but you see it's isn't like before.. din't you observe I'm trying to be patience these days?", Mahir asked

Indeed he's being a little patience than before.. and Bela too observed it, she just rewinded all the incidence with him since they got married and she did realised that he's changing.

"Yes but why?", Bela asked

"Though I like our fights, I don't like to see you frowning or being angry at me.. I know I still have to change, I still get angry for no reason, still I don't talk in a sweet way like you want.. but I'm honestly trying Bela.. for you.. for us", Mahir said looking deep into her eyes

"You believe is 'us'?", Bela asked in a hope

"Of course I do Bela, I really wanna give this marriage a chance and I'm trying for it too.. but you see it takes time", Mahir said

"Ok I understand, but you are not gonna shout at me again ok? Even if I do a mistake I expect you to tell me the same in a soft way", Bela asked

"Ok madam, I'll try my best", Mahir chuckled

"Better", Bela said smiling

That's when she realised that she was too close to him, she was never been this close to him before.. suddenly she felt goosebumps all over and her nervousness took over.

"Um.. mahi.. mahir ji, leave me", Bela managed to speak

"You were fine till now, then what happened all of a sudden?", Mahir asked smirked seeing his effect on her

He was happy seeing her stammering knowing that it's coz of there closeness.. he understood she was nervous but he wanted to know if it was making her uncomfortable or no.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable Bela?", Mahir asked

"Uhh, no not like that.. I don't feel uncomfortable but..", Bela said but mahir cut her in between

"That's enough, I got my answer", mahir smiled

"Whatever, now leave me", Bela asked

"You just said it isn't uncomfortable then what's the problem?", Mahir asked smirking

"Yes but, I'm new to all this.. I mean don't take me wrong, I have never been this close to anyone so.. so I just feel nervous", Bela explained

"It's ok get used to this Bela, you gotta face such in the future", mahir said huskily making Bela blush hard

Bela looked at him lovingly, the way she thought her life partner should be is totally different from how mahir is. She infact never wanted such a person in her life.

But she wondered how she started liking him despite of all these. Moreover listening to his words now she felt as if they are very soon gonna live a "Happy Married Life" type moments in the future.

Bela hugged mahir Keeping her head on his chest, this was there first hug.. not including when mahir hugged Bela thinking it to be Anu. Mahir was indeed stunned when she hugged him, he din't expect her to take the lead and smiling wide he wrapped his hands around and pulled her more into him.

"Thanks", Bela said

"For?", Mahir asked

"I don't know, it just feels nice today", Bela smiled

"Can I ask you something?", Bela asked breaking the hug to which mahir nodded

"Are you seriously fine me as your wife? I mean you are very organized and I'm too messy.. you know we have argued on the same like almost everyday till now, will you be able to handle me?", Bela asked pouting

"I don't know if I can handle you or no, but for sure I'll teach you to be organised", mahir said laughing at the last line

"Hawww no way, I like the messy me", Bela said

"Ok I'll try, when you can try to stay calm for me.. then I can also give it a try", Bela continued looking at him

"That's like my girl", Mahir smiled

"I'm not a girl anymore, I'm grown-up", Bela said frowning

"There's still time for me to call you women sweetheart, so till then you are my girl", Mahir winked at her

Bela opened her mouth to say something but then understanding the meaning behind his words she looked all flushed.

"Ah.. maa.. Sumi maa is probably calling me, I.. I need to go", Bela ran out

Mahir chuckled seeing her childishness, he din't know what got into his head that he spoke all that today. He till now haven't even realised that he's trying to change himself according to her.

He never knew he would put such efforts for a girl, he felt its way more than liking which he feel for Bela. It can't be for a mere attraction he does all this just to make her happy. He smiled ruffling his hair when like always his thoughts were again occupied with Bela, his Bela.

On the other side Bela is neither less, her mind was occupied with multiple questions and she felt her heart beat rising every second. All this is foreign to her but to be honest she enjoyed it, with him. She felt the liking which she had for him isn't one sided, may be he too feel the same.

"What happened Bhabhi, you seem lost", yuvi asked

"How many times I have to tell you not to call me Bhabhi, I feel old yuvi", Bela huffed

"Ok ok Bela, now tell what happened", yuvi asked smiling sheepishly

"What happened, nothing.. and yeah where's Vish, I have to talk to her", Bela said diverting the topic

"Oh she's with kuhu, they became best buddies you know", yuvi said smiling

"Ohh good then, I'll go to them", Bela said and escaped from there

Yuvi wasn't totally convinced with her words and went to Mahir's room and found him smiling looking around.

"For sure something happened, they seem to be lost and blushing.. hmm, seems like an improvement.. well looks nice to see my lover boy brother", yuvi mumbled to himself seeing mahir

He smiled and went back not wanting to disturb mahir when he's busy thinking about his Bela.


Ok, I see progress here.. do you? But now I'm actually going out of thoughts and I'm confused of how to write.. any suggestions please 😅
Anyways, vote and comment letting me know how you felt about the part and stay safe guys! ❤️

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