Chapter 41

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"You sit here, I'll just complete the required and come", Bela said

"It's ok, I'll come with you", Mahir said holding her wrist

Bela smiled at him and moved ahead together. She was here for some leftover formalities which has to be done in person.

Completing there work, they both sat back in the car and Bela stated speaking some random stuff without any break. While Mahir wasn't paying any attention to what she's speaking, all he's doing is to look and admire her with a constant smile on his face.

"Mahir ji", Bela shouted when she saw a tree infront her there car

Mahir saw that he lost his control staring at Bela and tried to turn the steering, but before he could react anything they hit the tree and a thud sound came.

Mahir opened his eyes and immediately looked at Bela who was still closing her eyes shivering. Luckily nothing happened to both of them as it wasn't a very big accident.

Mahir took his seatbelt and hugged Bela tightly trying to calm her down.

"Shh Bela, calm down we are fine", mahir said

"Ma.. mahir ji", Bela mumbled snuggling more into his chest

Mahir backed off and cupped her cheeks and made her look into his eyes.

"Bela it's ok, we both are fine.. don't worry", Mahir said softly

Bela softly caressed his cheek with her palm and stoped crying and the next moment she frowned at him.

"Are you even in your senses? What were you doing, is this the way you drive a car? It was an empty road so it was fine, what if.. if something hap.. happened to you", Bela chocked at her last words

"I'm sorry Bela, I was just seeing something and I don't know how this happened.. please don't cry, I'm fine.. we both are absolutely fine", Mahir said bringing there foreheads together

They stayed in the same position for a while until Mahir moved his hands near Bela's forearm to which she hissed.

"Are you fine, what happened?", Mahir asked immediately backing off

Before Bela could even observe, mahir noticed little blood oozing from her left arm. Suddenly he felt his eyes going moist and quickly getting down the car he got the first aid box near her.

Bela looked at him lovingly all the while he was cleaning her wound sitting down on his knees.

"Mahir ji, it's just a small wound.. I'm fine, think of how we can go from here", Bela said

Mahir nodded and checked the car and declared that it need a repair now. He tried calling yuvi but may be due to the area they were in they couldn't get signals.

"This is not the route to our home, why were you even driving this way?", Bela asked

"I.. I was looking at you, so I din't notice this", Mahir confessed

"Me? So what, you could see me at home also.. couldn't you concentrate on driving?", Bela shouted

"Stop shouting Bela", Mahir said annoyed now

"Whatever, now what to do?", Bela asked

"There's a way here, may be we can find someone to help us.. let's see", Mahir suggested

Bela nodded and Mahir held her hand moving toward the forest in search of anyone who can help them now. They walked for sometime and Bela stopped breathing heavily.

"I hate you mahir ji, how much do you make me walk.. and we came too far and still doesn't see anyone here", Bela said

Before mahir could answer to her they see few tribal people surrounding them.

"Who are you?", One of them asked sternly

Mahir tried to speak but without trying to listen to them those men pushed mahir signalling them to walk forward. Thinking to solve it later he obeyed there words and went to the head of there tribal group.

All the while Mahir din't leave Bela's hand all the time. The moment they reached, Bela was scared seeing all of them who are looking horrifyingly at them.

"What were you both doing here?", Asked the head of them

"Our car was in trouble so we were just trying to find someone for help", Mahir clarified

"How do we believe you?", The man asked

"It isn't my problem if you believe or no", Mahir said

Bela punched on his arm glaring at him.

"What's wrong with you now?", mahir asked

"Stop showing your attitude to them, it's better we listen to them and go from here soon", Bela whispered

"I'm showing attitude? So what do you want me to do? Do anything they ask for me to prove them?", Mahir asked

"Why not?", Bela shurgged

"And by the way all this is because of you, why should we even walk in the forest? Couldn't you come with someother solution", Bela said

"Really Bela? So what do you wanna do, stand there for hours?", Mahir asked annoyed

"Stop fighting like kids", the man shouted before Bela could answer any

They see one man comes forward and whisperers something in there head. He smiled and noddes his head confusing Bela and Mahir.

"Ok we trust you, but for that you need to marry his daughter", said that man to mahir

"What?", Shouted Bela and mahir at the same time

"No way, he's my husband", Bela said fuming in anger

Mahir was just gonna answer but seeing Bela fuming somewhere made him smile.

"Yes I'm already married", Mahir clarified

"How do we believe that?", The man asked

"Can't you see the mangalsutra and sindoor on me?", Bela glared at him

"That proves you are married, but that doesn't say you are married to him", said the man

Bela rolled her eyes at his statement in disbelief while Mahir sighed in frustration. Just then a girl comes with two plates scratching her hair. Mahir looks at her who's fat and was wearing there tribal dress.

"She is his daughter whom you have to marry", said the man

Both Bela and Mahir widen there eyes looking at her while all of a sudden Bela burst into soft laughter seeing her.

"Mahir ji lemmi change my decision, you can marry her", Bela said still giggling

Mahir gave her a horrifying look and again looked at the girl who is now blushing looking at him.

"No way, she's my wife and I'm ain't marrying anyone", Mahir declared looking at bela

"Aww mahir ji, don't break her heart.. look at her, she's blushing at you", Bela said controlling her smile

"Ahh shutup Bela", Mahir huffed

"Don't tell that, talk to her once.. I'm sure you will like her", said the girl's father

"Can't to understand that I'm married, I can't marry her.. I'm happy with one wife", Mahir said super annoyed now

"But..", Bela was saying something taking a step ahead

While her leg twisted and held Mahir's shoulder for support. Mahir held her through her waist and sensing her pain immediately picked her in his arms.

He looked around and finding a chair to a side, he quickly made her sit there and bend down on his knees to check her leg.

"Bela it's a sprain.. it will pain a little", Mahir warned before hand

"Mahir ji", Bela mumbled knowing what he's upto

Mahir slowly held her feet and twisted it. Bela hissed at the moment but later felt relief.

"Feeling better?", Mahir asked concerned

"Yes, better", Bela replied

While they were busy with eachother all the men around were looking at them in awe. Though it was just a small sprain they could see the love and concern in his eyes all this while. The old man smiled seeing him and signalled something to the girl's father through his eyes to which he also nodded smiling.


I wanted to make this a little funny, but I guess it turned out something else.. anyways sorry if this wasn't upto the mark. ❤️

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