Chapter 53

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"Not Deserving"

Bela read the note and widen her eyes in shock, she looked at Mahir and her heart ached seeing the pain in his eyes.

"I din't write this note mahir ji", Bela broke the bomb

"What do you mean you din't write, this.. this note..", Mahir couldn't complete his words

"Mahir ji trust me I din't write any note, and most important.. I din't leave you and will never do also", Bela cupped his face

Mahir hugged her feeling relief that she haven't left him, but suddenly he remembers the incident that morning and broke the hug.

"Bela, I'm.. I'm so sorry, I still don't remember anything happened that night.. I don't know when did Anu come and all that happened.. I seriously have no idea Bela.. please trust me, I can never cheat you..", Mahir started blabbering

Bela smashed her lips on his not knowing how to calm him down, the first time she took a lead made Mahir widen his eyes in shock. But, he too responded back with equal passion sucking her lips.

Bela backed off breathing heavily and looked at Mahir with moist eyes.

"Mahir ji, I don't know what happened that night.. but I know you and I trust you.. my heart says that nothing happened between you both that night, but as Anu said if it's true also I'm not gonna leave you ever..

That moment I just left the place not because I don't believe you, it's just that everything happened in a blink, and I just needed some alone time to think and process things..

I'm you wife mahir ji, and I shall remain the same forever, this life though you gotta bear me till the end", Bela smiled at her last words

Mahir smiled listening to her and hugged her close to his chest, while Bela wrapped her arms around his back clutching his shirt in her fist.

Just then there was a knock at the door and yuvi walks in along with the rest. Seeing them Bela backs off and sits straight. Vish comes and hugs her tightly crying her heart out in Bela's arms.

"Calm down vish, I'm fine", Bela rubbed her back comforting her

"Di how could you leave like that.. and, and what happened to you?", Vish asked

"I din't leave Vish, someone kidnapped me", Bela said breaking the hug

"What?", Sumi asked

"Yes maa, that note I dint write any.. I din't leave, someone came to my room that day", Bela said choking

"Bela calm down, tell me everything happened after you came back to this room", Mahir asked calmly

"Few hours after I came back someone entered through the window, I don't know who they are as they covered there face.. they were two people and one of them gave me some injection and I think I lost my consious due to that..

Later when I wokeup I was in some closed place tied with ropes, I haven't seen anyone these two days.. there's just one lady who comes to give me food and most of the time I was unconscious..

Today morning also when that lady came she mistakenly dropped her phone through which I called you, but.. but I guess the battery was dead later.. I.. I just don't know anything about it Mahir ji", Bela said it out crying

Mahir hugged her unable to even think of what she went through these two days. He backed of and checked her arms which were a little bruised due to the ropes.

"Bhai someone did this intentionally with Bhabhi", yuvi spoke

"Did you notice in the letter that they mentioned about Anu also.. how did they know about something which happened just a few hours ago?", Mahir asked confused

"Yeah that's true, does that mean Anu told this to someone?", Vish asked

"This doesn't seem as simple as it looks Bhai, there must be something more to it", kuhu voiced out

"I don't want any of you to be alone till everything is completely solved", sumi cried

"Maa please don't cry, see I'm fine.. mahir ji is fine and everything else also will be fine very soon", Bela hugged Sumi

"Yes maa, I'll take care of everything.. you please don't think about any of these and take rest", Mahir said

"Yeah, I know you will take care of everything.. but take care of yourself too", Sumi said

Mahir nodded and Sumi left the room.

"Bhai I think you both need to rest for today.. meanwhile I'll talk to the police personally don't worry", yuvi said

"Yeah", was all Mahir said

Yuvi, Vish and kuhu left the room while Bela looked at Mahir unable to read his mind. She understood he was in immense pain assuming that she left him, she never knew her absence would create such a difference in his life. But after seeing his pale face and swollen eyes it was evident enough how much he cried in just these two days.

She hugged him while Mahir immediately wrapped his arms around her waist keeping his head on her chest.. Bela tightly held him close to her heart giving him the warmth which he was much needed at the moment.

"Mahir ji please, I'll not even go out of your sight even for a second.. please don't fall so weak, I can't see you like this.. I told you I miss the angry Mahir Sehgal", Bela sniffed

Mahir backed off chuckling to her last words and Bela too smiled a little seeing his smile.

"You better keep shouting at me than being like this", Bela pouted

"Don't", Mahir said looking at her

"Huh?", Bela asked confused

"Don't pout Bela", Mahir said

"And why is that so?", Bela asked knowing the answer

"Coz I feel like kissing you and later I may even loose control", Mahir confessed

"And who asked you to control?", Bela asked smirking

Mahir looked shocked at her words but blushed at her comment, but the very next moment something hit his mind and stiffened suddenly. He felt suffocating all of a sudden and left the place for some fresh air.

"Mahir ji.. mahir ji wait", Bela shouted which seems of no use

"What just happened to him?", Bela thought with moist eyes worrying for him

Here, Mahir went near the garden area and breathed heavily thinking of all that Anu said a couple of days back. He sat down on his knees still not able to come out from all that happened.

"She still trusts me even after all this happened.. she still promises to stay with me even after I cheated her..
Did I cheat her? Intentionally or by mistake I did a mistake.. I did injustice with my Bela", Mahir cried

"I always hated dad for what he did with mom, and I.. I ended up with the same now?", Mahir questioned himself

All the tears Sumi shed all these years for Andy seems infront of him once again all fresh along with the sweet and small intimate moments he shared with his Bela. He started feeling heavy in his heart and held his head which was already bursting.

Bela, who came out looking for him noticed him on his knees crying and being such vulnerable. She panicked seeing him in such a state and rushed to him bending down to his level and made him face her.

"Mahir ji what happened, look I'm fine.. please don't stress yourself", Bela hugged him rubbing his back

"Stay away from me Bela.. I don't deserve you, I.. I'm so bad.. I cheated you Bela.. I broke your trust", Mahir cried trying to come out of her hold

Bela widen her eyes by his words which hit deep in her heart. She noticed how he was trying to come out of her hold and despite being strong he couldn't even push her. She wondered how her strong man became so weak physically and emotionally for her.

"Mahir ji please, first look at me", Bela cupped his face

"Stay away Bela, you don't deserve me", Mahir kept on blaberring the same thing

Loosing her patience unable to listen him cursing himself, Bela slapped him on his left cheeks leaving Mahir to his utter shock.


Hey guys!! Bear a little more, things will be back to normal 😌
And yeah, as promised posted both the extra updates and now only on Thursday and Sundays 😁
Vote and do comment down your views ❤️

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