Chapter 56

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"Their Love"

"Coz I Love You Mahir Ji", Bela shouted making him register her words forever

Mahir flinched at his place unable to believe what he just heard. He always wanted to hear these three magical words from her although not sure of what she feels for him.. but today listening the same words from her he din't know how to react.

"Bela", Mahir merely whispered

"I love you Mahir ji, and I know you also feel something for me.. don't tell me all what we shared till now was just the heat of the moment, I know it's not.. you like me Mahir ji, it's ok if you don't love me back but I do.. and I wouldn't leave you ever", Bela said cupping his cheek

"You.. you lo.. love me?", Mahir asked softly

"More than anything else in the world Mahir ji, I don't know how and when but it just happened.. I Love You so much and I can do anything for your happiness.. don't leave me Mahir ji when it's not your mistake, I swear I'll die without you", Bela said sniffing

"Bela no, dare you talk about dying?", Mahir warned

"Why, why do you care? You wanted to leave me right.. then I suppose you shouldn't bother if I'm alive or dead", Bela said sternly

"Bela you are my life, how do you think I'll stay alive if you ar'nt there?", Mahir shouted angrily

"Then how could you even think of letting me go?", Bela cried in his arms hugging him tightly

"I.. I don't feel good Bela, I still don't know how that happened that night, I remember I wasn't drunk but I still couldn't remember what exactly happened that night.. what can I do bela, everytime I come near you I feel I'm betraying you", Mahir cried hugging her back to his chest

"Mahir ji, just one question.. will you answer honestly?", Bela asked backing off

Mahir nodded and Bela softly held his nape and moved a step close to him looking straight into his eyes.

"What do you feel for me?", Bela asked

"I love you Bela", Mahir confessed

"Really? Tell the truth", Bela sniffed

"I really do love you Bela, probably I like you since the start but apparently you always hit my ego raising my anger issues.. I so wished my marriage stops but when I knew I married you, it was some kind of relief I had..
I don't know where it actually started, day by day I felt myself whipped in you.. it even feel ages I actually shouted and felt angry on someone, and all coz of you Bela.. I Love You so much", Mahir hugged her once again crying his heart out

"Then please don't leave me, let's start it all fresh if it's disturbing you but please don't let me go from your life", Bela pleaded

"Do you really want to stay with me after everything happened?", Mahir asked backing off

"Mahir ji, can't we just erase that incident from our lives?", Bela requested

"Why are so good Bela?", Mahir asked lovingly

"Don't ask questions Mahir ji.. just answer this, are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me fighting all the odds together?", Bela asked

"Yeah, I'm ready to stay with you, share all my up's and down's and specially to have colourful nights every day", Mahir winked

Bela blushed and slightly hit his arm with her small fist.

"This is what I want, my naughty husband back to me", Bela smiled

"I'm sorry Bela, I troubled you so much all this while for my insecurities.. I promise from now whatever it is, I'll share it with you and will not even think of leaving you", Mahir kissed her forehead

"And Mahir Sehgal doesn't back off from his promises", Bela smiled

"Come let's go inside, it's getting cold", Mahir smiled

Bela sat on the bed next to Mahir and lied on his shoulder.

"You wanna sleep?", Bela asked playing with his shirt button

"You don't want to?", Mahir asked

"I already slept the whole day due to that medicines, I don't wanna sleep again", Bela pouted

"So what do you want to do being awake?", Mahir asked facing her

"Kiss me", Bela said bending down

"What?", Mahir asked confused

"I just asked for a kiss, it's been long you kissed me", Bela confessed blushing

"We just kissed a day back right?", Mahir pointed

"So what now you won't kiss? And moreover it was me who kissed yesterday and not you", Bela pouted

That's it, that damm pout made mahir forget everything around and smashed his lips on hers sucking them as if his life depended on them. Bela smiled between the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck while Mahir cupped her face sucking and biting her lips.

Like usual, this wasn't a soft and smooth one.. rather was deep and passionate one expressing all there love and pain within. Bela slowly pushed Mahir unable to breath more and understanding, Mahir left her lips while they make its way down her neck nuzzling her collar bone.

Bela slowly lied back on the bed while Mahir was kissing her shoulder. He slowly backed off and looked into her eyes full of love.

"Make me yours Mahir ji", Bela asked Blushing

"Bela..?", Mahir uttered shocked by her words

"For what reason you were running away from me, I want it to the reason for us to become one again.. I want this Mahir ji, make me yours tonight", Bela looked straight into his eyes

"Are you sure?", Mahir asked

"Yes", Bela smiled shyly

"Then get ready to taste me Mrs. Sehgal", Mahir winked

"Shutup Mahir ji", Bela blushed

"Yeah sure, let's do in actions rather than words", Mahir smiled at the corner of his lips

Mahir slowly unbottened his shirt and throwing it aside, he bent down leaning onto Bela slowly removing her saree drape. Bela suddenly felt consious seeing her only in her blouse and a skirt. Mahir smiled seeing her nervousness.

"Think again Bela, we can stop.. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable again.. later I wouldn't be able to stop", Mahir asked

"If I'm nervous doesn't mean I don't want this.. even after so many kisses I still shiver when your lips meet mine, that's my nature.. I can't help", Bela frowned

"God damm your mood swings, it keep changing second to second", Mahir laughed

"Forget mood swings, if you now irritate me with your senseless talks then I'm gonna change my mind only", Bela glared

Mahir shook his head at her words and not wasting any more time he completely removed her clothes as well as his and covered themselves beneath the sheets.

Attacking her upper body with his sensuous kisses Mahir groaned feeling how soft her body is. He cupped her right breast while sucking the other and there Bela held the sheet tightly in her fist feeling his every touch on her body.

Mahir flipped them now making Bela lie on him, and Bela understanding what he actually wants fills his body with her soft wet kisses all over his chest. She softly caressed his chest and once again Mahir flips them now making Bela lie beneath him.

Mahir softly intervened there hands and softly entered inside her knowing that it would pain. Bela screamed once he's into her and Mahir kissed her to soothen the pain upto an extreme.

Still not leaving her lips, Mahir moved to and fro and hot tears flowed down Bela's eyes. Backing off, Mahir sucked her tears one after the other and kissed her forehead with at most love in his eyes.

Soon Bela felt the pain turning into extreme pleasure and after a few hours of hot love making sessions, they reached the climax and Mahir slowly lied beside her pulling her again into a deep rough kiss.

"I Love You Bela", Mahir said between the kiss

"I Love You Too Mahir Ji", Bela whispered tired


For those who wanted hot romance, sorry I'm extremely poor at writing such but tried my level.. and those who ar'nt comfortable then sorry for it too😅
Hope you all liked the part, do comment and vote 😋

And yeah changed my username from "Behir_pearbhi_ff" to "The_dreamygirltales" .. kindly don't get confused 😁

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