Chapter 6

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"Her Saviour"

Bela was walking home unable to find any auto or cab that late at night. After coming half the way she realised that she even forgot her phone and cursing her fate he started walking ahead.

It was quite far off and hence soon her legs started paining but she wasn't even left with any other option also. She finds the roads empty and with a little fear in the her heart she still manages to walk ahead.

She stops her way when she find two drunken boys at one corner of the road, she didn't know what to do and neither could go back coz that was only way to her home.

She starts walking briskly as to go away from them soon but luck wasn't her favour when those two boys see Bela and starts coming towards them. Bela tries running but one of them hold her wrist and pull towards him making Bela fear more of the situation she's stuck in.

Not uttering a word that guy bends towards Bela and tries kissing her but was received with a tight slap on his cheek from Bela. He looked at her shocked and when the other guy comes near her she kicks him near his balls and tries to run away from them.

Meanwhile being raged of what Bela just did, they call and ask some of there men to come who quickly came and stopped Bela halfway.

She now knew that she can't go against these many guys and escape and she was only praying for some miracle now.

"Please leave me, let me go", pleaded Bela

"We would have, if you wouldn't have shown your brain with us", said the guy whom Bela slapped

Not bothering to bela's pleadings they make Bela lie on the car and they come towards her forcing upon her. She tried a lot to get rid of them and run away but seems they were way to strong for her do so.


Here, mahir was on his way but then he realised he doesn't know Bela's address and now he's clueless of where to go. He called kuhu to know if she has any idea about Bela's address but when kuhu was also not sure he starts cursing himself for his stupid act.

He was passing by the same road which Bela was and suddenly his eyes fall on a group of boys and also could hear some voices which made him sure that something wasn't right there.

He got down his car and going near them he pulled one of them back only to find Bela in a tear stricken face. Understanding what just happened he stars beating each one of them till they stay bleeding and being scared of mahir all of them ran away as quickly as they could.

Here Bela was still crying and seeing those boys running away she quickly went and threw herself on mahir and sobbed her heart out keeping her head near his chest. Understanding what Bela must have went through he slowly wrapped his arms around her trying to calm her down.

Realising what she just did, Bela backs off and wipes her tears and looks at mahir.

"I'm.. I'm sorry", Bela said slowly

"That's ok, I understand.. are you fine?", Mahir asked concerned

Bela just nodded in yes.

"You can shout at me but couldn't you fight against them?", Mahir asked to lighten the situation

"I did, and that's why all this happened", Bela said

"Means?", Mahir asked confused

"There were only two guys before but I slapped them and.. and then he called the others", Bela said sobbing softly

"Thanks, I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there now", Bela continued looking down

Mahir just nodded and suddenly something clicked on bela's mind.

"But why were you here at this time?", Asked Bela

Now mahir dint know what to answer, he for obvious can't tell that he came for her.

"So I even should give you explanations of where and why I go?", Mahir asked back diverting the topic

"What? I din't mean that and I just asked casually.. if you don't wanna say it's fine but stop assuming", Bela said widening her eyes

"Fine, now come", mahir said moving towards his car

"Where?", Bela asked

"Where else? To you home of course.. and don't say you won't come, just come with me.. I don't want you to get into someother problem again", said Mahir

"I never said I won't come", Bela said and walked towards his car.

They both sat and mahir drove to bela's house while she was guiding him with the address.

"My phone!?", Bela asked remembering

"You left in kuhu's room, here take", mahir said taking her phone from his pocket

"Thanks", said Bela taking her phone from him

The rest of the journey went on silent with none of them taking anything. Soon they reached her house.

"Stop here", Bela said

"This is your house?", Mahir asked

"No, it's in the next turning.. I'll go myself, and thanks for the help.. bye", Bela said

She got down the car and went walking to her home. Immediately she opened the door she found Vish sitting there waiting for her.

Seeing Bela, Vish immediately hugged her and backing off she observed Bela.

"Di what happened to you? Did you cry?", Vish asked

"Vish I'm fine.. don't worry", Bela assured

"Yeah what will happen to you? Some day I'll only die of hunger", Rohini said coming from her room

"Aunty actually..", Bela said but was interpreted

"What actually? Is this the time you come home and who do you think will cook?", Rohini asked angrily

"I'm sorry aunty, I just had work so it got late today.. from tomorrow this won't happen again", Bela said stammering

"This is a daily thing to you, I'm just fed up of hearing all these from you now", Rohini said

"I doubt if you are going to do work or something else, this late what work will you have, you must be clinging with some guy", Rohini said eyeing at Bela

"Mind your words aunty, Di would never do such things", Vish said furiously

"Shh, Vish calm down", said Bela

"I'm sorry aunty, this won't repeat again", said Bela

Rohini was about to go to her room but stopped when she heard someone knocking the door. Bela was scared seeing mahir there and dint know what to answer Rohini about him.

"You left your bag Bela", mahir said coming inside

Bela quickly took the bag and when mahir turned to go Rohini spoke up. 

"Oh so he's the one, isn't it Bela?", Asked Rohini

Not understanding mahir turned back confused.

"Excuse me?", Mahir asked

"No aunty, he's...", Bela was interpreted by rohini

"Don't try to defend yourself Bela, this guy came this late to drop you and how can I think you are still innocent", Rohini said

"See you are getting it wrong, she got late helping my sister and also since her scooty was puntured I came to drop her", mahir said understanding what Rohini meant

"Yeah I believe", Rohini said sarcastically

Glaring at Bela, Rohini left to her room and Bela turned towards mahir.


Hero has to come when the heroine is in trouble, isn't it? So how was this part?

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