Chapter 67

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"It's The Pregnancy"

A week after to there anniversary, and week to which the family got to know about Bela's pregnancy..

Bela was sitting in the living room watching a movie and was laughing hard along with kuhu next to her.

"Bela Yaar what are you doing?", Mahir asked

"I'm watching this movie Mahir ji, come join us", Bela said making place for him

"Bela you are pregnant.. don't move so much, the baby might shake", Mahir said

"What the hell Mahir ji, I'm not on a roller coaster ride.. the least I'm either dancing or jumping, I'm just laughing Mahir ji", Bela rolled her eyes annoyed

"Whatever, just sit calmly", Mahir made her sit

"Mahir ji, I'm pregnant not a patient", Bela winched

"Yeah I know, but you should know that you have to be careful", Mahir said

"Will you let me watch the movie?", Bela glared

Mahir opened his mouth to speak but closed seeing Bela ignoring him watching the movie.

He looked at her for once and went back to his room resuming his work.

Hours later, Mahir came back again checking on Bela and smacked his head seeing what she's eating.

"Bela what are you even eating?", Mahir asked

"Oh here you can have one.. only one ok? This lays is my favourite flavour", bela grinned

"Bela this is not what you have to eat now", Mahir said

"Why? Oh yeah, it's coz I just had my lunch? But what do I do, you know I always stay hungry and on top this pregnancy.. so yeah", Bela laughed

"You can eat anytime, but you can't eat anything or everything", Mahir stated

"Huh what do you mean?", Bela asked

"You should eat healthy Bela, some fresh fruits and vegetables.. not all these chips and stuff", Mahir glared

"At times doesn't harm Mahir.. although I ate good food just a hour back", Bela smiled

"Still doesn't matter.. wait", Mahir said taking the chips from her hand

He moved to the kitchen and came back with a salad bowl.

"Here, it's completely healthy also will fill your stomach", Mahir smiled

"And I shall puke taking a spoon", Bela made a face

"No you wouldn't, just eat Bela", Mahir asked

"Nevermind Mahir ji, I'm not hungry anymore", Bela looked aside

"Seems like my baby got angry", Mahir smirked

"Why do you care? You spoiled my mood.. now get lost", Bela said getting up from her place

Mahir looked at her knowing this shall happen there entire pregnancy period. He got up following Bela and smiled seeing her lie down.


Hours later, Mahir came back to there room and saw Bela still sleeping forgetting the world.

"Bela", Mahir tapped her softly

Bela slowly opened her eyes rubbing them and smiled looking at mahir.

"Who's she?", Bela asked seeing someone near the door

"Oh she's your nurse, she will be there to make sure you eat the right food time to time", Mahir smiled

"Nurse? No way I'm having any nurse please.. I'm not a kid Mahir ji", Bela shouted

"Shh Bela, I know you ar'nt a kid.. but there's a kid in you so she will take care of you well", Mahir smiled

"You first stop smiling, it's irritating me", Bela said

"My smile is irritating you? Weren't you the one to say that you love my smile?", Mahir raised his eyebrows

"Ofcourse I did, I still love when you smile but surely not seeing me suffer like this", Bela answered

"It's for you and our baby only Bela", Mahir tried to convince

"Mahir ji please, I don't want any nurse.. it feels.. I don't know I just don't want", Bela said determined

"Bela", Mahir looked at her

"No, not such cute faces now", Bela looked away

"Fine, but Bela nurse will be there to take care of you.. and that's final", Mahir said sternly

He kissed Bela's forehead and left the place leaving Bela and the nurse in there room.

"What the..!", Bela glared at Mahir

"Hello mam", the nurse smiled awkwardly

"Hii, what's your name?", Bela asked

"Preethi", She smiled

"Oh I'm Bela", Bela smiled


Few hours later Mahir came back home from his office during there dinner time and found Sumi in the living room.

"Hi mom", Mahir greeted

"Hi Mahir, how was the meeting?", Sumi asked

"It was good, what's Bela doing?", Mahir smiled

"She's in her room, she haven't came downstairs since you left", Sumi informed

"Ohh, okay I'll see", Mahir said

Sumi smiled and Mahir went to his room thinking of what she must be doing. The moment he entered the room he found Bela and Preethi sitting on the bed talking as if they were long lost friends.

He moved forward but they were so engrossed in there discussion that they haven't even noticed Mahir's presence here.

"Bela", Mahir called

"Oh hi Mahir ji, when did you come?", Bela asked

Preethi saw Mahir and quickly tried to get up from the bed but Bela spontaneously held her hand assuring her with her eyes.

"It's ok Preethi, sit down", Bela smiled

"May I know what you both are doing?", Mahir asked curiously

"Oh nothing special, we were just talking", Bela smiled

"Do you both know eachother before?", Mahir asked

"No, today is the first time we met.. why?", Bela asked

"How do you do this Bela? You mingle with everyone so easily? Like you just met her hours back and you are talking to her as if you know her since ages", Mahir asked

"So you want everyone to be like you? Like serious, not talking to anyone.. in there own world", Bela glared

"Whatever", Mahir rolled his eyes

"By the way Ms. Preethi, did you give her the juice which I asked you to?", Mahir asked

"Um.. sir.. I.. actually..", Preethi tried to form words

"C'mom Mahir ji, don't scare the poor girl with your deadly looks.. and yes we were talking so much that we forgot about everything else.. that's fine I'll drink now ok?", Bela said causally

"God, I appointed a nurse thinking you will listen and take proper care.. and she apparently turned to be your new friend", Mahir said

"Oh yes, that she is..", Bela grinned

"Bela what do I do with you? Preethi get the juice now", Mahir said seriously

"No no, I'll eat dinner now.. later I'll drink milk before sleep, is that fine?", Bela asked

"Fine did you take your tables atleast?", Mahir asked

"It's after dinner Mahir ji, so first will you let me have my dinner? You only forget and scold me again", Bela frowned

"Ok baby fine, calm down..", Mahir said

Bela gave a small smile and moved towards the door. Mahir walked behind her and was wrapping his arm around her shoulder but Bela held Preethi's hand and went away leaving Mahir.

"She went with her and not me? Did they become like this close in hours?", Mahir wondered

He followed the both to there dining area where everyone were already present.

"Um mam I'll eat after going home", Preethi said to Bela

"That's ok Preethi, come join us for dinner", Sumi smiled

"Don't hesitate, my husband won't eat you up if you have your dinner with us", Bela laughed

"What happened?", Sumi asked confused

"Your son would have just scared the shit out of this poor girl.. she's seriously so scared of him", Bela glared at Mahir

"Stop glaring at me, I just explained her the work that's it", Mahir said

"Yeah that's it, but I can imagine the way you have explained her work", Bela said

"It's ok mam, sir haven't told anything.. he was.. he was just a little serious about your health", Preethi said

"Exactly, everything is more for him.. love also, anger also", Bela muttered

"I heard", Mahir said

"I know, that's why I say you have snake ears", Bela said

"Ok enough kids, come and eat now", Sumi said


Hello beautiful people!!
Hope you all are doing good, and here is the next update.. I don't know if I'm giving a good end to it but I'm trying.. keep voting and commenting ❤️

And and.. my new story "Till Death Do Us Apart..!!" is out, I just published the prologue of it.. so please do check it in my account and if you like then also do vote and comment there..

That will be my next regular book after this is done which is just three parts away.. so guys do go check that❤️

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